Why doesn't Nintendo ban emulation?

Why doesn't Nintendo ban emulation?

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Because they sell emulated games on their own consoles.

Write to your congressman today, this has to be stopped. I refuse to be made a mockery for spending hundreds of dollars on a tablet and some cardboard.

lmao nin toddlers are fucking pathetic

Why doesn't nintendo try to.make hardware that is hard to emulate instead?



fucking toddlers

None of these newfags remember that the Game Boy Advance got a working emulator posted to zophar.net before the handheld was even sold in stores.

they're actually trying their damnest

Because at some point you can't get old games. Emulation allows you to play these games you'll never be able to find anywhere on the market because the console are old and went to shit.

Because they can't do shit.

Also they're doing the same thing so...

Ban me from what? Using my PC?

Is it?
I didn't know shit about N64 emulation, downloaded Project 64 and emulated whole OoT on it.

They've banned fan projects before.

Remember Mario64 multiplayer? Lawsuit.
Remember Metroid fan game? Lawsuit.

List goes on. There have been multiple times where Nintendo fucking slams down on fan projects to protect their intellectual property. They don't care if the games are non-profit.

Nintendo even cracks down on YouTube videos. You all forgot already about the Nintendo YouTube scandal where Nintendo took out a cut % off of e-celebrities earnings from YouTube if they featured games licensed by Nintendo?

Nintendo can't do shit about emulation though, because the law is on their side. They aren't marketing anything and they aren't giving out games. They are making simulations of hardware, which isn't the original product at all.

Basically Nintendo has tried and failed. If they could, they would sue everyone everywhere, including this image board for using the Nintendo brand in some of the banner images if it meant more money for them.

Nintendo of America or the Tree House is well known for censoring games at will, because they considered the WiiU and 3DS to be platforms for little children. So if a game was too adult in text or otherwise the content was censored heavily. Obviously people were fucking mad, but quickly silenced by GookMoot's mods.

>Artificial Scarcity of Hardware
It's a known fact Nintendo under produces to create artificial hype for their products. They rely heavily on scalpers to steal all the limited supply, so that people who want to buy their products are forced to wait and hype about their purchase. It creates buzz over at social media when you have someone posting "I finally got one!".

I could go on, but post limit prevents me. I could talk about the region locking. The chips in old NES cartridges that enabled Nintendo games to perform better. Or the fact how Nintendo screwed a lot of developers over during the NES, SNES and M64 era, until Sony released PS1 and fucked their monopoly over.

Nintendo = Cancer

The more obscure a game is the harder it is to emulate. So Zelda, Bing Bing Wahoo, etc. are probably fine but beyond that it gets dicey.

>implying nintendo gives a fuck

Shitendo and Shitny are just awful companies in general

Aren't the games in the Classic Mini consoles also just downloaded from some rom sites?



>You will never ever for the rest of your life give a single penny to nintendo.

It feels so good to not like shit even if I wanted yto play any of their crap I can pirate their toaster consoles that are shit hardware even by console standards also what the fuck is wrong with the stories in their games I downloaded a mario party for nitnedo 64 and the story seemd like it was made by a children with severe mental retardation.