Itt: asshole enemies
Itt: asshole enemies
Enemy asshole
Stop trying to flank them, idiot. Face them in honoraburu combat. THEN flank them, when they start the fire breathe attack.
What is the other hole?
I need to replay Nioh. It makes my PS4 melt, though.
Back of the knee, maybe?
This game has so many awful enemies
it doesn't have an asshole
t. souls "veteran"
You just bait the cunts into the breath attack over and over again. Literally one of the easiest enemies to kill. Even if they roll at you, dodge and hit them in their rear-face to stun them, then fuck them up.
What the fuck is wrong with you, OP.
>'Fuck, it's on fire'
>Enemy charges at me after dealing with another enemy
>FUCK now I'M on fire
>Oh, fuck, now the GROUND'S ON FIRE
>Ki Depleted after the charge and blocking last minute instead of rolling to the side after it just rolls towards me, chipping away my health too
>It starts breathing more fucking fire
I now charge these faggots with reckless abandon and it works 90% of the time.
God damn these things and the Kasa Oni.
I'm half way through the abyss and still hate these fuckers and Magatsu 4-arm warrios more than any boss.
It's their unpredictable slow spin that occasionally gets me and makes me shimmer with rage.
Other highly ranked enemies in annoyance factor: ninja doggos, kusarigama oni, dumb-ass foxes.
The tengu are the most annoying enemies. They're complete damage sponges and just stop any kind of momentum you might have had going.
>posting one of the easiest enemies in the game
>not posting any of the cancer dlc enemies
they will literally stunlock you to death if you're too close too them in higher difficulties.
>ninja doggos
>dumb-ass foxes
I've literally never died to them once, what's wrong with them? Maybe because I just spam low stance attack at them?
Ironically their worst attack is just slowly rolling into you, especially on higher difficulties .
Spotted the shitposting underage contrarian who didn't even play the game, the game doesn't have many enemies to start with
>extends cane at you
i used to think these fucks then i realized you can easily strafe behind them so im gonna go with ninja since he is the only thing standing between me and that sweet sweet yolandi pussy
my man
Imp encounter.
Guard first THEN dodge. You can't just dodge out of a combo in Nioh like you could in Souls.
They will not roll into you, if you're standing directly in front of their face.
They have two faces though, one is their "back", with a yellow amrita crystal in an eyesocket. Which you can also hit to instantly deplete their ki and knock them down.
The game doesn't have a lot of enemies, that's why it's sad that 3 of them are absolute cancer (birdman, dlc headpoppers, dlc dual swordsmen)
All of the day bro
>guard first
the problem is you never know when will they start the slow rolling animation, it has nearly no wind up animation at all. So what usually happens is I start my attack combo then suddenly my health disappears because it decided to roll.
I hate these faggots. You instinctively get cautious when you see them even if you know that going ham against them is the best strategy.
it's mainly when I'm facing those along with other enemies, that's when it becomes a shitfest
like doing the abyss gauntlet with onmyo mages and foxes for the umpteenth time
speaking of, is there a build that can almost always forego clearing abyss boss buffs?
it's getting pretty old doing those over and over
>2 shots you
fucking hate these enemies
>Ohmyo mages
that describes literally every enemy though
This tbqh
the enemies in the dlc were fucking atrocious.
amazing game but fuck me its like a different team made the dlc, absolute shit show
these cunts and wraiths annoy the fuck out of me
why? just because they're slightly harder? i don't get it
These guys are peak asshole. They don't even have a pattern.
t. Arlo
hate these fuckers
>souls "veteran"
I don't even like dark souls dumbass
I have played the game dumbass, the wheel fucks, kusa red demons, blob monsters with swords sticking out, foxes and sword fags in the final dlc are complete cancer
The hostile choir hunter in Bygenwerth.
>that part before Monsoon when you fight 3 at once plus an RPG dude
>doggo spawns in during th fight too
my current Very Hard play through is shamefully stuck at that point
hope you didn't enjoy using those party members, friend
yes because they are too hard for him to handle, isn't it obvious?
Enemy design in Nioh is top fucking notch.
Fuck yo shit.
>parry and go ham
The rifle spear and cannon prick can go fuck himself though
I mean, some things are kind of bullshit, like the amrita thing that spawns yokai; it would have been fine if they were the easy small soldiers but it just forces you to cheese it with leaving weapon or ninjutsu. But overall nothing striked me as too unfair
juvenile scorpions as well
I eventually got lucky with verbal bash.
You can guard at any point, even when you're being comboed by an enemy. So in order to get out of combo it's useless to mash the dodge button alone. You have to guard out of stagger first, then dodge, before the enemy burns through your ki while you're guarding.
They are annoying but not that hard to deal with. If only devs didn't put them at the worst possible locations.
No no no no no
>The Thirst
>CRIT! 13
>Crimson Curse
Holy shit, fuck this cunt
Hama/Mudo skills were a mistake
Prove me wrong
Asshole enemies: the game
>Onmyo mage sloths you then summons a fox spirit
You are like a little baby, watch this
>Macca Beam
*nuts on your party*
>only 1st stratum
Oh boy, you're in for a treat.
They're like the easiest enemies to deal with. Bait out their fire attacks, dodge back, rinse repeat. It's the monks with the long tongues that can go fuck themselves.
>fucking everything in stratum 3
>fucking everything in stratum 6
was a fun game
these and asshole knights with shields, its such a chore to fight them, it was clearly designed to be hardcountered by Nero
i just used holy water on those
DMC1 is great for the atmosphere but 1 playthrough is more than enough to appreciate it
Cant even kick their ass.
La creatura...
Honk honk
It's a superb action game in it's own right as well, i'm sorry you're too much of a brainlet to appreciate it. Holy shit did DMC3 casualize the fanbase. If the game isn't about comboing shit into oblivion, you disregard it entirely. Dumb af
Its fucking shit gameplay with an awful camera and you know it, it was such a snorefest at certain points that i'd rather use cheats to pass it to advance the story
>i'd rather use cheats to pass it to advance the story
kek, here's the last (You) you're getting out of me my man. The absolute fucking state
This. He hungers.
>no styles and a single weapon with a firearm
>superb action game
sure if you like spamming 3 combos endlessly while waiting for the enemy for that 2 second opening to do some damage, then its "superb"
> be 12
> super horny so they put me in prison
> want some of that right elf birch pussy
> niggers fight you because the want that right elf princess pussy to
I'm not gonna sit here and debate with a casual who thinks he can understand a game based on an easy-automatic playthrough using items t cheese shit. What was good when it released is still god today. First DMC is not about the combos, it's about brutal efficiency. You have a relatively small toolkit in comparison to the later games, sure, but each of those moves has an actual use over merely being extensions to your flashy combos. git fucking gud kid.
>but each of those moves has an actual use over merely being extensions to your flashy combos
you can pass the whole game with Alastor
Apparently not, if you're using holy waters. lol
Shoot them in the face and down attack them as hard as you can, rinse and repete, and dont fucking play in the fire
Throw salt at them, its hilarious.
I'm honestly supprized no one mentioned Onyudos yet, those toung fuckers are a pain on higher difficulties, specially when the game feels like being cute and making you face two red versions of those shits.
The vanilla oni are all stupidly easy once you realize they only have like 2-3 hit combos at most.
Now the fucking Namahage on the other hand with their random wild swings in all directions are a real pain unless you cheese them with a long range weapon.
>60 crit + tip
I'm talking about them on way of the wise where they love to spam that stupid punch rush, and tongue whip of theirs. But those faggot umbrellas are annoying as hell too yeah.
Oh im dumb, you ment those dlc things with the saw swords, yeah I hate those too.
It doesn't matter. Their AI is the same on all difficulties, they just do more damage/have more health. Their attacks are just as easy to dodge.
Also it's hilarious seeing people get killed by umbrellas. Stack some firearms damage resistance, and their quills won't do shit. Except paralysis, which they still inflict. But if you have maxed the ninja tree passive para resist, it shouldn't paralyze you in one hit. So unless you take multiple hits in quick succession you should be fine.
Firearms resist is so broken, but it's too fun not too use.
Thats exactly what makes them assholes, and on way of the wise, the goddamn game likes to stack 4 or more of them in boss rooms, that or those goddamn red kappas, so they can try to paralyze you so the onruki/nue/cyclops/toungfucker/goddamn ninja oni can tap dance all over your face.
Id also like to know where that ninja oni got his goddamn hand cannon he likes to spam, I can avoid it just fine, but it gets annoying when he just fucking sits there and spams it at you.
nice to see bonza buddy getting more work
which is worse
>kusarigama oni hit just as hard and have as much ki breaking as axe oni, and is twice as fast, have a mid range attack too
>dual sword oni gets a canon in place of one of his swords
>literally same melee move set and hit just as hard, combined with the ability to shoot canon balls
Just stand behind them and they'll only ever do that one-hit turnaround swing. Just dodge through that and you can hit him from behind again. repeat until dead.
>KUSO-rigama oni
can fuck right off
Kusa oni is one of the worst enemies in the game. Attacks too fast, barely any recovery, tons of range and shits out damage. I just use a mirror to reflect cannon shots, so if they want to spam cannons, they will just die.
>free takedown: the enemy
The only thing DMC3 did was introduce DMC1 apologists like yourself to the fanbase. DMC1's a great game but you're a complete ass if you believe people can't enjoy it for numerous reasons including future instalments having flat out superior, more nuanced combat.