Dragon Ball Fighterz vs Monster Hunter World

Help me. I can't decide which one to get. I'll get both eventually but which one first?

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If you give a fuck about being good at the next big fighting game, dbz. If not monhun

>tfw I have the same dilemma

I went with Monster Hunter in the end but I'll get DBFZ in a couple weeks

coming to PC with all DLC, just wait
Will be dead in a couple weeks after the hype factor dies

Be better with your money, user.

Lootboxes, auto combos, 1 hit into free 30 hit combos that take 3/4 of your life.
MMO like gameplay, farming, lootboxes, sub 30 fps.
Wait for them both to go cheap and get them both in like 2 months man.

>Will be dead in a couple weeks after the hype factor dies

Wrong, it will last at least 5-8 months

Monster hunter has about 300 hours of fun. If you think you get more then that from dbz go ahead . i went mh

mhw will be cut price in a few months so they can boost the sales number for capcoms financials

I want both but I'm not sure either are worth full price to me. I'm thinking about waiting on both, yet there's nothing else I want to play. I'm thinking the player base will last longer in MH so that may be a reason to wait on that.

DBFZ is gonna drop players hard after casuals will get destroyed without knowing what happened. You're gonna have to play with usual fighting games community soon enough and they will stay for a long time, so I don't know if there's a point in buying it early unless you want some easy wins.

MonHun is gonna drop playerbase slower, at more linear pace.

I'm an average netplay scrub so I'd probably get two to three months off of DBFZ
MHW would probably last me 200 or so hours minimum

Just get both

I can't wait for the inevitable daily threads.

>I purchased DBZF/Monster Hunter, but when I remembered that I never actually liked or was good at these genre of games.

But you're a (((gamer))) right? gotta buy all those new HYPE games otherwise you're not a gamer bro haha, just like your favorite youtubers and twitch streamers even though they get the games for free to shill you morons like you? XD
HYPE RIGHT!! WHOOOO YEEEEEAAAAAAAH! Modern Dragonball Z reboot is so fucking litty dude, Blue hair?! whats next green Ultra Super Sayian God Super Saiyan Ultimate?! Whooooa bro fucking sick.

You're a funny man
that being said there are most likely going to be cosmetic microtransactions like the digital deluxe samurai armor that fits over your ordinary armor

who hurt you

Get DBZF on PS4 & wait for MHW on PC, PC version will use Dedicated servers & actually be 60fps

Odds mhw
Even dbzf

0 both

>I don't know if there's a point in buying it early unless you want some easy wins.
I already knew that but reading it now it kinda made me feel bad.


>PC version will use Dedicated servers

This post literally made me kill myself.

You will play world more. I'm really upset they are both on the same day, I want to play dbfz on first day but I'm way too keen for MHW.I'm also not gonna be able to play either till the 5th.

but that's wrong? actually pretty much your entire description for both games implies you've not touched a monster hunter game or fighting game in your life.

I actually expect this is Capcom realizing SF5AE is dogshit, so they wanted some form to throw a wrench in DBFZ

How about this?