Nu-males strike again

Nu-males strike again

>That fucking face

I am never going to un-see that shit again.

You shouldn't post your friends/family on Sup Forums, user.

You know he probably isn’t a social autist like you user


is that mudslime idubbbz?

So how the fuck are you even suppose to pose excitedly then?


Why are they striking?

you don't
You act like an adult and smile and thank the one who gave you the gift

It's true op is really socially autistic

So is it just kids games that make them do that facial expression?

Oh I didn’t realize being a fucking bore was adult like

I've been seeing the Nintendo soyboy meme on other boards lately. I wonder when it's gonna go mainstream

stop posing

let us not forget that the ps4 soystation is the one true progressive platform featuring empowered womyn and multiculturalism

Nah. That's what everyone on youtube has to do now. Making silly faces is more likely to get you clicks.
Degenerates really, but it also doesn't explain why Nintendo fans make that face all the time.

it's what people do for attention, doesn't matter what the item is they're reacting to. Some user just pushed the meme really hard as a nintendo thing

>Intimidatied by woman
>Fictional ones as well

Lay of the soy user

How do you ducks even find these images? Are they your relatives? Do you scour social media looking at strangers?

soy off, soynon

Keep crying haters. We "nu-males" are both smart and manly as evident in our appearance. What are you? You guys don't even have a clique to identify yourselves under. You are literal nobodies. This shitty soyboy meme is just sour grapes because you can't pull off our superior style. I bet whoever started this meme got cucked by one of ours.


With all the extra ones if this get remade it would massive.

You shouldnt have to pose. If you are actually excited it will show. These guys are so autistic and lame they have to mimic what they think a human would do in the situation. Thats why its so retarded to look at.

I think in OP's case his friend sent him the pic, possibly ironically, judging by the filename.

It's not excitement, it's submission.
It's the primate equivalent to a dog folding its ears back.

I still find it hilarious how this image used to have a PS4 reaction on it, but got edited since it doesn't fit the shitposting narrative.

Top right makes me physically sick

you don't need to express autistic outbursts when you're excited about something
you don't have to announce your excitement to everybody else around you because nobody cares
these things are to be kept by yourself

sonymonkey please

As much as I hate these man-child pictures, where did this soy buzzword come from in the first place?

/fit/ I think

>a.) ps4
>c.) pc
>d.) nintendo

I know as a severe autist like you would have no way of knowing this, but the guy in the middle left is doing something called a "smile," the single most common facial expression one makes when being photographed. The guy second from the right in the middle is doing a "smirk," which is like a smile's shy little brother.

Imagine when all those shits will be, like, 50 years old. No family, no home, no achievements. A graveyard of dead doggies/kittens and mount of broken plastic crap.

Hey thats me

Sup Forums and Sup Forums affiliates of course

Making a face for a picture has been around forever user
They want to post their shit just like every other extrovert does


It's faggy because it's shit women do when they get a new thing.

Look how dead Tim Gettys looks. He's just going through the motions - making all the right gestures to peddle his shit to mouthbreathing NeoGaf/ResetEra slobs.

Jesus christ man, this armchair psychology is too much.

You essentially just described this board as well, my man.

>no beard
>no 'I am dead inside' eyes

Um, which of the numale ecelebs is Tim Getty?

>Soy is bad for y-

More likely that they invent more tech stuff for people to fiddle with and become rich while you wallow around talking about ubermenshes or whatever

>white male with glasses
>making an excited expression relating to a video game console

Mirin that bulge

Even if it's ironic

>western numales
>inventing anything
Literally all tech stuff is invented in made in east asia.

Of course it's bad for you, just look at what happened to that poor woman's face

Seriously though At least soyboys gets pussy.
Kill me


What a fucking soygirl.

It is if the dumbfuck, despite having glasses, still can't see his bitch has no face

>twink body
what's your point?

A future proud parents of 2 cats and a dog
What a successful pair of people

unlike the based trump voter that is you

Before and after or after and before?

If they're happy who the hell are you to tell them they aren't successful?

This game's artstyle is so great

Sup Forums, it's the new Sup Forums after all

>>twink body
fatso detected