What's the Sup Forumserdict?

What's the Sup Forumserdict?

Is it worth grabbing? Looks like it could be fun with friends.

>Looks like it could be fun with friends
That's everything it has to offer though.

I like the look of the one man boats for some chill and speedy solo exploration without the need for other players - does anyone know if I find a cheap xbox one code anywhere that it'll work for the Windows store?

Characters look fucking hideous, literally why?

Was a fun beta, not interested in playing further or purchasing. Going back to waiting for Skull and Bones.

>Ubishit after For Honors track record
kek, enjoy

I really like it, but I have friends to play with.

>i have friends
No need to lie, user. You're not impressing anyone.

I kind of lost interest after they said game won't have a focus on persistence. I was hoping the game would encourage long term development of your pirate crew so progress would feel rewarding. I don't have confidence in this game.

Having played since the first Alpha where all we had were Wardens you can say what you want about connectivity, balance, and bugs but For Honor was a breath of fresh air in a time where devs like to play safe. I'm surprised it came from Ubi

Does this game have ship upgrading / customization?

fun for about an hour

They've got to add a lot more to it for it to be worth playing.

There's practically nothing to spend your money on right now, no penalty for death (unless you're stupid enough to go down with chests)

They need to add some progression system to spend your money on, like upgrading your ship

>Guaranteed mincrotranactions/lootcrates
>le 56% face characters
>Main game play loop repetitive after 30mins
>Combat and boat fighting mechanics are extremely shallow and basic
>Only enemies are shit tier AI Skeletons and Sharks that are only forced spawned when in radius.
>World is dead and static otherwise.
>Sever size for players is so low, you rarely even encounter pvp, when you do its usually 4v1.
>Zero consequences for your actions, you Died? just magically respawn on your boat, you didn't lose items or anything, you can now 1 shot the invading players on your boat who just killed you and are now on low hp from fighting, while you're on full life. You just outskilled them kid! B A D A S S

It's a masterpiece OP. Truly a quality gem of our time.
Nu-Rare are fucking garbage developeres

Is the beta over?

All your shit gets saved between sessions. Like gold and items you buy.

I'm pretty certain you have to redeem it on an Xbox before it'll get added to your windows store

Way too fucking basic which is a shame. They didn't even bother making an interesting gameplay loop. It looks pretty though.

Fuck really? Figures they want you to pay full price

>Ubishit after For Honors track record
games sells millions and has a lot of post release support even a year after release?
yes im in for more of that

>fun with friends.

It's boring as fuck, had to listen to music in the background or I would have fallen asleep

Shows you either haven't played it or dropped it a month in, game is broken like fuck, someone recently won a tournament by using exploits that haven't been patched since a year in and everyone was going ape shit

It's what happens when you hand the reins of Rare to people with liberal arts degrees who have no idea what makes for an enjoyable video game.
The game is boring as all fuck with NOTHING to do except sail around an empty sea, long periods of waiting, and NO CHALLENGE, and the women are universally ugly fatties. And it's a Windows 10 exclusive, enjoy using the second worst OS for gaming in existence.

It's also got 3 threads up on the Sup Forums catalog right now and keeps getting threads spammed on Sup Forums every day despite nobody actually seeming interested, hmmm... A janny or mod's cut a deal with Microsoft I reckon.

Quirky youtuber and his wacky friends go on le fahny pirate adventures bait nogame

Imagine being this paranoid