Q1 2018 is so weak people have to get excited for monhun and dragon ball

>Q1 2018 is so weak people have to get excited for monhun and dragon ball

Q1 is always weak.

They both look like good games though.

There's also KCD

This, fuck off OP.

>Q1 2018 is so weak people actively have to pretend to like monhun and dbz

Last year was pretty good with BotW, nier automata and yakuza 0 and nioh. It was Q2 and Q3 that was stagnant.

Automata was garbage and Nioh is Weeb Souls. Yakuza 0 and BotW were decent.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the Civ VI X-Pac.

>not excited for dragon ball
What's wrong with you

I know, I read on Kotaku that it's better than Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack.

I just never cared for it

Are you retarded or a kid?

lol? what games are 10/10 for you?

I know you are but what am I?

the last couple of fucking months have been weak

Level with me man. Why do we do this shit? Post bait, get shitpost, get raging authors, rince, repeat. I've made tons of bait threads and I don't know why. I don't know why I still come here.

Oh you

Salty nintendildo spotted.

I don't care that much about tag-team fighters.

>Could have said something about the shitty fan-characters, the cringy abridged VAs, or the vore pandering.
>Instead just called them names.
Bait is weak.

>Weeb Souls
Nioh isn't even soulslike stop meming you fuck

Handball '17

handball 2017

>people are actually excited to be burned by ArcSys again

This and nothing else


>not mining (You)coins

>GOTY 2018 releases in fucking january

damn boy, really get my takions accelerating

I used to have all the mangas up to 42 as a kid, but the anime gave me severe blueballs

I can't get hype for Dragonball anymore like i did back then, especially that it's mostly rehashes now

I'm glad they're finally releasing a proper fighting game on pc, but i still want to see a proper licensed game that is like the half-life mod Earth Special Force. I fucking loved that mod when people were still playing

Not a single 10/10 game came out last year. The closest to 10/10 was Sonic Mania at an 8.5.

Close shot, but think europe, and next to it
Also Crusaders

Either way, the price for 8 characters doesnt justify this price, its ArcSys being ArcSys

>organic popcorn
as opposed to what?

Horny for my cock

Manufactured popcorn.

you can manufacture corn?

Someone has too...
