>best rated monster hunter
>confidently its a multiplat game
Ahh so this is what happens when MH is on real systems ay?
Best rated monster hunter
Other urls found in this thread:
Having Monster Hunters on the PSP and 3DS was fucking retarded.
I'm getting ready for that 98 on PC baybeee
That's what happens when Sony pays for reviews :^)
So, metacritic scores matter?
>91 multiplat
>it if was a switch exclusive it would be 100
heh........... you missed your chance.................. capcom..........................................................
For falseflag/shitposting purposes, yes.
Not saying nay?
>it if was a switch exclusive it would be 100
Like Xenoblade's 83 metacritic right?
The numbers will tell
Capcom already announced they wanted the game to be on the Switch but since the game was in development for 4 years, they weren't even aware of the Switch's existence yet and they can't afford to remake the game again without extending the release date of the original copies.
>it if was a switch exclusive it would be 100
Too bad the player base would be 1000 times smaller.
I’ve played the PSP and 3DS ones, it’s definitely the type of game that needs to be visually striking to complete the formula. Thank god it’s got a console release.
funny how they mattered for botw and odyssey
literally every single switch owner would buy it
ah well, the ship sailed
cuckcom will now have no choice but to release XX in gajinland
Between 4 and 5 millions is the player base until now.
Let's wait a little
>literally every single switch owner would buy it
Too bad the player base would (still) be 1000 times smaller.
They did?
It only matters how many people buy the game.
No potential owners
>Its not 100
>Its a shit game
>100% of 10mm is less than 2% of 80mm
literally mentally deficient soynyboy `
wonder how long the braindead fucks will try that.
>they wanted the game to be on the Switch
Eh source?
Why are you using millimeters?
So now the Nintendo bonus isn't real?
Damn, you fags need to make up your minds.
>they wanted the game to be on the Switch
That's not what they said.
>“We don’t have any plans for the Switch at the moment. Part of the reason is that the title has been in development for almost 4 years. At the time we had to commit to our hardware choices, we decided on using the most powerful current generation consoles available at the time, which was PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. So [the decision was made] before the Switch was even announced or on sale.
>It’s also because for every title we decide what the best fit for hardware is for the concept. We don’t just look at everything. It’s more like ‘if we want to achieve this kind of game concept, where’s the best place to achieve that?’ and for this title the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One were the best fit for us.”
metacritic threads are the most garbage on Sup Forums.
If you don't agree with the score, it's paid reviews
If you agree with the score, it's HAHAHA BTFO
The worst part is I know people irl who genuinely believe this board is biased to one side or another, even though in reality the whole board is monkeys flinging shit over anything for the fun of it.
Just play the games you like and never take Sup Forums seriously as it's almost always wrong
every game on 3DS would better on the Vita and every Wii U or Switch game would be better on the PS4. It's a rule of life.
That's the size of your soyboy dick.
Which one? 10mm or 0,16mm
Here That faggot was telling an 1/4 truth, don't listen to that nintendy