This is considered to be one of the greatest pc games of all time

>This is considered to be one of the greatest pc games of all time

It's a console game

It's a pc game later ported and downgraded to consoles.

>how not to be seen

dude cherrypicking lmao

What's going on in this webm?

He's holding a small bottle infront of him to break line of sight. If you cant see him the AI thinks they cant see you.

Someone doing something that absolutely no-one would do during normal play in a purposely misleading manner in an attempt to claim that the AI in this one hallway is bad.

wasn't this fixed?

Nope. Still in today.

Probably not worth fixing since this is the only place where this actually happens.

it aint easy being cheesy

>implying that isn't cool
>implying that hasn't been patched

It should be a bannable offense to talk shit about early Valve

This is the case in like 90% of FPS's

Is HL2 the blandest looking game in existence
It doesn't look bad considering it's 13 years old, it sure as hell doesn't look good, it's just there

>implying that hasn't been patched
Wrong. Go download it.

HL2 is trash just admit it.

That's what eastern Europe is kiddo, its accurate.

>The Citadel

No, you're wrong. I just did it and it doesn't work. Quit spreading misinformation.

>eastern europe
>everyone speaks normal english american.

>considered to be one of the greatest pc games
Not really. It's just like the Wild Hunt: overrated as fuck and cinematic. Only faggots believe hl2 is good.

>everyone speaks normal english american.
yes child, thats how translation works. Do you want to read subtitles the whole game?


Now look at RE4, fag.

>If you cant see him the AI thinks they cant see you
You uncultured swine. This is obviously some programmer referencing A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

the game takes place after the alien invasion faggot language isn't that much of a big deal when most of humanity is dead

You start the game seeing that people are being moved around the world by the combine. Perhaps the native population was already displaced, or processed in Nova Prospekt.

Yeah, but Persona 5 people are all Japanese and were always in Japan, so we all know they're Japanese (and they also mention it) and that we are basically hearing it through a Babel fish.

HL2's main character is an American, so if he got to Eastern Europe, there should be something showing that this is a different language from his. For example, in Metal Gear Solid 3, Sokolov tells Snake that his Russian is excellent, even though we're perceiving them as speaking English.

I'm not even the other guy and I really don't give a shit but this is probably what the guy is getting at.

Name ONE slav name in Half life 2

How the fuck is HL2 cinematic? It has 0 cutscenes besides the intro and outro

I remember the game gave me a retarded as fuck checkpoint where I'd keep getting killed within seconds and I never touched it again. It's a bullshit game that feels like a tech demo and it baffles me that all these PC faggots consider it an amazing game.

You need to end yourself.

By that I think he meant to say "moments where you have to wait people around you do stuff but you can still move your character"

>The game sucks because I suck

HL2 started the whole "cinematic experience" bullshit in gaming.

Pretty sure that was MGS1. In HL2 you never once lose control of your character.

>the entire game is terrible because of a bit of bad luck

Then popularising would be better term.
I am talking about how you must endure long dialog "cutscenes" with characters, how you must wait for them to open you doors in some areas, showcasing animation etc...

Funnily enough the same trick works in Fallout 4™, a Bethesda Softworks™ game from 2015.

> normal english american
is this some kind of new level of arrogance, or are you dyslexic?

I just meant, English with a normal american accent as opposed to british or aussie.

Linear story with graphical setpieces, exposition dumps where you stand around doing nothing which might as well be cutscenes, at least then you could skip them

HL1 did the same.

"cinematic" in general means "feels like a movie" and it has more to do with pacing and set-pieces than it does with actual cutscenes. half-life 2 stays on its feet with fresh encounters and continually throws in new mechanics.

sv_cheats 1
[five seconds later]

By who? HL2 was inferior to 1 in basically every aspect.

HL1 already did that. I'm old enough to actually remember magazines praising the HL1 interactive intro as a revolutionary new technique.

And the answer is: Anyone with a brain.

driving parts were the worst part in this average game.

Why didn't you like them?

Any time i want to reinstall HL2 i remember the car and airboat sections.

>playing half life without quicksaves

I wish they hadn't made it harder to teleport NPCs that made skipping that shit way easier

Shitty pacing and at the time in 2005 when I played it I had a toaster so every load time took ages.

>Shitty pacing
What makes you say that?

Not him but they just dragged out a bit too long and constantly having to get in and out to progress was annoying, Valve were much stronger at doing on foot linear levels instead of designing them around the vehicles.
Still an amazing game overall though

Long, boring repetitive level with endless empty road. The bridge segment was ok though.

I'm late but while this breaks the game it's the only way to make the gravity gun usable as a main weapon.

If you think about it, the gravity gun would be completely shit if it blocked your line of sight AND you had to be exposed to bullets.

First HL still has the better combat.

Brother Grigori from Ravenholm.

>playing half life with quicksaves

Are there any good graphical overhauls for this game? Pls dont link me the Ferns/fullymodeledvag overhaul

HL2 update

>they just dragged out a bit too long
What makes you say that?
>constantly having to get in and out to progress was annoying
It only takes a second to enter or exit the car, and you seem to like going on foot. Do you have trouble switching gears, so to say?

>Long, boring repetitive level with endless empty road.
If you noticed, there are several buildings along the way with combat encounters and rewards which break the pace. Maybe you should elaborate what you mean.

>this breaks the game
I believe this trick only works on turret enemies, though either way it would not work in a fight with multiple shooters.

There's literally nothing wrong with FERNS

>I believe this trick only works on turret enemies
It's only so OP on turret enemies but I'm pretty sure enemies generally shoot at whatever you're holding up

I meant overhaul not a slight touchup.





So THIS is the power of German humor. Woah!

he's not wrong tho


But where's the blowjob? I don't see any blowjob? WHERE'S THE BLOWJOB?!

Doom 3 cucked HL2 by having the same physics, better graphics and better gameplay a couple of months before. It was better back then and it sure as hell has aged better as well


>the one guy who liked Doom:Fashlight adventures

This. Lore says they move people every few months so they cant organise and stay disoriented

>set in Russia
>player only ever hears English

Compared to other games released in 2004, yes it was one of the best. And still played and enjoyed by many players 14 years later.
Plus the core engine is still updated and used in countless modern games including CSGO and DOTA.

I liked doom3 more than hl2 back in the day, but it didn't age better than hl2. It was better in every way in terms of graphics but ugly models in cutscenes with bad animation.

I decided to test it in the game. It does work on enemies, though without a large object such as a barrel it's difficult to make it work effectively enough to justify it over cover, and even then enemies will rush up and push the object away. The way the encounter is staged however makes it feel somewhat intended. There's a truckbed which will move if you walk into it. I think it's meant to teach players that they can manipulate physics objects as cover. I think, in large, considering how encounters are set up, the enemy's player detection works fine. Using an object as cover demands more skill and inventiveness than merely shooting him anyways.

>Better graphics

As far as graphics and physics are concerned:
Vanilla HL2 > Vanilla DOOM 3

DOOM 3 at launch was one of the most visually unappealing games, mainly that the lighting throughout the entire game was shit. At least they acknowledged it in the BFG edition.

>FakeFactory actually tried to get a job at Valve using CinematicMod as a submission

It mainly felt dragged out because compared with the rest of the game and going back to replay it, the on foot levels were just so much more enjoyable since I found the game shined much more with on foot combat, it just makes me want to go back straight to not using a vehicle. It also felt like it messed with the pacing of the levels a bit having to get in and out. But like you said, I just enjoy being on foot much more.
Though that hunter chopper chase and the bridge were pretty fucking great.

Ayy, for real?

>Horrible uncompressed skins and sounds
>30GB+ download size
>50GB+ uncompressed install size
>All of that data for unsightly Alyx models

0/10, would not waste my bandwidth again

BFG edition is inferior in almost every way in terms of graphics

The mad man actually did it.

Well I just did it and it DOES work, so eat shit.

Why is Alyx getting more detailed but uglier with each iteration?

>Do you want to read subtitles the whole game?
Yes. Dubs are trash.

>better graphics
I'll never understand why people think this. The only way it was better was the lighting, otherwise everything looked like it was made out of clay or something.

What can I expect?

For me some levels redesigns looks really neat


I was curious because I heard about all of the controversy between the dev and the community. He claimed he was unjustly criticized.

It is honestly not worth it. HL2 Update does a much better job at keeping a consistent art theme that reflects the HL2 universe, and at a MUCH smaller file size.

It is impressive that he did all of that work, and from what I understand mostly on his own (or maybe completely alone, I'm not sure.) So from a technical stand point and effort, he did an good job. But from an artist and game dev perspective, he fell short in a lot of areas, the main being that he mixed too many art styles into one universe.

my gf mx400 run HL2 just fine
But DOOM3 only at 320x240 and even then it was sub 30fps

At least you can see in the game. I remember playing DOOM 3 at my friends house, and we couldn't even play during any hour of sunlight. Because any outside light source would completely black out the entire screen.

>no mentions of bucket on the head in skyrim in almost 100 posts

More Ferns than you can handle.