Holy shit, contrarians, you were right. After a few false starts in the past I finally gave DaS2 another go...

Holy shit, contrarians, you were right. After a few false starts in the past I finally gave DaS2 another go. The only difference - I was arsed enough to install the deadzone fix. It really is better than 3, after all. I am sorry I never believed you.

Also, being a rat fucker, picking invaders off with lightning the moment they stop to heal after the mastodon, is the most fun I've had with invasions in ages.

Rat covenant is best covenant. It still pisses me off that 3 doesn't have anything similar, but instead has two different blue covenants.

What do you mean two blue covenants? So does DaS2, the blue babbies and the blue policemen.

Blue Sentinels and Blades of the Darkmoon

>rat covenant
>bonfire ascetic up to dangerous levels
>drop loot in various places
>activate traps and blockades
>hide near fog gate
>watch invaders fight their way through my magical realm
Why didn't DS3 let me be a dungeon master?

Oh shit, you are right. I forgot. Two policemen forces. Invading in DaS3 was just so annoying, you would always be alone against 3 summoned phantoms AND the police would drop in.

> bonfire ascetic
OP here, thanks for the tip. Why didn't I think of that.

>not playing as Aldrich Faithful
Ruined Cathedral will always be the best to invade

Best hub also in the Souls series.

Aldrich Faithful is my fuckin jam for PvP.
Belltower boys for 2. Stay the fuck away from my bell.

> your bell
I wish I could ring it again and again just to spite you niggers. I got invaded by 2 bellboys at the same time in sol, wrecked 'em both. Don't fuck with me.

>playing DS2
>reach DLC areas
>makes me want to quit

every single time. Iron Keep isn't that bad because it's so short, but fucking Eleum Loyce and Sanctum of Shulva are just fucking slogs.

I'm just pissed that the community is split between 2 games. The whole SOTFS move was a bad choice.

>I wish I could ring it again and again
You stop that talk right fucking now.

Literally a covenant of manlets.

Yes, you can thank consoles for that mostly.
As it was released at the time of the generation change as SOTFS was released for new consoles. It had more changes, like enemy placement and stuff so it wouldn't have worked as a simple patch due to present savegames. They just had to release as a completely new game on the same platform. (PC)

Thanks, consolets.

I had a lot of fun with DaS2 and the re-release. Replayed it a lot. PvP was fun. Sup Forums can't convince me otherwise.

Several playthroughs of this game and I still don't get what deadzones are and why they're such a big deal to everyone

That would make two of us


Well its good to know that ds2 shills are indeed blind retards

You can enjoy all 3 DS games you know.

>I had no problem controlling the character
>blind retard


come on man, that's quite enough

Then explain what they are

Maybe it's a PC port exclusive problem? Unless you played on PC too, in which case you really are blind.

I looked it up and either it didn't happen in my version or this is a big "its fucking nothing" meme issue.
I played on pc both for the original version and also SoftS.

It's not nothing at all unless you are retarded. It's not a small difference, this is not like those autists on /vr/ masturbating over 2 frame input delays and shit. It's your control stick being incapable of gentle motions or turns.