Does his own acting

>Does his own acting
>Does his own stunts
>Can't do his own voice acting
why do we like him again???

cartoons are so lame now.

What are some games that aren't Jackie Chan?

>Mention two reasons why he is likable.
>Still proceeds to ask the question.

Rushhour was fun

This activated my autism as a kid. Could they not have gotten Jackie a brighter blue shirt and rolled the sleeves up? Or matched the animation to what he was wearing?

Jackie Chan Stuntmaster

No user no

Psssh yeah, youtuber and streamers are like so in now.
Fucking kids amiritegaise?

Because he is a nice, wholesome man that I wish was my uncle.

Did he not voice in jackie chan adventures? thought that was him all these years

>does his own acting is a reason he'd likeable
Yeah like everyone else uses fucking clones to do their acting for them

fuck... ok ok.
How about...

Jackie Chan Adventures ?


>Because he is a nice, wholesome man
>I'm gradually beginning to feel that we Chinese need to be controlled. If we're not being controlled, we'll just do what we want.

Cartoons don't have the budget for big name actors. Jackie could do it but he would have to be paid the SAG rate, or they could hire someone in Texas to do a non-union role


That's out of context. People need self control.

he's 63

Have you listened to his English? He gets by in live action because of the physical aspect, but VOICE acting is a very different circus and he can only barely speak the language.

>Deltora Quest

My fucking nigger

The cartoon VA did a pretty good job. Jackie's a busy man

Is The Foreigner any good?

This isn't Sup Forums, idiot.

>Why doesn't a busy film star have time to voice act the main character for several seasons of a cartoon?

Don't worry, you might get a job some day when mommy dies, then you'll know that time is an invaluable resource.

Jesus fuck.

Ok ok i'm gonna get it right now.

Around the World in 80 Days

jackie chan is vidya related

Jackie Chan Adventures was aimed at children (it's good, but it was geared towards children). Chan doesn't speak good enough English for children to understand him.

Your mom doesn't speak english for children to understand him.

HAH! got him guys,

He's actually a huge drunk asshole and cheated on his wife and refuses to associate with his illegitimate child disowning her as an infant.

>Jackie Chan Adventures was aimed at children (it's good, but it was geared towards children).
For the best. Otherwise it'd be less magical. The Talismans were really cool.

give me a ONE(1) le wacky chinese martial art man vidya and we'll see

Board culture.

he's a video game

source pls

He's way too big to be doing voice work for a tv series, they couldn't afford him.


Can you not google? Shit isn't a secret.

Hong Kong 97


Name three games that aren't Jackie Chan, Go!

Me on the right

He didn't voice act in most of his movies either.

There was a PS2 game based off the cartoon, it was pretty good for a licensed game.

He didn't want to waste his time on garbage

That's chin though.

How many billions of terrorists did he kill again?

Nah Jackie literally shills for Chinese authoritarianism, stop being such a 3rd world shitheel

awful game. it was my guilty pleasure tho

For you


Real talk, would Omi beat Hak Foo?

that GBA beat em`up one


Haha, yeah man, me too!

Why would you wanna do that?

chinese actually all hate for being a mean adulterer

Not Jackie Chan, but Sleeping Dogs is an amazing game.

Probably didn't have the time to do voice acting for the show. He was still making a decent amount of movies at that time, wasn't he?

I don't. He's a mouthpiece for Mainline China's bullshit propaganda. He's a terrible dad and a terrible husband as well.

>"The Chinese are evil!!1!!111!"
>High probability you are Amurican

Is it really bad that I liked the sumo guy?

sounds like he acknowledged his flaw and stepped aside in order to create a better product

The Chinese are fucking evil. Worst fucking businessmen ever. Scumbags to the core, and that's just the people.

Singaporean actually. I hate mainlanders

>The Chinese are evil
>Provide the slave labor which gives America an economic foundation to stand on
Without China you would be the one working in a factory for change.

The Chinese are the Jews of Asia. Not even kidding they're fucking scummy.

what the fuck is that mask on the bottom left

I don't really give a shit about their slave labour, they're just bad people no matter how you look at it, will always stab you in the back and give you an inferior product.

I'll give you one good reason.
Pic related.

Singapore is nicer than mainland for sure, and the government is very authoritarian. I just assumed because Sup Forums is littered with Americans who think other countries are evil and corrupt, but the USA is pure and free of propaganda. When in reality, America pushes out just as much as China, just in a decentralized manner.

>Tohru going from big bad to chi ingredient delivery boy to chi master

This show was too pure

I never cared for Jackie Chan.
Jet Li was a better martial artist, stunt man and actor. Chan's only schtick over Jet was that he's kid friendly.

> I literally, LITERALLY, actually, ACTUALLY, unironically, UNIRONICALLY, seriously, SERIOUSLY, cannot stop watching teen titans go.

Chan's limelight was in the 20th century, but I think that comes with being an action/kung fu actor. Chan is in his 60's now, and still acting. That alone is impressive. Of course his older movies will be better.

As a chinese person the chinese are inherently evil and we all hate each other. God forbid youre from the southern provinces

Why does this gif always get posted by absolute faggots?

>Jet Li was a better stunt man and actor.
jet li uses gay wires everywhere and he might be the most boring kung fu actor there ever was.

Jackie chan made the craziest stunts ever and nobody will ever top him. he's also capable of multiple emotions in his acting, not just serious face like jet li.

but that's truth.
People are too stupid to control themselves.
Some authority needs to do it for them.
Why else do you think drugs are illegal?
Can't people control themselves not to ruin their own life?
It's only to what extend the authority should be in charge of, and not everything including how you walk, what you wear, how you shit , etc.

As a chinese persons I can sense that you are not chinese. I love the power of the internet.

Will there ever be a good Drunken Master 2 game?

but is Jet Li fun?


Ah the no true chinaman retort

china probably needs a strict but benevolent leader to fix all the shit Mao ruined and instill some fucking culture back into that place.

Ah the "I am a true chinaman" retort

Fuck I just heard it in his voice

>better stunt man
>every movie uses wires
okay faggot.

Thats literally jackie chan



You do know all the news you get from China is propaganda bullshit the West hand picks in order to make the Chinese look bad or weird, right? It’s like if worldstar hip hop was the only news shown to foreigners and every thinks we’re a bunch of niggers beating each other up.

Let's get this out the way. You may only choose one talisman Sup Forums. What would you take?

>we’re a bunch of niggers beating each other up.
That's actually not too far from being true tbqh

You can monetize that and be a benevolent asshole all at once


we must do research

China needs a revolutionary party to organize the working class on the basis of workers' control and international socialism, not on the basis of dumb class alliances and """socialist""" accumulation of capital in one country.

>all those fetishy Jade episodes

It's called God Hand

Dog is youthfulness and immortality....I'd go with dog.