Yume Nikki Remake

Why do devs even make 2D games anymore?

>be 2D
>"Retro, Pixelated, Indie"
>be 3D
>"Modern Sleek, Stylish"

Not to mention PC gamers
>No custom resolution?
>FPS not 120?

Not to mention how much less work and time it takes to make it

If you still make 2D games in 2018, you are plain and simple, an idiot

>calling a remake a reboot
You can only reboot a series by disregarding its previous canon. It's just a single game remade in 3D.

>getting this obsessed with marketing buzzword designed to sell you the same game twice

I ain't supporting that shit

>Yume Nikki remake
My immediate reaction is "no", but-
>Developed under the full supervision of Kikiyama.
What the fuck? This can't be real.

I am actually super excited but I am aware that the current internet is going to hate it because everyone these days is just a sociopath who wants to hate everything.

Atmosphere looks bad in the screenshots shown so far.

Why would anyone want to play a game about a canon slut?

The game is a autistical hipster meme game about riding around on a bike doing nothing. The game won't have widestream appeal and the old players will hate the graphics style for not being simple sprites.

This game was doomed to fail from the beginning.

>Developed under the full supervision of Kikiyama.
>What the fuck? This can't be real.
Uh, bro, are you okay if we remake your game? Don't reply to this email if you agree and fully support this project.

Looks fantastic to me. What is it like to not enjoy life?


No hymen no buy

theres a game about your mom?

Yume Nikki is just a Binding of Isaac and Undertale rip-off.

hollow knight was the best game i played in 2017, 2d can shine if developers use it right, also vanillaware games are dope.

Never have I read an analysis as inaccurate and ridiculous as the one in your post.

Guys, what if, stay with me, what if they'll add a micro bikini effect?

Bad lighting, overuse of bloom, bland textures, overly realistic model, mediocre use of color. I'm not impressed at all with the visuals, for a what's supposedly big 3D game, it looks it very cheap, amateur, and worst of all, dull.

>Why do devs even make 2D games anymore?
Because they prefer 2D. Duh.

Kikiyama did a short AMA on uboachan.

are you seriously implying 2d is harder to make than 3d?

>the old players will hate the graphics style for not being simple sprites.