Is Nintendo the Disney of the video game industry? Can they do no wrong?

Is Nintendo the Disney of the video game industry? Can they do no wrong?

frozen was fucking garbage

>Do no wrong

Every company does a fuck up and it's unavoidable because we are all humans

Nintendo as of recent is starting to do some good shit with switch while fucking up in other areas but the good outweighs the bad, their franchises are making a good comback and it's only getting better from here

Also i agree with the first poster, Fuck Frozen

Also third for fuck Frozen. I'm sick of seeing this shit plastered everywhere.
The dumb short in front of Coco felt longer than the actual movie.

Why is nintendo is compared to disney? In recent years they didn't buy any relevant company or ip

Disney has been shitting the bed colossally for over a decade now.

Nintendo basically is well known for doing video games. Their characters are very recognizable kind of like Disney's.

Dude, let it go.

You first Disney.
I'm still fucking pissed about Treasure Planet.

Disney's been trying desperately to kill traditional animation for decades, now. Nintendo may be dipping into the casual market still, but at least they're not completely trying to destroy normal fucking games by remaking all their old classic games as mobages.

I have a switch and like it, but stop fucking idolizing companies you retard

It's not idolizing, it's a valid comparison of two companies in different industries yet have similar goals.


>can they do no wrong?
That’s idolizing to me. Unless you meant as in how the public percieves it. Then I guess you’re right, but that’s because of fanboys. Fuck fanboys. Of any company.

The vast majority of people in this world enjoys Disney and they enjoy Nintendo. It will be difficult to find someone in general that would generally dislike Nintendo just as they would dislike Disney unlike Sup Forums who just hates everything.

I don’t “enjoy” Nintendo. I enjoy some of their products. Vast majority of their products are useless to me and I don’t enjoy those.
Sup Forums is a cesspool of inbred fanboys (of various companies). This whole board is a shitshow.

Valve is. Valve is complete cancer and has started and/or popularized the majority of cancerous tactics plaguing the industry today yet is always given a pass.

EA is the disney of the gaming industry, assimilating as many smaller companies into itself as possible

>Not picking as side
>enjoying some Nintendo games
Nintendsoy lol

Is your body ready to pay a yearly subscription for access to Steam servers?

Valve knows better not to do that. People would just quit Steam and move on over to Origin or GoG.

I have a Switch for 2 games (SMO, BotW), PS4 for 1 game (BB), and for everything else a PC. Why the fuck would I be picking sides, all consoles are garbage anyway. The only reason you’d want a console is for exclusives, which in itself is an arbitrary limitation anyway.
Meh, I believe you’re just baiting anyway.

Lets be honest. The Switch is the only real console here. Xbox and PlayStation are just shit tier gaming PCs.

Pick a side faggot don't be a pussy

Yeah well Switch ain’t all that great either (for me). I don’t need the portability of it, and BotW has some significant FPS issues (secret forest comes to mind). SMO ran really perfectly at all times. Don’t even get me started on Bloodborne...literally single digit FPS during some boss fights (Vicar Amelia comes to mind). All of these games would have been better on a PC.
No, I’m not underage.

The Wii U was Nintendo's Black Cauldron or Treasure Planet


Nintendo didn't intentionally send the Wii U to die, user, they were just retarded.
Star Fox Zero and that 3DS Chibi-Robo are Nintendo's Treasure Planets.

Miyamoto is still alive and has a great team of designers both young and old still with him. They may fuck up on the technical/hardware side but their game design is still some of the best in the buisness.

Walt Disney's been dead for years and all the classic animators fucked off years ago. All Disney has left (on the animation front) is Pixar and they're becoming hit and miss too. Disney's just a corporation now, Nintendo still have that spark that made them beloved, even if they do fuck up from time to time.

>being a proud pcbro
>calling others underage

I see so you false flag on all sides.

Just being objective. No game is ever better at lower resolution and lower FPS.

They have terrible quality control, customer support, and aren't above scamming their customers with anti consumer tactics.

>false flag
>objective arguments
This fucking board...damn.

Let's be honest. The switch was nintendo officially leaving the console market and going handheld full-time, because they can't compete. The hybrid concept is just pretty PR at this point. It may blossom into something in the future when developers take handheld gaming as seriously as console games, but it's not there yet.

Stop falling in love with corporations, everyone. Mario is nice, but he's not your childhood best friend.

they groomed some prostitutes, the same as Disney, but when they found out, it turned out as not intentional
so no


Just being ojective, you built a pc so you can brag about it on reddit and here

I dislike Nintendo and Disney because I'm not a child anymore. I don't see the appeal in the 20th mario/Zelda game. I also dislike how Disney has been ruining marvel and star wars with their shitty forced attempt at meme inducing humor