>The combat in Monster Hunter: World sucks. It just plain sucks. >I got stuck — badly stuck — on the Anjanath fight, around eight hours in. I haven’t been able to pass it, and wasn’t able to find other players to make it easier for me either. >The game is missing essential tidbits. Like, you know, a health bar for the monster. >the majority of my TPP-ARPG experience comes from the Dark Souls series
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Jacob Wood
t. the guy that got stomped by Anjanath and stopped playing
I always tried to like monster hunter but i just cant get into it because of the combat mechanics. Why i cant give a direction to my attack? It doesnt feel hardcore but old and clunky. This is my only gripe
Ethan Morgan
I never played monster hunter before and i gave the beta a try. only one i couldn't kill was the elder dragon one. Diabolos or whatever that sand area dragon was called, i never could find for some odd reason so can't speak of that.
I did take all others down with careful preparation, study of moves and learning the weapons.
Combat is ten times better than in souls games.
Christian Barnes
Stop trying to button mash and realize that attacks take time and position your character accordingly. If you truly can’t do this then stay away from GS and hit up DB or a ranged weapon
Jaxon Murphy
>english lit student plays a game for the first time
>lots of grind >accessible yet hardcore >steep learning curve