>your at the club when this guy kidnaps your girl and takes her back to his hive
What do you do?
>your at the club when this guy kidnaps your girl and takes her back to his hive
What do you do?
>your girl
nice try i dont have girl i just go back to my good games easy
heh vagina
A) I have no girl
b) call him dickhead
Fuck him.
Onaholes are getting way too advanced these days.
climb in his pussy
Shoot her.
So what did they do with the captured males?
Is that a vagene?
Kick his huge exposed ballsack, obviously
Find new girl
Truly a weapon to surpass Metal Gear...
Wh-what happens at the hive?
now that I've seen its whole body, that scene suddenly feels less impactful
Tentacles rape and clitoris inflation.
I could take him
Can I get a sadpanda link?
>The beta BETA
>The chad Space Monster
Just search muv luv alternative.
Don't they torture them forever or something
They eventually get bored and put theirs brains in a jar for shits and giggles.
>All the girls end up as brains or eaten
Why does everyone say this VN is good, exactly?
They don't end up as brains. Sumika starts Unlimited/Alternative as a brain and then just dies. Everyone you love or care about dies. Except for Kasumi.
Are they still alive in those jars? This is important
That doesn't really answer my question.
Where is that image from, i don't see in CG set
Wait... I thought Muv-Luv was a slice of life high school girls story.
First part is. Then it becomes sci-fi action. Think Starship Troopers, the game's direct inspiration.
Never played Muv-luv, what exactly are the beta and what do they do?
Besides murdering humanity, do they actually take females back to their hives and use them as breeding machines because that's hella fucked up
It turns into Aliens and Mechas in the second half ish because reasons
Some silicon based aliens made them, they now just spread out the universe and see carbon based life like themselves as spare parts to convert.
So uh, about that Kickstarter?
They more just reduce captured humans into barely-sentient glowy blue bundles of constantly-stimulated nerves.
Muvluv is overrated as hell, and really isn't special enough to be worth slogging through the first half.
So why did the ayys make them look like giant penis-vaginas?
Where the hell are my rewards, it's been years
He could shove his head down his cunt.
>barely-sentient glowy blue bundles of constantly-stimulated nerves.
Is it illustrated?
I never read muv-luv cause I couldn't bear to go through Extra. Are these guys as much of "needlessly edgy aliens who do needlessly edgy stuff like torturing people forever for cheap shock value and feels" as they seem? If so I'm glad I dropped extra.
>Muvluv is overrated as hell, and really isn't special enough to be worth slogging through
That's easily true for 99% of VNs
Some more than others. Tsukihime is relatively short and it's all worth it for the maid routes.
Yes, and foreverdially experiencing intense pain/pleasure.
Now you're thinking with portals.
If we had the technology to engineer our own artificial species, I'm certain 80+% of this board would create some variant of giant penis vagina dickbutt abomination, the remaining 20% would try to create living anime or furshit.
They the creators of the BETA, don't see carbon based lifeforms as living beings. All the BETA are is tools and those tools are mining resources on Earth, which includes humans. They also experiment on humans which is not necessarily torture. On Sumika, they committed a lot of sexual experimentation that gave her pleasure. They did it as a test to see if they could control humans easily that way.
So first part is generic SOL shit and second part turns into 2edgy4u stuff with a lot of girls you are supposed to love?
I want to FUCK Meiya
Yeah but why would silicon-based ayys make something that looks like a human penis/vagina?
So this is what my weeb friend can't shut the fuck up about.
can I get her back with the dick-clit?
That costs extra.
There's some weird time travel bullshit in there, too.
Why not? Maybe they're xenophiles. Stop kinkshaming ayys
Does this girl survive? I've not seen any meme-tier CGs for her.
They are right. Fleshbags are inferior beings, silicon lifeform is superior.
>Stop kinkshaming ayys
Never. Fucking freaks
Is this the thing that people were posting a girl getting injected with something? If so what was she injected with to freak everyone out?
you wouldn't?
t. Aliens
>takes her back to his hive
What for?
>tfw will never play this because you got spoiled to hell and back
oh well. someone wanna redpill me on the eating with another man thing because my play experience is already fucked
BETA are pretty much Von Neumann probes made by silicon based aliens. It didn't occur them that carbon based life exist, so now humanity is being bullied because BETA programming lacks few variables.
Why don't humans ask the silicon aliens to stop?
That's what the next teased installment is about.
Plot twist they're dead for centuries.
>cue storm vanguard
They made probes that want to wipeout carbon life?
Not him but I think the point is that the aliens don't consider carbon-based as "life".
Are the aliens mentally retarded or do they not care about sentience?
The aliens made the Beta as a means to collect carbon as "resource" from around the galaxy. they had no idea that there could be carbon based lifeforms with sentience and thus humanity got fucked due to the ignorance of a superior advanced alien race.
Hayase > Sumika + Meiya
I think it more likely that they just didn't care.
after all there needs to be some conflict for future battle scenes
Hayse Slutsuki
Have the aliens never seen or been made aware of Earth? How could they see humans running around building and doing things and not realize what was going on?
>they had no idea that there could be carbon based lifeforms with sentience
If you're an advanced race strip-mining the galaxy for resources, you're fully aware there could be competition. Why program your robots with frivolous directions like "test for sentience/sapience and leave them alone" when it's much easier to just pave over the planet in question before it becomes a potential threat?
The aliens are multiple light years away and the BETA don't exactly send info back in real time. They have never been in contact with humans
Imagine humans making self reproducing machines to mine and collect water from planets spread throughout the galaxy never being aware of the fact that there are actually water based life forms that get killed and collected as resource because that's what the machines were programmed for. It's super shitty basic ass analogy but that's the best I can do to explain.
They have teased that humanity will try and contact said alien race in coming installments to stop the BETA rampage
But then why are the Beta doing psychological testing?
I came for the twizzlers but was sorely disappointed. What gives?
If you were trying to herd up some animals so they stopped getting in the fucking way of you building a new road, and you had the ability to do some vivisections to figure out why they keep fucking running in the way of the steamrollers, wouldn't you do it? Hey, maybe you could figure out a way to make them stop with some space drugs or something.
They aren't testing for the sake of communication, they're doing it for the sake of subjugation.
So they realize they humans are living things? Cause if I saw an animal getting in my way I would assume the animal was living.
They also needed a tentacle scene to sell the game
Cause you downloaded the censored steam version
>Never read Muv-Luv
>Reading through the wiki
>Fuck it. Lets see how it ends. The main series at least.
>Most of the characters die in the final assault
>Mostly cute girls
I'm pretty glad I didn't read this. I hate long works that just kills most of the cast at the end. I mean I knew this series had a long body count but fuck.
Yeah I'm guessing the Human fleet arrives in the Silicaoid's system just to find a dead world and a huge mass of G-Elements to fuel an eternal crusade with.
I get off of the idea that that monster is rsping her and live the rest of my life with a raging boner.
But user
There's only 1 cute girl and she survived.
Meiya secretly loves this.
Nuke the world.
So like, I've heard a lot of people piss on the ending of Alternative for being a cop-out, but I'm wondering if there is anyone who will defend the ending. I'm kinda torn myself, I like it but at the same time I think it was too rushed and has problems.