>this is how 2018 CryEngine PC games look like
This is how 2018 CryEngine PC games look like
Other urls found in this thread:
>this is the inventory screen in 2018 PC game
what game?
Kingdom Sup Forums
>pc game
>console footage
I guess he means Kingdom Come Deliverance
oh okay thanks
why the "Sup Forums" though?
Because its realistic game so no niggers or chinks
cuz dev is based white european not bending to sjw forced diversity in game about medieval europe. dont listen to these pajeet niggers
It's PC footage with gamepad.
Sup Forums is actively shilling the game here for main developer due to their political views. Next time you see this game shilled on Sup Forums notice overuse of words "cuck", "SJW" and how any argument against the game is followed by ad hominem replies calling people trannies, snowflakes, etc.
Shut up faggot
So is there any actual reason to call the game Sup Forums or actual criticism of the game itself, other than you don't like that some people you don't like, like the game?
*shut up nigger faggot
While this definitely could have more shadows, I fail to see a problem with Also cherrypicking
so anyone that doesn't like SJW shit is Sup Forums?
got it.
case in point:
Wow you're so clever you were able to predict that everyone in the thread would call you a fucking faggot, wow you're smart
nobody cares cunt
This is an Oblivion mod, right?
>Exhaust meter separate from Stamina
>at 100/100
what did they mean by this? Is he 100% exhausted or is it like his exhaust valve and he's just done 100 farts?
>I fail to see the problem with UI worse than Oblivion
obviously not, but anyone who does not like the game isn't a commie cuck sjw either.
>cherrypicking UI
>We want the oblivion audience
>this is how 2018 CryEngine PC games look like
wow someone's remaking quest for glory?
>UI stylized as an old paper
Wow guys it is totally oblivion rip off!
Moderate hype
I think the game looks neat, but perhaps youre not too experienced with video games to see that the inventory system is a console system.
Lists are AWFUL on keyboard and mouse, they're the least user friendly way to present your choices as the amount of things you see are so small, compared to a grid based system that let you not only organize sometimes, but let you see multiple items at once. Scrolling through a list of 7 items each is a real pain in a butt, it's slow, it's disorienting, it's reading based.
See tragic skyrims inventory for reference.
I dig the rest of the game though.
That's not why people are saying it looks like Oblivion. Are you retarded?
>being stupid
Also, even shitty DD inventory is better, it actually shows more than 6 items at once.
Another good game with a real shitty inventory. Cant consoles invent a better inventory system than these small lists of ~6 - 7 items at once, it's like being forced to use crutches to walk for a perfectly healthy human being.
>He thinks graphics matter
Yeah but that's a good game.
2016 maybe. It's from the 2yo beta, you can tell it by the guy with a generic face
Graphics is the most important part
Are Kingdom Come fans this stupid? I mean they clearly don't care about combat but come on, this is straight-up bait.
>its ok when a good game does it
>ddda being anything more than subpar game
>LEG ARMO15/15/15
>those random numbers next to the items on the list
What the fuck?
Kingdom Come's inventory menu is almost 1:1 copy of the Oblivion one. It's not just because of the old paper style.
Yeah Cryengine is garbage.
Probably protection from different kinds of damage.
And the listed items have pretty obvious icons.
>this is how 2018 CryEngine PC games look like
Could you repeat that in English?
It certainly has better gameplay, mechanics, and story than whatever this dumb Slav game has.
What's wrong with this?
thanks for proving me right
He is totally right tho. Those guys deserve to be btfo, besides it's his game and he can do whatever he pleases with it
>this is how 2018 CryEngine PC games look like
>press any key to enter menu to start game
>press quit to menu > press any key to enter menu to quit the game > press quit the game
thank god theres alt+f4 . How do these stone age console garbage trends still alive is beyond me. Next thing you know they'll only allow voice commands to navigate menus just to make it more obnoxious.
>ignoring the fact that UI itself is just as bad as 2 years ago
Think you're so clever, huh?
I said English, not third world shitter.
>and the goalpost moved away
This is how
2018 CryEngine PC games
look like
But you moved the goalpost first. The whole reason why this screenshot was even taken is to show off the horrendous UI. It doesn't matter whether it's from 2016 or 2018 if the UI is still the same.
I don't like his "I live here so I know better" argument but yeah.
Also I wouldn't believe anyone who says they use a consultant. It's bullshit almost every time or they consult someone once, he says it's bullshit but they go with it anyways.
>Third world shitter can't read or write
I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
>"you moved the goalpost!"
>initially moved it to "its better because the guy has a different face!"
All their creative gusto was spent making forests. They should've developed a hunting game instead.
>having this much difficulty in basic reading comprehension
Why are you still here instead of taking your classes for special children?
Because i'm not the literate third world shitter who can't even form a basic sentence?
Yeah, you're worse
>making forests
It's funny because it's procedurally generated by CryEngine itself.
>Yeah, you're worse
It's irpossible, fuckegg
>m-muh realism
>so realistic much real wow
>hits the guy in plate armor with iron mace
>sounds like wet stick slapping
>that cut at 15 minutes
>german guy went from standing over a peasant to standing in teh exact same pose near the horse with no peasant nearby
>even weather has changed
Can't believe I was hyped for this shit. Bannerlord when?
not him, but he didn't argue about the UI he have just pointed out that pic is from an old beta
but he is right and no amount of angry tumblr blog posts the other guys actually used as source will change that, I grew up in a rather remote region of Austria and I myself never even saw a black person until I moved into a bigger city and this is nowadays. The only thing you could consider non-white immigration was turkish/kurdish immigrants and a few Iranians and Vietnamese in the 70s and 80s. They used to exhibit black people in fucking zoos a hundred years ago for fucks sake.
Also the dude went the umad Sup Forums route out of spite, because according to him he grew up in a communist system and he won't let anybody police his speech, don't like his "racist" game, don't buy it.
>Bannerlord when?
>sounds like wet stick slapping
What the fuck do you think it sounds like?
They're wearing padded clothing underneath.
Not even the OP, just making fun of your disability, dumbnut. I hope you can actually read this and I'm not talking to your handler instead.
If I were him I would have put realistic minorities into the game to enrage fuckfaces bothered by no minorities even more, so that would be for example, slave trading Arabs trading castrated black men, thieving gypsies, maybe some pillaging horde nomads and of course, greedy ghetto jews.
>shitwitted normalfag default reaction to anything that isn't dumbed-down bullshit streamlined for their zero-wrinkle brains
Are you retarded or just American?
leftie niggers not welcome here
Go back to bed Vavra. Go make fun of trannies on twitter or whatever you do to kill your time at work instead of working on the game.
There is a difference? o.O
That's the health of his exhaust, he's a Transauto (A car born in the body of a man)
Dont be like that user. No need to paint him in various terms for what he's not guilty off.
How does a caveman know what a car is
What's the problem? It looks like Darklands, the best CRPG ever made.
>this epitome of mediocrity will sell well because the devs are BASED /ourguy/s who BTFO'd SJW's with their tweets and shirts
Ah, the magical times of terrible UI's.
he's a transamerican
I hope so.
this is a 10 year old game
Still better than the alternative of soyims handing out GOTY awards left and right for indie shit like Gone Home.
As long as KC raises the bar of what's acceptable as an indie game they can have whatever political view they want.
Worked with Legend of Grimrock at least.
The early to mid 90s were the golden age of CRPGs, and if you don't agree then your opinions ought not to be pandered to.
Name an RPG that you think has had a good UI that came out since about 2006,.
Hey, aren't those stats SPECIAL minus Luck?
that doesn't make any fucking sense what you said.
its better than simple flat color bullshit you see these days
stylized UI needs to come back
What does that have to do with the godawful UI's? You do realise with no interaction design of any sorts, every developer had their own idea what's ergonomic and whats not. Those years are notoriously well known for being terrible at interaction experience, despite having some of the more memorable gameplay experiments.
Indeed, and four years before Fallout 1.
>common stat names are commonly used
You're mistaking colors for ergonomics. Not the same thing, i'd very much prefer the organic elegance of something like Icewind Dale/Planescape UI to the minimalist crap we have now.