KINO episode, this show has been dropping in quality for ages

KINO episode, this show has been dropping in quality for ages.

Finally an episode with competent and intriguing directing.

What about you Sup Forums, what'd you think?

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Oooh boi

Is this a meme or are you actually posting on the wrong board by accident?

Kek wrong board

But since Ragnar died I haven't given a shit about this show.
Bjorn is good but not enough to carry the show. The rest of Ragnar's sons are CW quality

Torille, Pekka

feminism yay!
kween slay!

show if fucking garbage since fimmel left

video games


What the fuck have they been feeding him.

at least this isn’t an eceleb thread

lol fuck off nigger.

>What about you Sup Forums
be very, very careful now

Norsemen is better


Fuck off Sup Forums
Stop trying to crowbar your shitty memes here

I know it's not supposed to be 100% accurate, but when Bishop Heahmund was praying before battle and talked about harvesting ears of corn when they wouldn't have had corn at the time, and all the main characters went into battle without helmets, it made it harder for me to watch. It's still an okay show but I only watched a few episodes this season and started falling behind. Will probably watch the rest eventually though.

I fucking can't stand Ivar.
I fucking hate him, I hate how the actor acts, I hate the character, I hate his retarded kiddie personality. I fucking hate him.

I fucking hate him and he's ruining the show for me.

Dunno but I want some

fyi corn also referred to wheat in germanic, norse and old english, it refers to the fact that there's only one grain or 'korn' per spikelet which was the case in wheat back then. It therefore refers to any cereal in those languages, not maize.


it got shit after the very first season

I'm on season 3. Is the show still worth watching?

Did they refer to it as "ears of corn" though? I know that it referred to other things, like corned beef being made with "corns of salt", but the way they worded it definitely made it seem like they were referencing modern corn.

Does this get better? It's very convoluted but not very interesting, I also hate how germans talk

Sup Forums snowniggers are shit

It goes up and down. Season 4 part 1 isn't that good IMO, but part 2 makes up for it.

the ears are just the pod that encloses the spikelets, so yes they referred to them as ears. Maize was named corn because it resembles a giant wheat grain, and korn is the word for that.

Martha and Franciska are the purest netflix waifus ever.

Floki defending the praying muslims was the most bullshit part of the show, inluding Ragnar's random chinese chick
I could see Bjorn doing it because he wanted to take one home like Ragnar did with Athestan, but Floki? Muther-fucking Floki? Floki would have been the first to butcher the lot for not worshipping Odin or Thor.
It's like having Pikachu not learn electric attacks

I fucking dropped this show the moment i saw the Saxons portrayed with Bascinets, saw a shirtless "beserker", no one wears a fucking helmet and the high King rolling like a Thrall.
All of my friends won't stop talking about it and every time they ask me questions about the vikings they brain lags when what i tell them doesn't line up with the show.
Fuck this show along with Knightfall.
Historical show my ass.

I stopped watching that shit

>posting on a board dedicated to sitting on your arse and consuming entertainment with no thought or challenge required

Ah okay, makes sense. But still, the thing with all the main characters not wearing helmets into battle was obviously done so we could keep track of them but it wasn't a very good decision I think. They should've given them unique helmets at least.

Ragnar was unbearable the last seasons with the Chinese girl and shit.

>But since Ragnar died I haven't given a shit about this show.
The show only got good after Ragnar's death.

>biker clothes are historical armor

It keeps my interest. I was always waiting to see a helmet in the show since there's a helmet floating in the water in the intro.

The show is garbage because they made his sons the lead characters without even attempting to give them any kind of character development beforehand.

There were two sons with development to an extent
Sigurd who they killed off in like his first episode as an adult

Bjorn who they basically put in the backseat to Ivar so he doesn't even count anymore.

What's even funnier is that this entire show is called VIKINGS, yet the only important/main vikings are Ragnar's family or his friends.

That is the first and last time you'd ever see an era accurate armor in that show.

does anyone else hate how all tv tries to be ammoral and edgy like game of thrones these days? can't they make a viking saga where everyone isn't a backstabbing cunt?

shield designs would probably be the most historical way to differentiate them, though they also would have had particularly fine clothing and armour.

They have to bank on what popular to get normies attention, "i like it because its like game of thrones" is the most common reason people tell me when i ask why they like the show, you know, other than 14 year old internet kiddies going through their "vikings are the ultimate badass" phase.

Game of thrones is terrible now. Vikings is actually better than that shit desu. I'm afraid it might go down the same path though.

>I'm afraid it might go down the same path though.
It happens with most shows that go on longer than 3 or 4 seasons. 4 seasons of a show is around the same watching time as like 10 movies, so it's really hard to keep coming up with new ideas at that point and they're usually just keeping it going because it's still making money.

what the fuck is this cocksucker looking face wearing there?

>had particularly fine clothing and armour
Not even a hauberk, vivid colored clothing or gold accessories for the nobles.
If they spent the money they use on that pre-series "documentary" on props, the show would have looked better. Embarrassing for a network that calls themselves the History Channel, still its the same people who airs Ancient Aliens.

doesnt game of thrones have a source material to follow?

Nope. The directors have been doing their own shit for the past couple seasons, and it shows because the writing is terrible. Complete fan fiction tier at this point.

Not since season 5.
that's why the show feels more of a fanfic now more than ever.

Black Sails is better than both Vikings and GoT

You shouldn't be surprised, these days it seems like even vidya is more watched than played.

>Guys my dad left for cigarettes a year ago and never came back, what e-celeb should I replace him with?

Yeah, but also a bit inaccurate.
Being a Pirate and a Sailor in general was a tedious affair. Most of the time your toughest opponent is the weather and boredom, pirate ships are ran tighter and more disciplined than their National counterparts, because their supplies and placed to get it are really limited.
>a swig of rum?
>who do you think you are boy? the king of england?
>you'd get a sip of grog daily like everyone else

A man of taste

GoT isn't even that good anyway

You must be fun at parties