Have Germans ever shoplifted before?

Have Germans ever shoplifted before?

The immigrants do

No, but "Germans" have.

Too bad they couldn't even play MonHun since it's online only

Fuck off ypu little slut

>germans buying anything other than farming simulators

school kids and dindus shoplifted all the time at the vidya store i used to work at. it was the store with the highest number of stolen items of my store chain in the entire country. at some point we had three (3!) security guys for our tiny ass store and they still didnt stop stealing.
bottom line yes.

There's no cd in those cases. You receive the cd at the counter.

No real negroid population so nobody really wants PS4 games, stolen or otherwise.

>There's no cd in those cases. You receive the cd at the counter.
>Literally still in it's shrinkwrap


>games clearly sealed

>farming simulator almost sold out
>all those copies of MHW still on the shelves

Welcher Mediamarkt/Saturn ist das? Ich brauch Mosnter Hunter.... jetzt lieber als morgen

There's still no cd in it.

he's right you idiots.
most stores have a few empty cases and give you a new one from the counter/storage when you buy it

yes, i did when i was 12/13

you cannot be THIS retarded

Yeah, the store is totally going to re-shrinkwrap every single copy.
None of the big chain stores have been doing the whole disc-less display case shit for decades here in Germany. It's simply not a thing.
In some of the smaller privately owned stores you can sometimes still find it but in those cases it's 99% of the time just a display case and they pull a completely fresh copy out of storage when you want to buy it.

Games in it COMPANY shrinkwrap.

Unless that german store has opened every one and then resealed by some magic then the games in the case you fucking moron.

> soneger sein

All the stores I've been to use those security covers. Unless I bought it from gamestop, the game was always in the cover.

The only people I saw shoplifting were germans though

Genieß deine Wartezeit digga

Yes I can, watch me

really depends
the large stores like Saturn or Media Markt sell "full" cases, but smaller niche stores usually don't
at least where i live

Fuck off, krauts

habt ihr neger monhun schon beim expert gesehen?

all those unsold copies of Infinite

Nein du
>kraut thread

es gibt expert noch?


>uk talk shit
the irony

I've only see small stores buy used stuff. They were nice because you could some old games for a good price until ebay niggers jacked up the prices.
Now those shit"stores" sell all that stuff through ebay and pretend they're a store, misusing terms like "almost new" when it has scratches and shit. "Tante Emma" and not "konsolenkost" ok

Hab glaub ich noch einen im Umkreis von 100km oder so.
Gab auch mal mehr aber Mediamarkt und Saturn haben die ziemlich breidflächich aus dem Gewerbe getrieben. Expert war halt schon immer eher ein bischen teurer

Where the fuck do you live if it's strange to you? Even in poor Poland you can get game from the shelf and yes disc is inside.

We don't live in a 56% white nation, Amerimutts. Maybe that's why?

>inb4 b-b-but allah ackbar XD

>Mülheim an der Ruhr
>Im Media Markt am Heifeskamp gibt es Monster Hunter World für 39,99€. Es war ein ganzer Stapel noch da. Direkt daneben liegen auch welche für 59€. Also falsch etikettiert.

In case somebody lives around that place.

>"The Anti-Cuck"
Oy mate, I spit out my tea upon reading this

Be careful mate, you might knock over your beans on toast.

Only chocolates as a kid.

>be kraut
>get btfo

This meme doesn't make sense. Only like 2% of Americans are mixed.
It would make more sense if you accused them of being niggers or spics.

>Only like 2% of Americans are mixed
Americans actually believe this

>4 different Landwirtschafts-simolators

god damn it krauts

what do you mean by "Germans"

Ever notice how German is a combination of the words Germ and Man?
Really makes you think

fucking kek

>platinum edition

>250km entfernt

Shiet :(
Zockst du schon? Wie ist es?

More like only 2% considered themselves "mixed" despite genetics clearly showing admixture being present in the greater U.S. population.

The vast majority of black murricans aren't even pure blacks. Even your niggers are mutts

I did at one point. Knew the cameras so I blocked the cams with my body, took out the 3DS games and after that went to a Gamestop and took the empty cases After that I traded them at another GS in for the 2for1 Deal or storecredit. Sometimes I did it at the same store I had stolen the cases. Not proud of it.

Canadafag here, in high school i used to go to a superstore like once a month ask for them to get a game out of the glass case, and they would always hand me it to pay at the front and i would just walk out. Never got caught somehow.

>he unironically thinks that that tedious piece of shit, Monster Hunter, is better than Landwirtschaftssimulator

I hope you're just baiting for (you)'s

That's not what I said at all

>mud runner

>hiring more people instead of locking the games up

are u retarted??

and bongs got rekt so hard by the germans that they needed to cry for help from ameriblobs. makes you think..

Dont do this, Both our countries are being invaded and raped by the Muslim hordes. We should come together and mourn the death of our countries.

>and bongs got rekt so hard by the germans
>this is what Wehraboos unironically believe

Friendly reminder that pretty much every Saturn or Media Markt sells MHW already and already did yesterday.

>hurr scawwy muslims invading my cuntry it's so hard
faggot casuals call me when you have a nigger problem yet still manage to be the #1 economy on earth

Ich will mich nicht beschweren aber warum so günstig?

>Saturn or Media Markt
Good goy

The fuck is Matterfall? I've literally never heard of it.

better than goystop

Falsch etikettiert.

Ich wohne nicht dort, ist auf mydealz.
Kannst es vielleicht zu dem Preis bekommen wenn du denen das Bild zeigst und sagst, dass es von deinem Bruder ist (oder Koseng falls du Türke bist) und es für dich auch kaufen kann.

> I've literally never heard of it.
Because it's from Housemarque (Super Stardust, Resogun, Nex Machina).

>went to gamescom last year
>most stands were pretty crowded but you never had to wait very long
>get to Farming Simulator 2018
>it's absolutely packed with people and there's a gigantic, but orderly, line in front of it
Germans are a weird bunch.

>Sonyger see a store
>immediately wants to rob it
You just don't make that shit up.

>went to Gamescom in 2013
>saw a similar stand for Farming Simulator
>got a yellow cap
Still have that thing. Otherwise, most of the other shit was pretty crowded, but it was a fun experience overall, especially when you had a Journo pass.

Bist du Volksdeutscher? Ich dachte immer nur Türken spielen auf Konsole.

Wahrscheinlich minderjährig

What's the appeal of all these X simulators?

Why are germans so butthurt all the time

They're sore losers

in frankfurt verkaufen sie es im skylineplaza gamestop und saturn

nicht genug kohle für pc und konsole haben. wer ist hier der kanak.

Soll ich nach Saturn und nachschauen?

If you guys want the game that badly just buy it on JP or AUS PSN. Both come with English text/VA and you can play starting right when it unlocks 11 minutes from now.