What would you do if every single video game ceased to exist all at once

What would you do if every single video game ceased to exist all at once

thank god I could finally leave this shithole

it's not like this is a video games discussion board anyway
it's a vaguely video game themed funposting board

Put more time into drawing and improve considerably, maybe make money off of it.

Play some chess.

Then I guess I'd have to make them.

The same thing I do every day: Shitpost on Sup Forums

Probably cease to exist all at once.

Make a simple video game and gain millions.

Are you video game?

Are you not?

Get back into finishing my superhero novel series.

don't. it's gonna be shit

Probably, but I've already finished the first book and I'm proud of it.

That's where all writers start though

Nothing, just wait for the newest video games to release.

something productive

still posting on Sup Forums since it'd be the same shit

Eat some crab legs

Same, I'm learning at snail pace due to vidya distracting me so much, I should drop it and git gud but I'm a lazy shit.


>it's a Sup Forums pretends they would be productive members of society if not for vidya ruining their lives episode
No, you'd all still be the lazy wastes of space you always are. If video games don't keep you in your mother's basement then it would be drugs or board games or books or some other recreational shit.

You're here because you deserve it, not because of society.

I'd probably kill myself

spend more time wanking

All of your Tifa and Chun-Li hentai doujins have also vanished by extension though..

I never said i would be productive, just play chess.

>yeah fucking vidia wasting my time
>realize i spend most of my day browsing the chans and watching random crap on youtube