>chilling by the fireplace
>amerigoblin breaks into my home
>tell him to leave
>grab my axe for protection
>he guns me down
Did literally nothing wrong
Chilling by the fireplace
>Spanish redneck
had it coming desu.
The wall just got ten feet taller
>brings an axe to a gun fight
That sounds pretty wrong to me. If he lived in a free country he could have a gun for home defense. Gringos are the least of his concerns though, have you heard what the local monarch was doing to the villagers?
lol i love these funny meme threads!
especially how the Ganado will follow and attack Leon no matter how far away Leon runs away and regardless of whether Leon actually attacks him.
they make me roflmao
Lets all go out for some frosty chocolate milk shakes
Fuck all that, Leon brought a FIREARM into the country. It’s agaisnt the law.
That's what he gets for assuming pronouns
the thread is autism, but you’re actually worse for posting this buddy.
This, they should have just the murderer of their friend roam free
This fucking freedom hating thread has been reported to the fbi.
I mean he attacks Leon first
he was literally leaving lol
He is the law
Not in yurop
He is the law
Europe is America's bitch (amongst the bitch of many others)
The ground that an American stands on is America for as long as he stands on it. As such it is subject to American law.
Sauce of pic? Is it porn?
>an American secret agent acting in cooperation with local police and the foreign government isn't allowed to have a gun
sure buddy
>not knowing Guy Jean
Get out.
>implying even the police have guns in europe
Leon, you can’t just keep saying you’re the law.
Made me laugh
come on bro help an user out. google image search brings nothing up
What did they mean by this?
It's a shitty Sup Forums comic
>Un forrestero!
Yeah, it's a forest, what's his point
He really wants the new season of Drag Race?
Why were these backwards spics advertising a clothing retail chain?
>Detailed accounts translating what the gandos are saying
>can’t find any tranalations for what the townsfolk of kijuju are saying
I mean im sure it’s mostly “ogga booga where da white wimen at” but id like to know.
you say that like its a bad thing. I enjoy Sup Forums comics
What are Spains self defense laws like anyway?
>“ogga booga where da white wimen at”
why would they be saying that?
he did the 270 degree horror turn around instead of just doing an easier 180, he was a zombie.
Un forastero!