Dragon Ball Fighterz

>You like me more right user-kun?

Of course Gogeta-sama. Best fusion.

post bulma

bora when

sorry, i need someone smug enough to serve as a strong male figure for me



That movie was complete shit
Leave the fusion dance to the kids who act as comic relief



those digits obligate me

Who the fuck is this nerd?

Honestly either fusion would be great.

>1 day 10 hours



why was she such a slut


>tfw never gonna have El Tapion

Post your launch team
Post the characters you want to get your hands on the most

God damn, Bulma is a slut.

Ginyu will be low tier, along with all the other memer characters like Krillin and Nappa

never ever

Don't know until I try everyone out. Liked Nappa in the beta.

I bet you think the blues are good.

Gogeta = Vegeto in my book

You're fucking low tier, bitch boy




Who is that?

whats this from, i never watched anything past dbz yet. is it from a remake or GT or what

La ocarina contenia a hildegarn dentro de tapion, las bolas del dragon esparcidas por el mundo...

The Path to Power movie. Mashup of DB's early arcs with the GT artstyle.

Thanks doc

disgust me

Someone couldn't figure out how to combo with saibamen

It's from a Dragon Ball movie called Path to Power. Tells the first arc all the way through, but changes the story up a bit. It has beautiful animation though and it's a fun watch.