Did you buy their game?

Did you buy their game?

it was alright

I'm not a child so no.

this is porn right?


Best ship tbqh

I had done it to support the developer, didn't even play it.

Looking back at it, it was probably a bad decision.





No and I'm glad I didn't. I actually regret wasting my time pirating it considering how poor it was.

Nope, someone gave me a download link the week it came out

I bought Chara's game, yes.
She's the best.

I got it for free :)

No, I was busy playing Lisa the painful

I pirated it and beat it then paid 10 bucks for it. If it looked better I probably would have bought it outright. I don't see why people still cling to the characters though, especially the goats. They're nothing special, really.

> pirates game
> then buys it
Worst pirate user


I don't like the idea of jewing indie devs who make a product I actually enjoyed. It's a lot less ambiguous with AAA games or multiplats.


worst ship

also delete this thread now, you fucking charafag

i ship flowey x me

Wrong, wrong, wrong. This whole thread is wrong.

I have a natural attraction to tragic cute boys

understandable but even in this regard there are new games since memetale that feature this element heavily

Saving this accursed, corrupt, demonic thread with justice and purity.

Fan works have strengthed my love for him. Frisk (male) will give him a happy ending.

Still though, anyone in particularly you're referring to?

name some

Excuse me, Chara and Asriel are best friends okay?

>They're nothing special, really.
cool opinion, breh

paying for something people make that should be free because art can't be measured is the most cuck thing you could do

I appreciate it even more since playing owlboy, since that banked on my sympathy and I got angry instead at the shitty fucking ending


I did, though I couldn't get into it because the controls were so clunky.



I love it

A guy from a gift thread bought me back in 2016, I love the game but never got too autistic with it.


I did but I don't admit it outside of Sup Forums, I have to keep an image up of only liking things ironically

Pretty much this. It’s a fantastic game but it’s not worth wrapping your entire identity into

>ywn be autistic enough to spend hundreds of $ on gook merch

some people would deserve to starve

Yeah, even got the CE. Pretty sweet.

Why not playing both? Lisa was great too.

Wait a second...
This is a shota thread!!!

I didn't buy it, but I did play it.
I didn't even really try to pirate it, someone just posted a download for it and the whole game was less than 150 mb.

oh no
chara is hurt

It was not interesting.
Metafiction is so annoying.

maybe you should just stick to more Mario, metafiction is for mature audiences

Pirated and got the normal ending a while ago, picked it up for 5 bucks recently. Mite try for some of the other endings eventually