Played Xenoblade 2 up to chapter 6 with Japanese voices

>Played Xenoblade 2 up to chapter 6 with Japanese voices
>Suddenly get curious as to what the English dub sounds like after all the memes on Sup Forums
>Nia sounds like a middle aged British chav and all the other characters apart from Pyra sound like British stereotypes
Oh God, why?

great isn't it, nia is best though

Every time I see this thumbnail I think her mouth is duct-taped shut.

Is there a reason some of the characters have American accents? Do they speak differently from the rest of the characters in Japanese?

If you're born a Blade, you speak American. I'm not sure if Indol's accent was American which would explain Mik's accent.

>Not liking bongcat

English Nia is for memes. Japanese Nia is for cute.


She's Welsh you fucking plebs

>start game
>download jap voices

Why do Americans have so much trouble understanding that not all girls in the world sound like valley girls?

Nia's Japanese voice is too high pitched. She sounds like an annoying little kid. Neither voice completely suits her, but the English one is much better than the Japanese one.

But she speaks english

Because white merican girls sound like valley girls


I’m not American, it just caught me unprepared.

Also, Rex is the main issue, the rest aren’t bad.

>Nia's Japanese voice is too high pitched

Well she's underage just like Rex.

>Why do Americans have so much trouble understanding that not all girls in the world sound like valley girls?

Why do Europeans have so much trouble understanding that not all Americans sound like they're from Boston?

Rex is 15 and at the very least she's a little older than him. Maybe 16 or 17. Her voice should be higher pitched than her English voice, but not the squeaky little kid voice of the Japanese one.


There's nothing wrong with Nia's dub voice, it's actually quite charming.

The real problem with XC2 is the fact that Rex gets thrown so much pussy his way but is oblivious to it all.


nia doesn't sound like a chav at all, she's fucking welsh you moron.

Literally no one thinks all murricans sound like they’re from Boston, are you retarded?

In fact, I can only think of two guys that speak with a Boston accent.

Nia is Welsh. By god, you do NOT want to hear fluent Welsh. Be thankful this game just got the accent and not the actual language.


He's not oblivious to Pyra's, which is the only pussy he wants and aims for all game, and he actually gets it, too. There's nothing wrong with monogamy.

>she’s not a poo in loo, she’s a cardboard dwelling gypsy



He's a typical harem anime protagonist. He's meant to be oblivious to all the women around him so you can self insert and imagine him with the woman you like best.

>thinking Nia's dub voice isn't the greatest thing ever
I have never seen such shit taste


>calling him a moron
>not calling him a bluddy ejit (bloody idiot)
One job user, you had one job


>15 years old
>thinking about monogamy
Did your parents marry you off in india?

how did you equate "chav" to "poo in loo"?
where did you get the idea that being welsh itself is a good thing? as that's certainly not what I was suggesting.

How fucking clueless are people over accents, let alone what the term "chav" actually means? This board is full of complete morons.

Kekd very hard user, thanks

chavs are pajeet tier subhumans

But he's not. He's obviously in love with Pneuma and acknowledges but rejects Nia's feelings, and these are the only two girls pining for him in the game.

there's nothing poo in loo about them, they're subhumans but I've never heard of chavs shitting in streets poo in loo style. Think of them more like white niggers, as that's basically how they act, right down to being poor and stealing and often having no father or proper upbringing.

the joke was that those are both trash, you autistic mongoloid

>but is oblivious to it all.
>He's meant to be oblivious

Confirmed for neither of you having actually played the game

I never knew how much I loved welsh accents till XC2, Nia is a fucking godsend in a game full of terrible voice acting. Rex can sometimes sound okay, but sometimes it's just absolutely fucking terrible

the joke doesn't make sense as welsh, chav, poo in loo, and gypsies are all completely different things. You're just spouting buzzwords you don't know the meaning off tbqh.

Why was Nia jealous of Poppi QT pi?

Jokes on you, still playing it and at the point where I am, he still is oblivious to it.
It's probably because i'm grinding too much instead of progressing

Gypsies are literally indians.

The implication is that the welsh are uncultured subhumans.
Stop being an autist, user.

Because she has bigger boobs than her and actually got to experience a growth spurt, something ordinary Blades will never know

Ai want Rrrex tŵ snîfff mai pwsi!

welsh chavs don't even exist, though. Like, that's not a thing so the comparison makes no sense. If you want to call them a subhuman just say it straight up

Because Nia will take too long to get those boobs to show Rex

I want to Gorsafawddacha'idraigodanheddogleddollônpenrhynareurdraethceredigion Nia right in her Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch

It's truly fucking hilarious just how bad the casting was. I'm glad they even gave us dual audio or it would have seriously brought the game down.

Same, started english, gone jap, returned english. I developed some kind of allergy to weeb speak, especially in a game so full of bland stereotypes and trope

Eh Welsh chavs do exist. They're called cofis.

>welsh chavs don't even exist
Are you trolling, or are you devoid of any reading comprehension? Are you actually autistic? It’s like talking to a special ed kid.

reddit, please

I think it's you that isn't keeping up with the conversation user

different thing really

>This board is full of Amerigoblins


To a foreigner, all American men sound like New Yorkers and the women from Los Angeles.

The casting is actually top notch, all of the VAs fit their characters perfectly.

Now, the voice directing, THAT is what truly brings the dub down the shitter. It's like everyone's just reading their lines for the first time with no context and no one reading replies back at them, and they just ran with it and never bothered to make multiple takes for time reasons.

or rednecks

>download 870mb dual audio pack
>start game in english
>decide to see just how bad it is
>slowly grow to liking it more and more every hour i play
>haven't turned on the japanese voices once

I don't know why but regardless of how terrible and cringe worthy the dialogue is at times I just can't switch it, is this a form of stockholm syndrome?


omg is eejit actually idiot? I have heard it so much that it was its very own word in my eyes (Where I live everyone has a Nia accent) holy shit mind blown.

there is something inherently entertaining about the bizarre choices in the dub, it's a kind of "so bad it's good" scenario.


If it weren't for this fat half giant I'd never would've known summat=something, or wotcher=what's up.

Honestly they should've gotten the english voice cast from Xenoblade Chronicles X instead.

>watch dragon ball z with Japanese voices
>buu saga and I get curious on what english sounds like
>goku is no longer a grandmother
Jesus christ why?

Tfw ill never know what her midge will look like

Nia actually sounds like a typical Welsh woman. Yes, really. This is what makes part of the Xeno series, though. It was horseshit when they went with generic burger voice acting in X. Terrible bong acting is hilarious.

It's OK here's the official depiction

it's a welsh accent, not a 'chav' accent, though Wales has chavs. It's also a fairly smart or 'posh' welsh accent, you'd never imagine she was a chav.

Yeah man, why did they pick American voice actors for a game revolving around NEW LOS ANGELES? Really can't wrap my mind around this one...

>'posh' welsh accent
Why doesn't Prince Charles talk like this then?

Because he was born and raised in England, not Wales. Prince of Wales is just a title.

The actual reason was because they used 8-4 instead of NoE. It's not like British accents make any fucking sense in the other games.


Just finished this game right now.

What a ride in the final few chapters.

>mfw Poppi's promise in the end

Is there a way to tell hostile enemies from non hostile ones like in XCX?

I wish americans sounded like people from boston. Atleast they have character in their speach. Generic american non-accent voice we always get is the least interesting of all.

They've got purple icons hovering overhead usually.

>It's not like British accents make any fucking sense in the other games.
What are you on about? It makes as much sense as American accents would.

Above the level indicator? I'm walking around now, near some hostile enemies and I'm not seeing anything. Do I need to be targeting them first or something?


Japanese women don't hit puberty until like 35.

I actually love british accents so I'm fine with most of the voices. I love hearing Nia saying "I'll beat you up proper next time I SWEAAAH!"

I like to think the voice actors aren't bad, the direction was.


It's definitely the direction that brings the dub down. That and the lip syncing in certain places.

Some of these animations are pretty cool
Rex's is different too


I'm on the big fight against Tom & Jerry, I just obtained Nia in blade form so I'm wondering which team should I go for now.

Do you think that Rex / Morag / Zeke, with morag doing heal and rex a bit of heal with nia is okay?

Is there a compilation video for those yet?

I wish Morag had gone full Glaswegian so she could get more memes.

XB1 voice directors previously worked on games like Fable and Total War.
The XB2 voice director is some literally who with virtually no previous experience outside of motion capture for Goldeneye Wii.