Another pirate game down the drain, massive potential loss

Sea of Thieves fucked up.
>no upgradable sheeps, weapons, armor from the money you collect, no sense of discovery, you can't discover new stuff that you can research or collect and have until you die
>no real sense of fear of losing your stuff/dying (big fuckup)
>enemies are fucking dull and stupid, no real sense of fear again. Where is the ghost captain with ghost ship that is fucking hard to kill also could make it epic, like the sky suddenly goes really dark and a green ghost ship appears from far, or make a fucking big polip that sinks your ship.
>bunch of really small islands, what's the point?
>sailing is 90% of the game, while it's a pirate game there should be balance between sailing and discovering fighting, but just sailing and nothing happens as the wind blows is just boring after 20 minutes
>combat feels like shit worse than Blackwake and that says something
>focused too much on team work and ship control, but then at least make the ship animations good like actually fucking hammering to attach the wood to repair it instead of waiting for the loading circle so the ship instantly repaired without your hands moving (this is 2018 even an indie game like Blackwake managed to do that)

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I hope for the best as this game is still in beta, but I rarely see massive massive improvements from beta to release in games.

Overall I feel like this game had/has massive potential that again devs fucked up for easy money. They have a good engine/graphic design but again lack any kind of depth that a pirate game could offer, and if it weren't for entertaining streamers this game would've been already a massive failure, i guess because of twitch they will get a lot of early buy but most people who wait to see the full picture hardly will buy the game thanks to twitch double edges sword.. This is why I still don't understand why devs push out games in beta, it is really counterproductive when the game isn't fucking finished, eventually you get the early bucks from incautious buyers, but bad reputation ruins the game long run.

TL;DR: Huge potential game ruined.

ITT: Children losing their shit because of a beta

This will not be the first time tha a game's alpha will be a lot more impressive than its beta but you're right, it's not very impressive. Go play Tempest until then.

I was fearing lol not fearing, i have no intention to play it but still that the one gun that they've shown was gonna be the only fucking gun in what is essentially a first person shooter. Seriously, its the only fucking thing you see in gameplay. How absolutely shit is that? What the hell is the point of the game, to amass a fortune you can do nothing with?


They did say that the beta would be only a small part of the full game, but even still I'm not very impressed.


game is pretty but its boring as fuck. they should have made a singleplayer.

that said, stop shilling your shitty Blackwake game OP its not any better

Looks like another game that will be """"""fun with friends"""""" and completely forgotten in a week. I bet they already made their money back because EVERYONE is shilling it on twitch.

stop going to twitch dumbo

Oh shit piracy in the open seas thread

I was just looking at the videos of Sea Dogs: To Each His Own, did anyone try it? Is it a buggy, incoherent and mistranslated mess?

That anime hair on their promotion banner got me worried a bit. But I've been dying to play a polised Age of Pirates for ages yo

Here's my take
>no progression except hording money and getting reptuation by the quest givers (which are only 3 npcs)
>only 4 weapons (5 if you count the cannons)
>only one cannonball typ
>no ship customization
>only 2 types of enemies
>only 2 ship types
>no ship enemies
>the game looks nice
>no exploration, because everything is visible on the map
>only one map
>gets boring after 1 hour

The game looks fucking beautiful but as it is the gameplay isn't even barebones. There is nothing to it.

Had fun with it, will wait a few days/week after launch to see whats in the full game. I think as far as islands being small, there are like 2-3 in the beta map that are big enough that 2 teams could meet each other on there without it being noticeable. It feels very Wind Waker-esque with how small/medium sized they all are.

They should just backpedal and make the equipment actually be better, not just cosmetics. Its not going to kill the game if the sniper gets a version without a broken scope, or the shovel digs faster.

Its a kids game so the younguns will prolly enjoy it

Me and my boy lirik are going to have some epic streams! You should join too! Buy the fucking game!

is this fun at all playing solo? i love pirate games but i have no friends.

Its made as a co op game so no


Name 7 (eight) games that actually were shit during the beta but got fixed to at least "good" tier after the release

pls respond

Sid Meier's Pirates > rest

Ylands is the best pirate game, just needs to be updated a bit more. I guess they're adding NPCs next, and once they've got that in hopefully cities and ports are generated.

Sailing the small ship on your own is fun, but the quest design is so brainless that you lose the factor of you and friends drowning out said awful missions with talking. In PVP you are at a huge disadvantage except against another small ship solo player.

Wow I sure can't wait for all the planets I'll get to explore in Destiny!

Just in regards to the money hoarding; in the full release you won't have access to certain things like the sniper rifle, and there are upgraded versions of weapons and gear in the shops currently. From what it seems like, outfits and other cosmetics will also require gold.

Supposedly there's more to progression, and while I can sort of understand them not having it in the beta because they want to get more people out and messing with everything to get a better idea of how people are using shit and what is or could be broken; it does seem odd that they wouldn't at least talk about it in detail given we're like 2 months out from release.

Not really. Going alone means you're taking less dangerous/profitable jobs, you're running around your boat to do everything, and more importantly you're sailing around for long periods of time just being by yourself. I mean that could definitely be fun for you, but for most people, it won't be. If it doesn't sound fun, then either try out groups and try and make friends, push friends to see if they like the beta and play with them, or just outright avoid the game.

Only one I can think of off the top of my head is D44M.

If you get in a battle in solo how are you suposed to steer the ship, load and fire the canons and do repairs all at the same time ? Top juice your fucked in solo

Except for the last two points, all of what you said is literally

> you're taking less dangerous/profitable jobs
I don't think this changes between solo/duo/4 man crew. Its more dangerous in the sense that you will always be leaving your ship unattended, and if you get more than 1 chest per voyage you better stop at an outpost with no ship nearby. The reward is always the same, its all based on your reputation level and if you bought the thing that lets you get the higher tier quests.

Its all designed to be near each other, its not THAT hard. Its more time consuming because fights will take fucking ages to finish and likely end with you and the other person going off in different directions with time wasted and resources used up.

If your solo in a small ship and a big one is coming, your 100% fucked though.

the division

This is Rare Ltd.'s first video game, what did you expect?

Outsourcing Killer Instinct and three Wii Sports clones don't count.

Pretty sure they also did Viva PiƱata, Nuts & Bolts, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Kameo, and Perfect Dark Zero (unless everyone who worked on those left before the kinect games)

I feel the same. It's no longer about making good games that last and impress your audience. It's shifted towards sell as many copies in the launch window then fuck off with the cash.

I work in software development. My company's flagship product is a simple piece of accounting software that sells for 50$ retail. If I tried to push an unfinished product and promised to fix it later I'd be fired and probably black listed.

>Being so fucking retarded that you actually believe the people who worked on Kameo and Ghoulies are the same people currently working on Sea of Thieves

Did your mom like, try to induce a miscarriage by drinking and smoking but your stupid ass crawled out anyway?

There seems to be so little content.
Feels like a walking sim with like 2 activities strapped on.
They've been working for YEARS on this shit ? What the fuck were they doing ? Perfecting the water physics or some shit ? who gives a shit

>They say it's an actual beta constantly
>They keep saying they are keeping the majority of things in the final game.

Only complain when the game is actually out in final form.

That's why I wondered if everyone who worked on those games left already, you fucking doofus.

Actually quite a lot of people at Rare are those same people.

Heck, the main lead is Gregg Mayles and he was the lead for Banjo Kazooie. Rare still have employees going all the way back to Battletoads.


>uuh, like did your like, momlike smoke literally like

Good tier? Nah, their bland as shit games and you know it.

Sorry but I trust Chris Seavor and the Stamper Bros' word over some user's jibberish.

>upgraded versions of weapons
I haven't seen this, are you talking about the blunderblus?


>mentally deficient wojack.the post

Killing Floor 2

>not even using the conker quote

>another early access pre alpha scam game is shit
Wew who could've thought.

>Hates British banter
>Posting in a Rare thread
You've come to the wrong neighbourhood, mother fucker.

Does Human Revolution count?

If they fucked up the actual sailing but had a billion things to do, I would claim it as a failure. Atleast they nailed the part of the game your doing 90% of the time

>no upgradable sheeps
Name one game where you can upgrade sheeps


Video game reference.

>Rare have already said time and time again that the beta has been catered for the beta and is missing many features in the game

Every time I come on Sup Forums I feel my braincells dying 1 by 1

>British people use "like" and "ass"

>the division
That game is still alive?

could be that the devs are trying to tap into the old school idea of games being a mystery ti'll the last month. Ed boon tried to do that with mk9 before the whole game got leak.
dude had a major ree moment on twitter from what remember

I mean, if you're going to mock someone for not knowing enough about the structure of Rare, you might as well put the cherry on top.

If this was made by nintendo it will be 10/10 already.
With the pricetag of 100$ with a cardboard boat included.

Off the top of my head these employees have been at Rare since X time

>Gregg Mayles 1990 Lead Designer on Banjo
>Leigh Loveday 1995 Long time writer on games like Dony Kong Country
>Paul Machacek Programmer Since original Battletoads
>Robin Beanland Composer since DK Country
>James Thomas worked on Viva Pinata

In fact there is a lot of people from the early Xbox days that are still there, I don't even have the time or effort to list them all haha

We actually do, you ass.

I played the alpha and it was equally barebone


Let me guess, you also use 'Gasoline', 'Trash', and 'Fries'?

>TL;DR: Huge potential game ruined.
so you are crying over something that never existed?

>Your face when they fucking do

Read my post again.

They're holding back other parts of the game till release.

We already know that there will be a kraken and raid events on the maps and even more shit like haunted ships. But even then they still said there will be more.

Years after their release

Tfw no upgradeable sheeps

Fries are different to chips so yeah we do

the big problem is the lack of progression

>Person doesn't know shit about Rare
>"I know! You should include a Rare reference!"

You're a fucking stupid twat if I've ever read one.

If you wanna prove you're british, show a picture of your teeth color.

>Five people were the entire dev team

Anyone who doesn't eat paint chips understands a dev team is more than two or three names, Christ.

They could easily be lying. Think about it they prolly released it thinking people were going to love the world theyd created but they dont and know its ohhh d d dont worry t ttheres loads of s s stuff to do in f f full version 59.99

This. Imagine this being a Switch game.

Actually fries are a thing in the UK, you ignorant Americunt. It's what you call a pack of idiots who have fried their minds on lsd.

This is just shill talk, there hasn't been any hints about this. They won't even add npc-ships

Don't believe everything you read on Urban Dictionary.

Watched this get played on. Twitch and it was just fucking sailing all the the time

Funny how you mention this because neither the game or any videos has shown this. I call bullshit

>Imagine this being a Switch game.

It would actually be a fleshed out world then.

>6 months between alpha and beta version
>no improvement what so ever in the gameplay dept.
>idiot shills like will defend the game to the death because they feel they are morally superior and everyone's opinion is wrong

I think there is some not in, like the PVP faction is confirmed and the faction for cargo, and caging animals for said cargo faction. Wildlife ALWAYS on islands, not sure if that is a thing. There is definitely some for the quests, but maybe they spawn in if you have the quest to keep the load down on what the server needs to track.
Obviously the map has got to be much much bigger than what it is, like there better be fucking 100-150 islands if they went with the size that they are.

I am worried that with the random outpost spawning, its going to be fucking impossible to find people on the full release map. Unless servers hold like 100 people

Is that supposed to be some sort of Basketball American joke?

>Being this retarded that you don't even know how hard you just played yourself

>just needs to be updated a bit more
>buying into Bohemia Interactive's shit
No thanks I already got burned by DayZ, never again.

>DJ Khaled joke

>Doesn't understand the difference between a joke and a quote
Only an American.


like i said, >>>/reddit/

I am pretty sure the Kraken is to stop people from going out of bounds, even for the full game. Maybe they will use it elsewhere too.

Nah Rare said you'll be able to fleet up and go fight it.
It will be one of the raid events.



Rhyming requires rhythm you fucking idiot. Did you honestly see me type two similar words nearby, scream, "IT'S A RHYME!" and start clapping?

Did you start clapping when I said "see" and "me" so close together, as well?

Go drink your daily soda.

>watch live stream of some gameplay
>guy spends 10 minutes bucketing water out from his ship while it rains
>gets off at island, open map and instantly knows where the treasure should be (the map is very detailed)
>encounters skeletons, combat looked really bad and clunky
>spends 20 minutes fucking around on the island looking for the treasure
>'fuck this, maybe this guy just sucks at playing?'
>check out a different stream
>some dude with his friends on a big ship
>oh fuck its a ship battle
>when they're shooting cannon balls at the ship, I get really hyped
>then 5 minutes of u-turning the ship around and reloading/repairing
>this goes on for about 30 minutes until the other ship just ran out of resources
>winners didn't get money or xp or anything
At.... Atleast the water looks nice..

>we don't want people to have advantages with things you buy
Then let my fucking hurdy gurdy or accordion have more songs if I buy the special one, or let me buy other instruments


The daily soda remark hit a little too close to home for you?