How will switch owners recover?
Monster hunter world GOTY
By playing MH XX?
Just slightly better than Injustice 2 huh
Sounds like hot trash
You jelly?
>91 is now good
anything below 97 is shit
>not 97
>multiplatform shit
how far will sony cucks fall
Monster Hunter world never ever nintentoddlers. Papa Sony is putting baby nintendo to sleep
>3DS MH gets good score
>"... What? Why the fuck would I care about review scores? I'm already enjoying the game, I don't give a shit about some IGN or metawhatever."
>MH on PS4 gets good score
Just shut up and hunt.
>probably a weeb
a perfect specimen of a sonybro
>20 hours till release
how does it feel living in the past?
I find it hilarious that pedo Nintendo fans will be playing cardboard while Sony doms will be playing God of war.
Are you seriously bragging about playing Soy of War?
Are you seriously happy to get 80 dollar cardboard plus tip?
I thought Labo looked dumb. Plus I've never really been interested in papercraft.
Soy of War is shit though.
Switch owner here
Just wanna say have fun playing mohun and I hope we can play the next version together
I really wanna get this but I don't have friends, is the game still good single player? Should I still get PS+ to connect to the online regardless?
I own a PS4 and PC too, so by not being poor?
by playing games a whole 6 points higher. jesus, soynyniggers are trash
You don't need friends to play MH. Playing with random people online can be really fun. Single player is great, but you'll have a difficult time soloing your way through the multiplayer quests.
Don't get PS+ unless you know you're going to play online games a lot. Maybe get the free trial, play Monhun for a while, and if you're hooked then get PS+
I hope to hunt with you soon nintenbro
by waiting for the proper PC version
As good as I think this game is gonna be, I hope Sup Forums recognizes this is the absolute death of the franchise
By playing the game on PS4 like I did with the beta?
Except I'm waiting for the PC release to play with my 3DS bro that I played all of MH4U with who doesn't have a PS4.