Mass Effect is actually a really fucking good game, it's too bad the sequels are trash.
Mass Effect is actually a really fucking good game, it's too bad the sequels are trash
based OP for once in his fucking life
>bad graphics, even for 2007(year Crysis came out)
>trash voice acting
>MC is voice acted in a roleplaying game
>origin of the dialog wheel
>dialog wheel is for braindead faggots who can't be bothered to read more than >vague 2 line "summaries" of what your self insert character will speak
>bad story
>bad shooting
>bad rpg elements
>bad empty worlds with nothing to do or explore on
yeah nah they were all trash games
Word. ME1 is a love letter to 80's sci-fi, with a 10/10 soundtrack, heavily inspired by Blade Runner.
The sequels that never happened are EA, wanting COD Michael Bay audience.
2/10 you made me reply
Everyone knows that retard, same with Dragon Age Origins. Why else do you think everyone was so disappointing and pissed off.
Do you see people getting mad when the latest city interactive turd is released?
Idiot underage. Crysis in 2007 could not be playe at max graphics on any current system. Crysis was leagues ahead of anything else. But in 2007 I remember playing Mass Effect and thinking it looked very good.
Rest of your stuff is complaints that came later once dialog wheel was in every new RPG and became a form of cancer. It was still new and cool in ME1.
Also fuck you if you didn't like the cooldown system for shooting. Casual cuck.
I've tried playing it about 4 or 5 times throughout the years since its release. I always get to Peak 15 and get bored. It's not even planned that I stopped there, but it seems to always uninterested me around that point.
the collectors were a wholly unnecessary sideplot
Mass Effect would have been a great series had Bioware kept partnership with Microsoft as their publisher, kept their original writer and doubled down on the RPG elements. Microsoft would have been much more hands off like they were with Gears of War and Halo (Bungie's split was more of an internal affair. Half wanted to do more Halo, half wanted to do something else so they split)
They fell for the EA con bigtime. Now their company is beyond the point of return. It won't surprise me if Bioware dissolves in the next few years. They can't escape now. They're in too deep and whatever is left of the original bioware is slowly being pushed out and dissolved in the quivering gooey faceless mass of corporate bureaucracy.
Sad really. They could have made the push for independence.
Mass effect 2 was the best in the series.
1 feels like the closest we'll ever get to a good star trek game
I unironically miss being able to land on empty planets. I think that's what made it seem so grand. Being on one end of the galaxy map and after 3-4 hours playtime returning to the citadel felt great
>bad story
Yeah fuck you buddy. Sets up one of the best trilogies in gaming. Agree with everything else tho
>mission in ME1
>land on a new planet
>talk to people there, assess the situation by following leads and investigating and earning the trust of the people there
>use the mako to drive to another location, giving the planet some scale and making it feel like an actual place rather than a series of corridors
>do some combat, maybe fight a boss, discover the true nature of your mission
>make choices that actually change things up (for instance in one mission you can divert security so that you'll fight fewer enemies but a team fighting them on the other side will probably not survive, or you could fight more enemies and have them survive instead)
>win by proving humanity's worth to a series of races that hold prejudice against you
>mission in ME2
>illusive man tells you to recruit person A
>go to place person A is
>person A wants X done
>do X by fighting hordes eclipse/blue suns/blood pack
>choices are pretty much limited to "do i punch this guy or do i not punch him"
>person A is recruited
>you win because you basically did what the illusive man wanted
>mission in ME3
>go to place
>do thing because "ur da best shephard"
>make choice that has no consequences because whatever choice you make only amount to the number of war assets you gain from a mission and has little bearing on how the actual game is played
>win by picking your favorite color, completely ignoring every choice that has ever been made in the entire trilogy
All of the ME games were fun as fuck, but the ending in 3 ruined it
pretty accurate.
What about andromeda ?
>playing Mass Effect for the story instead of the romance
thats where you fucked up
And that's where the series became trash.
ME2 and ME3 were also good games, they were just different games compared to ME1. The only wrong thing about ME3 is the fucking ending, everything else was really fun, expecially the Citadel DLC.
the series became trash when they killed off shepard in the start of me2, there is no recovery from this.
>as if planets from ME1 weren't just one fucking level with different textures with same bunkers and mines.
>as if most part of Citadel quests weren`t just "go to planet A and activate terminal B"
Seriously, I'm glad they removed this dumb shit from sequels.
The gameplay in 2 pisses me off because biotics suddenly don't work on anything with any shields or armor. But I have to admit, the missions are pretty varied and the characters kick ass
you didnt have to do this whole crap, you could just do the main story and be done with it.
but its nice to have it in the game for people that enjoy the atmosphere, just removing or replacing it with planet scans is retarded.
Well, if the MAKOs had survived past Enterprise in the timeline.
>the characters kick ass
yeah, if you are 12
We don't talk about Andromeda.
I know, I hate this probing Uranus myself, but they at least made sidequests a bit unique. For example, passing through fog full of giant spider-crabs was pretty atmospheric.
At least we've still got Obsidian
ME2 did it worse though because half of the story missions are on Omega or Illium. There are only like three missions where you actually go to a new planet (Freedom's Progress, Horizon and that place where the sun is really strong so you have to stay in cover).
ME1 was an RPG with guns, ME2 and ME3 were shooters with RPG elements tacked on, and quality of the story, world building and general feel of the games reflect this. 2 and 3 aren't terrible games by any means, but they playing them feels like they missed the point of what made ME1 so unique and popular.
Rather than improve on the good, they decided they wanted the COD audience.
I'm pretty sure that was the way of thinking of the time. Multiple developers/publishers were spouting the "we want to the cod audience" line.
Shame really, "unique" just doesn't cut it with audiences these days.
>it's bad the sequels are trash
Try playing ME2 and than you can shit on 3 and Andromeda.
I didn't think the sequels were that bad but I was disappointed in the direction they went. ME was so sci fi. The sequels were more about action.
Actually, ME1 tried to be cinematic shooter with RPG elements, for example, half of classes were just a combination of skills from another half and skill system was just garbage. In terms of roleplay ME2 even improved it in some way, but than it all went to hell.
>In terms of roleplay ME2 even improved
>can't choose between paragon and renegade freely because certain ingame moral choices are locked behind the % of paragon and renegade choices you made rather than the amount of points you havee
>meaning you can be at full renegade for getting let's say 1000 points but since you only got 75% of the renegade points that was offered to you throughout the game, you can't pick renegade choices that require 100% renegade
If anything that's removing from the roleplaying.
I enjoyed them all equally. They each had their strong/weak points.
>1: Slow, clunky, outdated
>2: Can't even remember the game... Must have been boring if I can't remember.
>3: Weak ending that made all the mini-games/side objectives seem pointless.
>bad graphics
>trash voice acting
>MC is voice acted
>dialog wheel is for braindead faggots
>bad story
Best girl no matter what all the dorks say.
Is there anyway to change how my Shepard looks when i port him over from M1 to M2 ?
His beard is very poorly textured and doesn't match his face and it's fucking triggering me now that i noticed it
Listen here newfag, you get to change his face, but between M1 and M2 you'll have to remake it from scratch, no editing. Between M2 and M3 you can edit the same face.
t. same sheperd
ME1 was pretty engaging to play even more than ME2. One of the major flaw of ME1 was it's uninspiring level design.
Mass Effect had several glaring flaws but it was BioWare's first attempt at a third person shooter, wasn't it? Though considering it was a spiritual successor to Knights of the Old Republic, things like the horrendous inventory system aren't excusable.
But these flaws can be forgiven as they aren't the focus of the game; The freedom of choice and the conversations were. Mass Effect 1 delivered on what it promised when it came to making an experience where you felt like you were responsible for what you said and did.
And then Mass Effect 2 was a celebrity baby sitting simulator where you had to help everyone with their literal daddy issues or they would be too sad to not die during the final mission. Nothing you do in ME2 matters and none of your choices through the game itself have consequences. It turned the franchise from being a roleplay experience to a cheap Gears of War clone. They removed every bit of optional conversation from the game's world and replaced it with loading screens and mission complete screens. Important lore was brushed aside for the sake of "spicing things up". And then ME3 was a pathetic attempt at combining ME1 and 2.
I can agree to the dialogue wheel and the shitty shooting (anything that isn't a soldier is a chore to shoot with) but everything else is total bs.
This looked very good for when it came out and comparing it to something like Crysis is a bit of a far cry considering that was more of a tech demo for it's time over the course of a full length game. The story ended up successfully setting up the way for the next two games going down the line and it had it's world able to be fully explored by the player even through the menus via a fully voiced encyclopedia of sorts.
>meming Crysis
Everyone knows Crysis was unoptimized as fuck which is why 2 and 3 look considerably worse. Also, ME1 was an early Xbox 360 exclusive. The 360 hardware of its time is comparable to how weak the PS2 was of its time. Mass Effect looks fantastic for when and where it released. Get better bait.
>bad graphics, even for 2007(year Crysis came out)
Used to really like it DAO made me realize that it does everything ME does but way better, except maybe the soundtrack.
>Start Mass Effect playthrough
>Have fun entire game developing my own unique Shepard
>Load to Mass Effect 2
>Either preachy mcpreacherton or pointlessly dickish jerkass
>Don't even bother completing Mass Effect 2 once the Mordin portions are complete cause the rest just sucks so much
I've only gotten two Shepards from 1 to 3 since 3 released.
Spot on
I just pictured somebody starting a fresh game every time they want to reach the part where Mordin sings, and the moment the scene is over the player shuts off the game with a big satisfied smile across their dumb face.