The combat in Monster Hunter: World sucks. It just plain sucks

>The combat in Monster Hunter: World sucks. It just plain sucks.
>I got stuck — badly stuck — on the Anjanath fight, around eight hours in. I haven’t been able to pass it, and wasn’t able to find other players to make it easier for me either.
>The game is missing essential tidbits. Like, you know, a health bar for the monster.
>the majority of my TPP-ARPG experience comes from the Dark Souls series

Is this a valid review Sup Forums?

t. the guy that got stomped by Anjanath and stopped playing

Look at him Sup Forums
Look at him and laugh


Journalists can't into video games.

>Casual trash: The Review

Opinion disregarded.

Humanity was a mistake

I always tried to like monster hunter but i just cant get into it because of the combat mechanics.
Why i cant give a direction to my attack? It doesnt feel hardcore but old and clunky.
This is my only gripe

I never played monster hunter before and i gave the beta a try. only one i couldn't kill was the elder dragon one. Diabolos or whatever that sand area dragon was called, i never could find for some odd reason so can't speak of that.

I did take all others down with careful preparation, study of moves and learning the weapons.

Combat is ten times better than in souls games.

Stop trying to button mash and realize that attacks take time and position your character accordingly. If you truly can’t do this then stay away from GS and hit up DB or a ranged weapon

>english lit student plays a game for the first time

>lots of grind
>accessible yet hardcore
>steep learning curve

>rating a game you didnt finish

normies will do anything for money

nintendo fan probably
fucking soyboy


>can't give a direction
Like...blade mode in MGR? Mount and blade style?
I'm not sure what you're wishing for. Your attacks go to your front. How you swing it is based on what you pressed and what attack you did you last.

Do you guys think the journos know MH came first?
They almost always seem inept one way or another.

What DB stands for? Maybe i will give another try. I dont want to miss a good game.

I cant give a direction while in a combo like in every action game.

I seriously fucking hate this site.

Funny how the Souls series does not have this problem and is wildly popular. It's almost as if Monster Hunter is and has always been a trash series that only weebs with shit taste like.

Don't commit to a combo when out of position then? You are not wrong, it is different to most games, though honestly the majority hold your hand with lock-on anyway so it might be the lack of that which you are feeling too.

It takes a bit of getting used to, but they key to it is patience.

DB stands for Dual blades - they are fast, agile and mechanically simple which makes them a nice weapon to learn the ropes with.


it begins again

>no stache

"Too much water" is a legit complaint.

You can with SnS

MHW is good though, unlike that.

t. IGN editor

yup,. this ''person'' is a nigger

Unlocked melee weapon aiming is one of the best things about souls combat compared to monhun.

t. fag who hasn't even finished the game he's defending

>casual garbage
Yeah, no

>thread is literally about casuals getting rekt by MH
>casual garbage

>MHW is good though
t. Casual

>being this assblasted over MHW's reception
Face it, bro. It's better than your literally what garbage.

>Game gets casualized
>Capcom and Sony money is involved
Yeah, what a fucking surprise, no body expected those score from the usual suspects

>on Xbone and PC


>>on Xbone and PC
>XBOX on Japan
Nice Time Travel skills Buster

So the game has too much water

>Playing MHXX waiting for world because fuck paying for a shitty PC with 80% of the features arbitrarily blocked off and having to pay the company for the right to use my own internet connection that I already pay for
>monsters area switching constantly
>monsters just hanging out in the area transition or other places that are inaccessible
>monster gets knocked out and falls past the loading zone
>monster hits me, I get knocked through the loading zone
this shit should have had open maps 3 generations ago

>Playing MHXX
why though

because rajang hunter: banepost wore out its welcome for me a long fucking time ago, and I'm a weapon idort and miss my meme stick and meme blade and reload sword in freedom unite.

So did Sony fund the game or not?

paid for PC delay and exclusivity on Japan


What site did this disgrace of a video game review even come from?

Freedom Unite had genuinely shit controls on the PSP though. I could only get into the series on MH4, when they added the target lock on thing.

Yes. The new paint job doesn’t make up for the archaic, crappy combat of MH. It’s janky, sluggish, and slow and very niche.

>implying capcom don't do what every dev does now and delays the PC port so people double-dip

is the gaming world that small, that it the same people buying the same games twice?

A reputable one

How many people do you think rebought Dark Souls on PC having already played it on X360/PS3? And will buy it again when it's """remastered"""? Same thing with GTA V going from X360/PS3 -> Xbone/PS4 -> PC

Lock on doesn't do shit in MHW but it doesn't matter because the camera controls are so much better with two sticks.

>I got stuck — badly stuck — on the Anjanath fight

Jesus Christ, this guy sounds fucking awful at this game.

Casuals have been solo'ing Anjanath for over a month since the Beta released.

There was a petition to bring it to the PC. Is this the narrative now? That games are deliberately delayed on pc for maximum shekels? If that was the case was is Dark Souls' PC port so horrrible?

The only thing shit about FU's controls were the way they implemented that stupid "X is confirm O is cancel in the west " meme, but only did it partially, so X is always confirm and O is always back or cancel, but sometimes X is interact, sometimes O is interact, and then in town Square is interact because the more the merrier I guess.
I don't like the lock on because it often angles your camera up or down and fucks with your view, just having L center your view is more consistent and less likely to leave your camera pointing up a cliff face. If you don't have the spatial awareness to keep track of where the monster is from watching where it darts out of your view, you're in trouble with or without lock on.

Is this really a gorgeous game? I played the beta on a 55inch bravia with ps4 pro, both with hdr on and off, and I don't feel like it's that pretty.
Especially with hdr on, it makes the colours of the starting area look all bland and washed out and ugly. Maybe I've just got a shitty TV or the settings are wrong or something?

I should clarify that I was explaining how willing gamers are to buy the same game again on different platforms even for marginal improvements at best.
I do think that GTA V was purposely delayed on Xbone/PS4 so that they'd sell more copies on X360/PS3 though. Not sure about PC.

I only played GS in the beta but now you can change direction slightly more than usual when charging, which I don't remember being the case in previous games.
So there are some changes or tweaks in that department but maybe they don't want to stray too much from a formula that works for this series' fan base.

This guy is horrible at video games, and shouldn't be reviewing them, or at least limit his reviewing to easy or casual games. While he at least acknowledges that the game isn't for him and tries to see the good in it, I find it really stupid that he sees it fit to pass a review on a game he is not even remotely close to finishing. Half his points (both good and bad) are things that cannot be gauged accurately without being deep into the game so what he said about it could be false for all we know.

Games journalism has absolutely no standards, people who do them do not care in the slightest bit about being professional and reviewing something completely and objectively from the point of view of someone who actually plays video games. I used to read reviews as a guide to see if I would enjoy a game at all but now I don't even pay the slightest attention to them. The people reviewing them have no knowledge regarding the subject matter whatsoever. Trusting a video game review from someone who cannot play games adequately is like trusting a food review from someone who does not have the ability to taste.

Wait a minute, complaints were what made people think ''Yup, people making excuses for having trouble, that's Monster Hunter''. Yet so many have said World has become trash. But nothing's changed other than improved graphics? What mental gymnastics will you use to explain his?

Is it because when it was on Nintendo it was ok?

You could always shift your greatsword swings by like 30 degrees in either direction from where you started charging

Maybe, it still being 30 fps on ps4 and xbone was pretty funny to me.

>A steep learning curve.
>Frustrating combat.
>Implying this two together doesn't mean he sucks.

Check that you have enabled full support for HDR wherever you can.
Also playing on a 55" bravia and I didn't have my HDMI inputs set to enhanced or full, don't remember exactly the term.

I may be wrong but I remember being able to change direction only once the charging finished and the hitting animation began, now you can change direction during the animation.

How the fuck do you even get a job reviewing games when you can't even beat a LR monster like Anjarath. That's like a car reviewer that doesn't have a driving license and cannot drive.

I know what you mean and yeah I got em all set up. Idk, it just looks really Pixely, if you get me? Like I can notice the jagged and the shadows look shit. I sit about 1.5 metres away from the set, and it's not super well lit or anything.

>I remember being able to change direction only once the charging finished and the hitting animation began, now you can change direction during the animation.
You're right but that's just an animation thing. You can visually change direction before the attack happens in the old games sometimes. Gunlance wyvernfire is the only thing that comes to mind though.

>The people reviewing them have no knowledge regarding the subject matter whatsoever.
Agreed 100%, and it's incredible, you don't see shit like this in movies or music.
Eurogamer (I think) did a "Top 100 videogames of 2017" first made by the Eurogamer writers and then with a poll voted by the readers. Needless to say, the writers picks were absolutely astonishing and the readers were spot on. Stuff like Destiny 2, Andromeda and games that are actually movies were praised like the best things ever.
The so called "experts" in this industry know much, much, much less than random people and I guess that's just the power of the internet. A long time ago, without the internet you had to trust them, now they're like kids to us.

I get people having different opinions but how does a game you get stuck in and systems you hate get a 7.5?

>[Big Company] tries to dumb down [Niche Series] for a general audience and winds up being unable to please anyone?

What a shocking and unheard of turn of events.

The bar for video game reviewer is set extremely low, and typically games are a fun hobby that don't push your shit in. But when they do more casual players can't deal.
This also, any other critic in the medium is a professional or close to it. If one where to give such a half-assed review like this to an album or film they'd get tons of shit, and might even be fired.

>Has great reception and is an 8+ everywhere minus this review
Wow no one likes this game lmao suicide watch when

>rating a game you can't finish because of your own ineptitude
Not valid. It would be one thing if there was a showstopping bug that completely prevented progress and the review reflecting that. A poor score just because your shit at the game is hysterical.

You tell me.

>Nintendoshits will pretend this is a reputable source.

>console war shitposters will pretend this is a reputable source.

>chai latte drinking, league playing, fallout 3 loving, soyboy queerbait

It's a valid review in the sense that it's his opinion and he's entitled to it.

However, He's clearly vastly unfamiliar with the franchise and was probably expecting a dark souls like experience.

I wholeheartedly disagree with him. I've been playing the game for the last week Got an early review copy. and have greatly enjoyed most of my 70 hours thus far.

I've played every entry in the series since the first generation, and I've honestly got to say, hype aside, they've built the best monster hunter game to date.

get out of here gaijin hunter

Thats great redditto, can you form your paragraph like a normal person please?


>He's clearly vastly unfamiliar with the franchise and was probably expecting a dark souls like experience.
Sorry, was this not what was advertised?

I thought literally the entire point of this entry was gambling real development time/money on trying to get the general audience into Monster Hunter

Is there a difference?

I honestly believe that most if not all the console war posting on Sup Forums are just shitposters fishing for replies and rage.

Are you implying that capcom advertised this as "like dark souls"

Are you literally mentally retarded?

Its not like there weren't multiple demos to acquaint yourself with the game anyway.

Looks familiar, I wonder why...

Only some of them are, willing to bet most of the "shitposting" comes from autists.

Yeah, who could've ever thought the ads were evoking the visuals of Dark Souls.

That's just crazy!

>general audience

>It is not sensationalism and it is not meant to for clicks
>Web journalism in 2018

Something doesn't add up,

Dual blade

Just like your whore mother.

>MHW is casual garbage
>literally makes a reviewer cry from how hard it is

really gets my almonds jogging

>goes out of their way to make the point that they aren't that good enough at the game to enjoy it, but for anyone who can will appreciate and have fun
>mentions that they themselves find it frustrating, but those who know what these kind of games are will be familiar and have a good time
>praises it for being accessible despite their own frustrations

Pretty good review, honestly. And a good use of the scoring system, too. They make it clear it being a 7.5 isn't bad at all. More reviewers need to be like this--openly admitting difficulty they have comes from their own limitations and not the game itself.

Unfair challenge... why are these people so awful at everything? Eventually if they cry enough games will be dumbed down and that scares me. WoW had a fun stay system that has been dumbed down to crit haste mastery and versatility over time. The same thing will happen to every other game. Why do normies ruin everything?


Gotta love Sup Forums
>good review
>mediocre/bad review
>this is valid right?

>health bar for the monster


How do i actually into monster hunter, i know id love it but it confuses me

I dont believe this when they give shit like gone home a 9.5.