Finally forced myself to beat dlc, and what the fuck?
Why Sup Forums praised Gael fight so much? Shit was plainly boring without any interesting parts.
Finally forced myself to beat dlc, and what the fuck?
>look everyone! i'm being a contrarian on the internet!
No, I mean it really was fucking bad
I felt the same, user.
Mainly due to fight being fucking copypaste of previous boss mechanics from bloodborne, and Gael having a more cheap and shitty feeling than mlst other bosses, even when I ran through it without using flasks.
>vast open field to fight in with negligible boundaries
>mash up of some of the best fights of the series
>Amazing 9 minute Kitamura musical suite in three phase sections
You're crazy if you can't see the appeal.
It was a good fight. You are probably just jaded.
>Shit was plainly boring without any interesting parts
True, but since a large portion of Sup Forums like to pretend that das3 is a masterpiece on par with BB, It's a 10/10 pure kino boss fight.
>vast open field to fight in with negligible boundaries
Just for him to jump around like a total retard missing you
>mash up of some of the best fights of the series
I recognized only arthorias which already was pretty boring compared to the deflorator
>Amazing 9 minute Kitamura musical suite in three phase sections
Das3 ost generally lacked, but I don't fucking even remember anything about gael boss fight theme, this is how bad and unmemorable it was
I liked it a lot, certainly one of the better fights in the series, especially the last part with the music getting intense lightning striking everywhere and the fight becoming anime as fuck with him flying around and doing flips and shit.
>two nobodies fighting over nothing in the middle of nowhere at the end of time itself
> forced myself
> boring
Spotted prejudiced sonyboy faggot
>Final forced myself
>couldn't give a shit
Why should anyone be fucking shocked you didn't like it then? You sound like a moron.
>Be big Souls fan
>Play DS3 on release, have a good enough time with it
>Sell/lose/give game away cant remember
>Remove game data because autistic about storage
>Recently mention to gf about wanting to play DLC for it
>She gets me the Fire Fades edition
>Can't motive myself to get through the base game
Yeah, I should have kept my data but I think I'm burnt out at this point. Even finishing 3 was pushing it a little. I am excited about the remake though.
Impossible! Nobody can find a dark souls boss overrated!
> I am excited about the remake though.
First das was pretty bad too
You circlejerked for the this fight so much, that I thought it will be on the orphan level or maybe even better.
Nostalgia goggles I bet. It was my first Souls, I missed Demons but did play it immediately after 1. I want to at least have it really, even with it's flaws I'm still somewhat attached to it.
>You circlejerked for the this fight so much
ESL brainlet pls go
Not him but I'm excited for renewed online. I still play DaS1 on PS3 from time to time and am looking forward to having that experience again with friends who never played it. Hopefully matchmaking will be easier since DaS1 was always the worst about summoning friends.
This post really made me chuckle.
I enjoyed DS3, but I think it's the weakest in the franchise, and this narrative point didn't help at all.
Nah, I'd say that would be Dark Souls 2 which didn't know what the fuck it wanted to do with its narrative. The only interesting thing about that was the shards of manus stuff from the dlc.
All DaS games are good.
which game is this?
>All DaS games are good
>Some are just more good than others
>Some are just more good than others
Doesn't mean one game is bad if another is better at it. There's also nothing wrong with liking one game more than another. The problem lies in if you have a problem over someone liking one over the other. I don't hate any of the Souls games, they're all fun for different reasons and all have their own downfalls.
It was just an Animal Farm joke user, try not to pay too much attention to my autism.
It's ok user, just a bit of friendly conversation.
I too like all the Souls games, user, and feel they also have their own strengths and weaknesses. Whenever I feel tired with one I can just hop over to a different one and have a good time.
I think some people just feel very strongly towards a particular one (usually their first) and get upset when the other games fail to meet their expectations.
Glad you do, too much hostility over the best Souls game in this board, I feel. Nice talking to ya, thanks for the chat, user.
Right back at you, friendly user
>ESL retard can't understand why non-brainlets praise a good fight
Orphan isn't even that special, I don't understand why that fight is hyped so much.
>vast open field to fight in with negligible boundaries
Nah that's shit. Paying attention to positioning is important, too many fights are already sprawling arenas.
It's very shit for Gael because you can permanently outrun Gael, the elevation differences make him miss and he gets stuck on brickwork.
>mash up of some of the best fights of the series
Kind of meaningless when it's the most braindead combat in the series and you just spam roll through everything. Something original wouldn't have hurt either.
DaS2 felt like it had a more interesting narrative because it set itself apart a fair bit.
Meanwhile after what DaS1 and DaS2 established the narrative of DaS3 kind of doesn't make much sense.
DaS2 really didn't make much sense on its own due to all the cut stuff with Nashandra making the last third of the game feel very disjoined, and I felt like a lot of the stuff with LOL ENDLESS CYCLES THE LORD SOULS JUST KEEP COMING BACK meshed poorly with 1. Especially stuff like Seath having the soul of a Great One, which contradicts DaS1.
t. the scrub who was below NG4
The DLC2 boss healthbars get insanely bloated at NG++ and above, its such a slog.
The DLC bosses were meant to be played above NG++.
You have source from From about that?
I thought that in DaS1 Gwyn split his soul, giving a portion of it to Seath and the Four Kangs.
It made sense to me that this change persisted (though I guess it being a Great soul is wrong).
It made less sense to me that the Lord Souls just stopped mattering in 3 but that older characters and locations returned. I mean only Seath's Soul is still in 3 because you get it from Oceiros to make the MLGS (not by cutting off his tail though because DaS3 a shit).
The Lord Souls coming back shit also kind of made sense to me since the undead just bring various souls back to the kiln or whatever whenever the fire fades so naturally they're going to be there when the next cycle happens and some fucker can grab them.
>Retard doesn't understand das2 lore
Not even surprised
> Especially stuff like Seath having the soul of a Great One, which contradicts DaS1.
DaS reference souls are ng+ fanservice, fucking das2 king hunted old ones to get a throne of the want, and fucking iron king ruins already were around at that time so he couldn't kill him.
Old ones are just people with strong souls you need to kill to prove that you aren't waste of time. Also sinner was around Venedric time too
I wonder are you actually retarded or just pretending?
DaS ending was literally about you linking fire or leaving it because there nothing you could do about it. If you link it there only two possible outcomes, fire becoming strong enough and letting people to die for the time and starting fading again some time in the future(des style), with kingdoms ruined by hollows never recovering. Or fire actually puking souls you burned and letting civilization to recover until it starts fading, again. Both implied cycles.
Now tell me why would you ever think that das ending and cycles go against each other.
Dark Souls 3 is a sequel with missed opportunity.
Dark Souls 2 is a badly written fanfiction.
It didn't persist for the Four Kings, why would it for Seath? The reason it persisted is so they could reference Seath.
You're retarded.
All the +3 rings from the DLCs are only available in NG+++.
>he doesn't like the boss with the deepest lore
For my lady's painting.
>dragons have souls now
>despite dragons NOT having souls being one of the central parts of the creation myth
Fuck Dark 2.
No they aren't. You can get them in NG
>two nobodies fighting over nothing in the middle of nowhere at the end of time itself
But that's fucking wrong.
If that were true Gael wouldn't have been a pre-established character and would have appeared as a nameless healthbar...
not a 13 ft tall, cape-wearing motherfucker who shoots crossbows while he backflips and demands your Dark Soul™ with 3 boss predictable phases.
He's quite literally the exact fucking opposite of a "nobody" right now. Are you serious? The nigger has almost every piece of the Dark Soul doesn't he? It's the end of time and its just you two, apparently that makes him a nobody?
People only say this shit to cope with how out-of-nowhere this ending was as a whole. If the ending was done properly Gael wouldn't have been the size of fucking Hercules.
DaS3 is also a badly written fan fiction.
Did you read what I just said? The +3 rings, not the normal ones, you can only get them when playing the DLCs at NG+++ or above.
>You're retarded.
Great argument, lol.
What dragon had souls in the 2?
>creation myth making any sense to begin with
>gwyn creates the dawn of the age of the gods! but also humanity! but also humanity is the dark!
Gael is a literal who hollow that fights well, just like the protagonist. That's what makes him cool
Then why do my NG characters have the Ring of Favour and Havel's Ring +3?
All of those rings can be gotten in any playthrough of the game. NG, NG+, NG++, whatever. I have no idea why you are trying to mislead people about this.
Cheat engine says hi.
You can get +3 rings anywhere
Only +2 are locked behing ng
Seath and the ancient dragon in Freja's cave.
If I remember correctly.
I think B team were just too lazy to put in tail weapons.
I don't even have CE on my PC.
Sinh. The Dragon in the memory. Guardian Dragon.
The sequels in general went way overboard with giving everything a unique boss soul to craft a boss weapon.
>hurrr I'm a DaS2 expert
Yeah I really missed out by not discussing lore with you.
You are wrong. I have the +3 rings on NG character. Why argue for something so easily proved wrong?
they're not literally gods and lords you fucking retard, they FOUND the souls of lords within the flame. EVERYONE is a human, everyone is part of the Dark Soul.
the WHOLE fucking point is that these Lords and Gods are just powerful, tall people and at the end of the day their powers will fade.
>everyone is human
Nah that definitely isn't true, going off AotA dialogue.
gael is the best fight in all of ds3 and one of the best in the series you fag
Humans aren't gods. Humans are born from the pygmy who split his soul amongst the rest of his kind whilst the other lords coveted their power. In the same manner that Gwyn created the gods by sharing the light soul, the pygmy created man by sharing the Dark Souls. Only pygmy split his much further, so there was far less power in each piece meaning humans are weak.
there's giants, but Gwyn is literally just a human
Only on the ng+, and this souls are pure fanservice, I already explained why
From this soul you can only get weapon of the knight who hunted him, should be big enough hint even for retards like you.
>Guardian Dragon.
At least you didn't said said ancient dragon
Great argument.
As expected from person who only heard about lore from epic maymays and never even touched game.
>only humans can go hollow
what i also dont understand is where did these original lords even fucking come from, they say everything was "dark", is that just a metaphor or is it completely literal, the whole thing reads like the big bang of a universe but there's all these pre existing factors that aren't explained and don't add up
I was wrong, the spreadsheet I used to get all rings was saying that those rings were locked behind NG+++, my bad.
>pure fan service
Except the whole story of the old ones is that they (for some fucking reason) inhereted the souls of the lords from the first game. Iron King is gwyn, Rotten is Nito, prisoner is Witch and Freja has, completely inexplicably, Seath's shard of Gwyn's soul.
what the fuck are you talking about that isnt remotely true how can the gods be humans when humans came from the pygmy and the gods existed at the same time as the pygmy?
Why would you ever want some blshit to interrupt you during a boss fight when all you should be thinking about is the fight?
I hope you've learned to do a bit of research before telling people they're wrong in future.
It's simple.
>hey this thing contradicts the first ga-
how is The pygmy going to come from Pygmies when The pygmy is the first one? shit makes no sense
At least you apologized but jeez, maybe don't be more careful before spouting stuff in the future.
Gwyn, the Witch and Nito were small, shriveled pygmies before they found the Lord Souls.
The Pygmy remained so because he split his soul to create humans.
I don't own the DLCs played it pirated when it was released, so I couldn't check for myself.
I think what it means is that they all started as pygmies, but the others all found powerful souls and rose above their beginnings, while the Pygmy was only left with tablescraps and retained his status.
>implying these aren't humans
Everything moves in cycles retards, it literally says: FOUND THE SOULS OF LORDS. How can they be lords if lords do not exist? They FOUND their souls just like you do. The didn't fucking create them. These are not the first fucking beings ever in existence, all this shit has already happened before.
>Shitting on Gael's theme
Your trying too hard user.
there is absolutely no evidence to support this the intro to dark souls 1 calls him "THE furtive pygmy" in that context implying hes the original
Those are pygmies. When a human or god hollows they revert to this state, the primordial soulless form of all non-dragons.
Two posts up, a screenshot showing a number of pygmies seeking the flame.
>The pygmy is the first one
wrong, its outright stated gwyn started the FIRST age of fire before them there were only the immortal dragons living in an unchanging world
in the story of dark souls the fire itself its Change
>Except the whole story of the old ones is that they (for some fucking reason) inhereted the souls of the lords from the first game. Iron King is gwyn, Rotten is Nito, prisoner is Witch and Freja has, completely inexplicably, Seath's shard of Gwyn's soul.
Maybe you should play game or something
>Chancellor Wellager
>My Lord made magnificent findings on souls… An accomplishment for the ages…
>He vanquished the Four Great Ones… And built this kingdom upon their souls.
Iron king keep already was shithole and Venedric salvaged his shitty turtle knights from there. He also used Bastille to keep prisoners and his brother experiments, and with sinner being oldest prisoner that means she was around too.
Now tell me what 4 old ones he could fucking killing if iron king and sinner survived until you? Maybe, just maybe old ones are just guys with strong souls just like during on your normal run?
Also bonus specially for you, des ng+ has maid soul if you didn't killed her and nothing if you actually killed and go for old one ending. das had Gwyn soul, the guy who burned in the fire for thousand years and gave his soul to the 4 kings and dragon buddy.
3/4 kf games had ng+ bonus that was pure fanservice too.
>those are pigmies
right, they're humans lol
>pigmy creates humanity
>but somehow that means he isn't a human
ok child
OK, maybe we'll change wordings so you guys can understand better.
Gwyn, The Witch, Nito and The Pygmy were all HOLLOWS before finding the lord souls. The Pygmy stayed hollow because he didn't take the power of the Dark Souls for his own. When you begin to lose your soul you revert to the original hollow state, and this can happen to humans, gods and lords.
Those are not humans.
Not him but DaS3 in general has this bad issue where the boss songs for different phases have horrendous transitions and this is REALLY apparent in Gael's song. Still like it though.
and thats still headcanon very few things are outright stated in dark souls because the lore is basically nonexistent go get miyazaki to say that everyone thats not a dragon is a pygmy because the tiny bit of in game lore claims the gods are a separate race
furtive pygmy is not a Pronoun retard. It implies that it was a shy manlet
Is a hollow human then, by your logic?
Yup everyone who has issues with the whole LOL THE LORD SOULS JUST COME BACK I GUESS didn't play Dark Souls 2, Mr. What Dragons Had Souls.
Because thinking about how you have to roll and where you want to be makes the fight better.
Fights where all you have to do is judge the timing for your rolls are shit and for Gael spamming roll is often sufficient to dodge many of his attacks.
Having to take into account ledges, walls or boss provided hazards is part of the fight and only lightning really plays into that for Gael and that barely hits you.
I think it's more inexplicable that Iron King has Gwyn's Soul. Four Kings seems like it lines up better since they got those souls from plundering the Lordvessel (broken in Majula). Thematically it also seems like a closer fit for Iron King to have the soul of the Four Kings even if what you craft from it is more obviously Gwyn's Shit.
a slightly altered human, kind of like how gods and lords are also just slightly altered humans
it specifically refers to him as THE pygmy
not A pygmy it implies hes the original
Watch the intro cinematic again.
The world was nothing but dragons, stone an arch trees. Then the fire came, and the hollows came to seek the souls within.
All life descended from the four lords and their progeny/followers. There were no iron boars to claim souls, there were no snakemen or crag spiders. It all started with hollows.
Really, From Software?