Has SFV been improved with AE?
Has SFV been improved with AE?
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Kolin is perfection
why isnt laura zinogre? mm
No, SFV is still SFV. There are just a few extra steps to get to the bullshit now.
t.bronze kappa poster
>There are just a few extra steps to get to the bullshit now.
No idea. It also has the asymetrical hairstyle covered as well.
Not really sure what monster would suit Mika the best.
My main beef is crush counter and they haven't really nerfed it.
They went out of their way to address some common complaints from the community like Ken's throw loop in the corner and shit but they kept things like Ibuki's v-trigger shenanigans even if she got kinda gutted, Mika is back with v-trigger 2, Laura is still laura, Heavies being safe on block is always going to be disagreeable for people who don't like how SFV is played but if you do, then you like SFV.
SFV:AE is good if you like SFV. If you didn't before, you aren't going to like it now just because it hit AE. I don't like SFV so I don't think it has been "improved".
because r mika's meaty thighs and bare face need to be shown
My main problem is that backdashes dont have invincibility. At least, they didnt back in vanilla SFV. It feels like defense is discouraged and the combo system has little variation. You've seen one person play a character, you've seen everything that character can do.
They should have given Kirin to Mika, and given Ibuki Narga or something to keep the ninja theme for her.
Viper when?
Not buying it till i can play her
The problem with that was that back in Season 1, you got crushed for backdashing on wakeup and in a game where heavy buttons are safe on block, it was pretty much useless. Instead of adding invulnerable backdashes because too many people bitched about Rose, they added delayed wakeup so that you can eat an extended meaty instead of a regular one.
> You've seen one person play a character, you've seen everything that character can do.
fucking SF4babbs with their backdash crutches.
There is literally only one SF game with invincible backdashes and demanding them exposes you all as having SF4 as your first fighting game.
Honestly, SF4 wasnt that great either. Don't know why you're getting so flustered.
>People actually Kolin posting in a SF thread
Wew. I'll enjoy it while it last before the other waifufags show up. SFV is still ass though and the Fight Money mechanic is even worse.
Wouldn't her butt get cold?
Is it easier to whiff punish now?
Are normals longer?
Are crush counters weaker?
>and the Fight Money mechanic is even worse.
fuck off retard
Sorry, I'm a 3rd strike and ST player. It was different because in 3rd strike, there was absolutely no reason to backdash because you could parry and in ST, you can't. Backdash invul in SF4 was fine.
What's wrong with invincible backdashing?
You dont get to say that when you demand something thats unique to SF4.
No, no and no. It's still SFV. I already cleared that up. Why do people think that SFV is going to magically change into a completely different game? Just play a game you'll like.
it's at the point it should have been at two years ago, yes. However as it wasn't there two years ago, when it should have been I have long since stopped caring
its a crutch for faggots who have no defense.
you know, SF4babbs.
A little late for that, don't you think? But feel free to keep bumping the thread. It's all you're good for at this point.
Hide this retard.
t. fggappa
Don't encourage it. It might actually think it has room to speak.
If you expect me to fight online matches for hours in a game that's unfun to play and slowly grind to get an overpriced stage/costume/character then you're the retard
>absolutely no reason to backdash because you could parry
Retarded. If back dash was invincible you would have seen a lot more of it. Parry is not a safe option.
People didn't like SFIV backdash because it gave some characters an easy escape from pressure, which high level players dealt with by resorting to option selects, which made applying pressure much more technical and exacting.
I didn't mind invincible backdashes much either, but I can understand why they were removed.
other guy is a retard. they literally extended the hurtboxes of most pokes in season 3.
game also always had long normals and a good whiffpunish game. you just needed to pick the right character.
I would be pretty astonished if you have actually played AE. Don't be such a fag.
Backdash wasn't even an option in 3s was the point. No shit. Did you not read? I've been agreeing with you.
what the fuck are you even talking about you secondary fucktardd
Case in point
I seriously don't understand why Kolin isn't posted more often
kill yourself fucktard
>extended hurtboxes so now SFV has a footsie game right?
No, that's not how it works. SFV wasn't even designed to be played like that. Hey, Kolin poster, save the thread. There's no point in trying to agree with these retards.
reminder that SF4 is shit and that no other SF game has ever been dropped as quickly as that turd.
3s is literally still bigger than SF4.
subhumans of Sup Forums, how does this make you feel?
You could have a completely homogenous board of Silver-ranked Ryu and Urien mains.
A nice board with almost no autism, an all round good community.
However because of the weakness of the g*mers all it would take to destroy this community is one BALROG main?
Just imagine, it’s a nice sunny Sunday afternoon, imagine the bustle of this Street Fighter thread until suddenly a couple of BALROG mains walk up.
Twitchthots would feel more attraction to this superior, strong character infinitely more than their pathetic g*mer boyfriends' mains.
Every woman would be begging, grovelling to be impregnated by these overlords, the new kings of the town who earned this position with nothing but their superior presence.
And these mains wouldn’t stop until every girl was carrying their children, the g*mer womens' original mains would probably be neglected.
Who the fuck would want to play these inferior characters? They are only going to turn out like Juri.
The Men? The men would flee after realizing how futile their attempts at winning back their girlfriends' attraction would be.
They would flee to /fgg/ and r/kappa where they will try to win over Tekkenfags because they are the only things disgusting and lonely enough to accept them.
Many would probably be rejected after Reddit hears of their shameful and dishonorable display, even they probably would have killed themselves to avoid the shame.
Back in the once nice SFV thread, every woman will be raising their BALROG MAIN'S children and will be queuing up for their second or maybe even third pregnancy.
They wont stop until they hit menopause, because they know deep down that their purpose is to populate the world with superior BALROG mains who will then move on to destroy other boards.
This is REAL colonization. You can’t take over a place without winning the attraction or respect of the people, that method will always collapse.
>reminder that SF4 is shit and that no other SF game has ever been dropped as quickly as that turd.
SFxT, anyone?
What exactly am I supposed to do as Kolin and Ed?
Their style isn't as apparent to me as someone like Menat or Abigail.
>extended hurtboxes on normals dont make whiffpunishing easier
>Sup Forums posting about fighting games
There’s nothing wrong with crush counter. Quit whining.
I don't think I've seen a fighting game scene die so fast
I've started replaying it and it's actually more fun than SFV
Ed is super fucking straightforward, much more than Menat, what the fuck?
Ed is basic SF down to the core.
Kolin is highly technical and I'd recommend looking up good players playing her. She has a neutral focus with unique movement options but also comes with pretty decent setplay, especially now that they gave her trigger2.
Said the user moving the goal post
yeah m8 lets mention SF the movie: the game next just to make SF4 look better lmao
Dishonest as fuck frame trap exploiting shit is what he is.
You just did. Good job, user.
Ed's actually a solid character for beginners. I think they designed him for that purpose.
he was clearly an experimental (lmaooo) character for a different input scheme that works for beginners.
because of that they most likely kept his playstyle straight forward to not make things too crazy with him.
she's actually super strong this season.
Ed's inputs is actually the whole reason I can't play him. It just doesn't feel natural for whatever reason and I've played Jack O from Guilty Gear who has the same input idea to which I never felt I had that issue with.
They genuinely improved a lot of things with the gameplay
-fixed lot's of hitboxes
-throwloops are gone
-anti air jabs nerfed nicely
-poke normals have a bit longer range
-way faster loading times
-v-triggers spice the matches up
-new v-triggers are good againts a lot of characters bad matchups
-overall balance seems much better than in S2 so far
-also some quality of life changes like: showing frame data with timing indicators in training mode
-you can watch your replays much more easily
now only make the netcode better and SFV would be a legit 10/10 figthter
Are you guys excited for evo japan?
I wanna see Mena ruin Japan just for the buttmad.
Any Kolin webms?
I was actually talking about Ed. A lot of his moves leaves him at advantage to do his uppercut, but it doesn’t look like it, tricking the opponent into thinking they have the opening. I can’t tell you how many times he’s pulled me across the screen and I thought I could retaliate only to eat an uppercut.
Is this meme? Been playing since day one and I don’t think I’ve exeperienced a bad match from same region. The only time it lags is when I’m playing some Mexican or Brazilian guy. And I find matchups fairly quick. No rampant disconnects. What exactly is bad about the netcode?
oh well then you just need to learn the framedata.
ex uppercut is not even frametrap material, thats like reverse frametrap shit kens do.
press something thats minus two on block, other guy thinks its his turn, ex shoryuken him.
literally same faggotry.
I can tell you right now that the online experience for people varies greatly and nobody can fully pinpoint what it is.
Some have a great time, some have a shittier time.
Ever since they adjusted the ranked so that I dont get matched with platinum babbs anymore I've been having a great time.
I hate how getting hit in backdash is a counter.
Don’t backlash then. Why would you ever backdash when an opponent is throwing out a move?
VT2 has helped out some characters (probably exists specifically for those characters as some VT2s are worthless)
Fight Money management is worse so casual early adopters got fucked in the butt
Some of the low tier characters still have the same issues.
Lot of the core gameplay problems still exist
The Monster Hunter skins are terrible. But I expect most of the extra battle skins to be terrible.
CC are hard reads. Stop mashing, stop being predictable
I guess that's the reason I was confused. He was so straightforward and simple that it didn't feel like he had a real game plan or go-to strat other than playing solid fundamentals.
thats not a mod m8. thats official skins you can earn ingame soon.
Those aren't mods, those are outfits you can get in the game right now.