things that ruined a game thread
I'll start
things that ruined a game thread
I'll start
VR Chat is not a game
are you going to post this every day?
what are you sad the little meme man cockblocked you in your first chance ever talking to "women"?
I thought they banned Ugandan Knuckles in VRChat?
indeed, Knuckles ruined Sonic 3
It's a game, nothing you say will ever change that.
if that's true then every indie artsy-fartsy, walking simulator is a game.
If people consider VR Chat a game and not a chatroom, the industry really is doomed
I'd say it improved it.
Most of the time it's just one sociopath gathering the attention of a bunch of faggots who just comment on what he says.
Now we have some kickass trolls and mischief makers.
Well yeah, they are.
its a chat room, a game has an objective and a conclusive win or lose state.
its fine to not be a game.
They are.
Nothing you will ever say can change that,
a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.
a type of activity or business, especially when regarded as a game.
"this was a game of shuttle diplomacy at which I had become adept"
t. nofun autist
Is Animal Crossing a game?
>falling for a reddit tier meme
This board is a shell of what it used to be
animal crossing has an objective, its just very broad.
>not playing as Ernie or the sandbag from smash
Only reason weebs played this game.
There's facebook pages that post screencaps of Sup Forums threads and the comments are usually filled with people saying something along the lines of "I WAS IN THAT THREAD!"
Sup Forums is normalfag central now
>AND a conclusive win or lose state
>implying a knuckles shitter actually has a headset
alright dude cheers, thanks for the pedantic update.
>a type of activity or business, especially when regarded as a game.
TL: Game means game
Is Sup Forums a game?
> Reading comprehension level; elementary school
Go away UgandanKnuckles cuck
Chad comes from a great and proud country and not that shithole named Uganda
The second definition is referring to figurative usage of game rather than it's literal one.
How is it not a game when you can shoot people or throw discs at them?
the fanbase
Is The Game a game if you can't win?
i don't get that, if they just post shit that you see on Sup Forums why don't you just stay on Sup Forums instead of going to facebook?
Because those things are not the purpose of VR chat, they're games that exist within a social media platform.
Fuck off retard.
How is facebook not a game when it has farmville?
>never takes eye off the Niger
They are, reality doesn't bend to your will just because you dont like something
They're games
How is real life not a game when I keep losing?
>childish and retarded maincharacter that is treated seriously by (all) other characters in the game...
>that hentai
Not even best girl
Hello Neogaf
Not an argument