On sale atm... I'm a fan of origins so is this worth picking up?
On sale atm... I'm a fan of origins so is this worth picking up?
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Depending on the price, I'd say yes. I purchased it at 39.99 and felt satisfied after around 50hrs gameplay
Hell no. Origins is amazing but Inquisition is worse in every aspect. Also it plays like a single player MMO instead of an adventure RPG.
Not really. It's an improvement over the second game, but the plot isn't that interesting, the cast is very hit-or-miss, and the whole game is stuffed with time wasting busy work that gave it an reputation as a single player MMO.
The final DLC gave me a little hope for the series' future, and you CAN tell the most annoying characters to fuck off forever, but as a whole I don't really recommend it.
I love origins but never touched the sequels. is 2 worth playing for the story at least?
lmfao no
>buyerbeware game thread not sagebombed into oblivion
Sasuga nu/v/
Its not like Origins. So if its 20 or under then yeah, its worth it. Otherwise ewww.
It's mostly a very subpar game all round, with only a few decent bits sprinkled in.
Combat is mostly shit but dragon fights can be amazing.
Story and characters are mostly trash but some companions have some legit great moments.
Fuck no, man.
Even after Mass Effect 3 and Andromeda, I still consider DA2 the worst Bioware game.
To be fair, all of the problems were caused/made worse by EA making them shove it out in 18 months. It was even rumored to have started development as a DAO expansion.
The plot is three separate, barely-related stories you play one after another that aren't very good anyway.
It has a few nice moments and a handful of likable characters, but it's just a shadow of a better game that should have been.
If you're a fan of Origins it's the last thing you want to pick up.
This. Its a single player mmo
>the Warden was obviously going to be the protagonist for the whole series
>ditched because muh voiced MC
God damn it
On a sale, then sure. But let me tell you, it's disappointing, not Ride to Hell-levels of shit that nu-Sup Forums claims it is, but a 5-6/10 game
>worst antagonist of the series
>weirdly paced main story
>worst combat in the series
>MMO-tier quest design for maps
>main story missions only unlockable by doing those side quests
>resource grinding needed for crafting
>no gifts and exact companion approval rating isn't visible anymore
>Bioware-tier animation
>Banter doesn't trigger via map location, but has a timer. If something doesn't allow banter to occur (combat, loading screen, etc.) the timer starts over again
>real time wartable missions
>dialogue wheel with diplomatic/funny-sarcastic/annoyed
>additional dialogue options are bought and not unlocked
>additional dialogue options don't give you a better outcome most of the time, only make you look less retarded
>disregard of prior choices, like killing Leliana (although that happened in DA2 too), Dagna, plot of DA2, ...
>only mage Inquisitors have the option to sentence another mage to be made Tranquil
Only pick it up if it costs 10-15€/$ or if you want to play a SP MMO.
>disregard of prior choices
What are you talking about? They acknowledged it and explained it perfectly.
>Banter doesn't trigger via map location, but has a timer. If something doesn't allow banter to occur (combat, loading screen, etc.) the timer starts over again
And IIRC, it was 15 minutes long.
Hearing everything would take so many hours.
>explained it perfectly.
Ah yes
If it's on sale on Origin, buy it and refund if you don't like.
It's a good game.
Better than the second, nowhere near the level of Origins, buy only if it's under 10 bucks
>voiced protag
>dialogue wheel
>only 8 bindable skills
>cant toggle weapons in combat
>mmo tier quests