>get asked why there's no weapons in subnautica, a game where you swim with alien fish and try to survive
>dev turns it into a political statement
>black character makes even more sense now
who else here pirating instead?
Get asked why there's no weapons in subnautica, a game where you swim with alien fish and try to survive
>reminder that there is another way
But his way is running away and locking yourself behind a wall. What an inspiring message
lol, he had to change it from school to mass shootings because niggers don't go to school
Then who was taking your lunch money every day?
>there is another way forward
>One where we are not at the top of the food chain
I can't even fathom how fuckiing retarded this man is
the mutt
>A world without guns
Dummy, we already have them, it's borderline impossible to get rid of them now. Fucking retard holy shit. Why don't we just get rid of the nukes as well?
>being so obsessed that you not only post this in every subnautica thread, but you had to make a standalone thread when there's already another one going with the same image
Let's be honest these "non-violent solutions" have never worked and will never work. Low IQ people only understand violence and fear
your mother
wew, that's some hardcore virtue signalling.
>Why don't we just get rid of the nukes as well?
you know everyone is slowly dismantling their nuclear arsenal right?
the only reason you can't take the guns out of america is because americans are retarded
More like Soynautica
i thought everyone should know
Well y'know what, maybe we should just shoot YOU
>I don't believe it causes more real world violence but let's take out the guns anyways
l'incubo eterno
nice trips
>everyone is slowly dismantling their nuclear arsenal
How would guns improve subnautica?
It's like these sjws can't differenate between different shootings.
The Sandy shooting(Which is a hoax but that is for a pol thread) is completely different from say a war. People are smart enough to know the difference and isn't going to link the sandy to a video game.
Also overall guns are a good thing. Does the sjw not realize that without guns human would revert back to primitive ways where evil people are at the top of the hierarchy and the virtuous are at the bottom?
>America has school shootings every day. Every. Single. Day
The absolute state of liberals. And people wonder why more and more people go full Sup Forums by the day.
the hostile alien sealife?
What country are you from?
>Actually knows the distinction between full auto and semi auto
>Still thinks you can purchase full auto weapons anywhere in the US
She's either a retard or a liar.
Only reason this guy is against guns is because he knows he would be the first one to die in a world where strength matters. He knows he is a soyboy and as such the weak die and the strong live.
commiefornians aren't known for smarts or stable mental health.
Are all data being wiped and anyone with knowledge of producing guns and nukes exterminated?
>So Subnautica is one vote towards a world with less guns.
So guns are still needed then?
He just wants to whitewash his lazieness with liberal agends
even russia is, look it up
a literal world without guns isn't realistic, I assumed he meant a world where there wasn't a gun in the hands of every civilian (like america)
So the guns are solely with the government and criminals?
Except you can, so long as it's pre-ban and you have the money
I know it's hard for an american to imagine but try looking at the rest of the civilized world and see how they do it and see how little mass killing they have compared to america
Godmode should be on by default. All games are better with less challenge.
la creatura
Holy shit, I almost bought this game. Thanks op
nice, fuck trump
>t. girl
>dont like guns in games? make your own game then
>you made your own game yeah well I'll shitpost about it endlessly and tell people to pirate it
Like the Swiss? Or stats with low negro population density?
>subnautica is one vote towards a world with less guns.
Imagine being naive. The real world is going to eat them alive.
What's the point of a gun if shooting people is illegal?
Like literally every first world country
>I don't believe that video games dictate the events of reality
>Yet I'm acting as if that is the case anyway
>Because ???
Cognitive dissonance!
if your negros didnt have guns, gang violence would be less deadly and there'd be alot less collateral, it's too late for that now though
t. Gaming journalists
Tell that to north Korea/iran you dumb hippy cunt.
iran doesn't even have nukes and north korea has no means to fire them, not to mention they have like less than 10 compared to the thousands owned by russia and the us
Haha, yes, disarm yourselves :) the benevolent government will protect you and keep you safe.
Also, please increase your debt and continuously embrace a more hedonistic consumer-culture.
Please don't ever look in a mirror or deeply contemplate the state of the world, just continue sliding ever-downward into a spiral of debt.
I promise the government will take care of it all :^)
>Haha, yes, disarm yourselves :) the benevolent government will protect you and keep you safe.
yeah, they will, look at literally any first world country that isn't yours
I'm here to tell you about the benefits of soy and soy-based products
>Everyone is dismantling
>Except the people that aren't
Kys, you know off a bridge if your shit country has them or drink bleach or something. Since you can't shoot yourself.
Who the fuck cares? At least post a thread about a topical game with shitty devs
there is ONE (1) rogue state building a "nuclear arsenal" that it doesn't even have the means to attack with
>our government, culture and economy are shit
>lets give guns to everyone, that'll solve it
Can we mod harpoons into the game?
Is that pic ironic? Seems a little too specific to not be just shit to fire at Sup Forumstards spilling into other boards.
Yep. I've always found this logic fucking stupid.
>>theres not enough blacks in vidya
>dont like it? then make your own dipshit and stop complaining
>>okay i made vidya with lots of niggers in it
>wow fucking pandering SJW cuck soyboy retard KYS. bet your game wouldnt even be popular without all that pandering
Yep liberals let's ban 310,000,000 (three-hundred-and-ten-million) guns in the USA. Yeah that's a workable solution! Fucking retards
Genuinely curious, are you talking about DPRK or Israel?
It's more to do with the fact that Subnautica is owned and funded by Chinks and so the game has to be in line with their Chink socialist ideals.
are those goalposts heavy to move around like that?
Is there any evidence that getting rid of the guns we have in USAland will reduce crime?
He'd have to be talking about DPRK. Israel obviously has the capability to launch and aim a nuke.
“Giant fish monsters will eat us alive, and that’s OK.”
It didn't work in Australia, they just switched to knives
there's evidence getting rid of a tripfag reduces gayness
Can't people ever just say "Because I didn't want to."
getting rid of guns would reduce the lethality of crime and mass shootings, obviously
>not having everyone set to user
If it was even possible, yes, obviously. But they simply won't be able to do that, not in the short-term anyway.
In a perfect world, with a perfectly implemented system wherein criminals also got rid of their guns, there's plenty of evidence to suggest that it would reduce crime.
But honestly, the US is too far gone, there is simply no way you could disarm the country without it creating a massive power vacuum.
No, someone from the alt-right in all seriousness made it, user.
Of course it is, you retard.