What are the chances of the Switch becoming a AA JRPG machine?
What are the chances of the Switch becoming a AA JRPG machine?
50/50 i'd say
Hopefully 0.
Eh, as long as their good keep them coming
Depends on how many successful Anime style games make it to the platform.
What's upcoming other than SMT5?
I want to say Octopath Traveller but that's a glorified 3DS game.
>Action adventure JRPG
Is that what you call story driven offlinemmo-like grindfest of fetishes?
Or are you an uneducated retard, that believe "AA-games are just lije AAA-games but not quite so - it's like some buiseness-class: second to biggest projects out there"?
>glorified 3DS game
And? The 3DS has good games
It's not exactly AA tier.
It's Square Enix's stated mission regarding the system and we're getting NIS and Falcom games, so pretty decent chances. Make sure you buy them though, you fags.
>not AA
I don't think it's that expensive to make, the graphics are from 1993.
>AA tier
So you are an sctual idiot.
>more excuses for japs to slack on visuals and features for a lesser device
Im still salty about SMT.
I mean Square Enix have taken quite the interest on the switch so I hope it does get a hell of a lot more JRPGs. I'm already glad SMT V is gonna be on there and Ys VIII.
Good sprite art can get costly, but we don't know how heavy it'll be on recolors and how many background sprites will be recycled throughout the game.
>SMT ever not slacking on visuals
I care less about the visuals than the actual gameplay and the visual direction. If it's good then it's good, I wouldn't complain about the less stellar visuals.
They will focus more on art style to compromise.
>the graphics are from 1993.
Remember when kids weren't this retarded
Considering SMT4 had far more features than P5 there shouldn't be any reason to worry unless you're a single system poorfag
Is there any other system AA JRPGs could move to after Vita and 3DS?
On the topic of JRPGs how does everyone feel about I am Setsuna?
Uninspired boring garbage.
It's pretty bad. Story is simple yet painfully predictable and the combat is a dumbed down version of chrono trigger which is like what, 15 years old?
I thought it was supposed to be like that? Like a return to classic style of combat.
I agree though, it felt kind of incomplete.
I know accepting the passage of time can be difficult, but Chrono Trigger is 23 years old.
May as well since kids don’t play video games anymore.
Fire Emblem and Pokémon
Waste of money and time.
>Potential XCX remake
>Octopath Traveller
>Bravely Default???
pretty gud
>Chrono Trigger is 23 years old
WHAT. NO FUCKING WAY. I played that shit on the SNES.
Now imagine if The World Ends With You Final Remix leads to a sequel.
>The World Ends With You
Don't be playing with my heart strings man.
>biggest Japanese games such as P5 and Automata aren't on Switch
Yeah right
>the world's ending again and I guess you're there have fun: 2
3DS is already a JRPG titan so id say switch has an even higher chance
Pokémon i guess.
Also is it just me or SMT V looks really bad ?
Not really, because even the Vita is still getting games. All of the Jap devs were cautious and waiting for the Switch to be a success or not. Switch probably won't be getting those games until 2019.
bizarrely high
Xenoblade would be one thing, but SMT V?
Octopath Traveler
YS VIII (port)
Unannounced Tales of game
TWEWY (port)
FE Switch
already released is:
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Disgaea 5 (port that comes with all DLC for free, definitive version)
>graficsfagging smt games
>Unannounced Tales of game
WHAT. I need sources my brutha, don't be toying with my heart.
>no gameplay shown yet
>all we've gotten is a minimal teaser
how can you make any type of judgement on the game without seeing gameplay yet?
Less than 10 games in about 2 years. Yeah, it's another WiiU, library-wise.
I saw more news about it than just this article, this is all I could find for now though. People think its going to be a port of either Berseria, Symphonia, or Vesperia
Feels good brutha
Is it just me or does Nintendo tend to attract idiots like this a lot.
This is JRPG's exclusively faggot
It hasnt even been out a year yet and we havent gotten any full-sized 2018 directs yet. It wont officially be 2 years until March 2019. and that list is only JRPGs, I could make a full list including all genres if you wanted
i could buy Bravely on the 3DS but I'm holding out for a 3ds port double pack
I'd be ok with an actual Symphonia remake.
You're on Sup Forums user.
It's an anti Nintendo circlejerk here.
>he thinks AA/A refers to popularity
RPGs are a very strong side for the Switch because it's easy to make them look good graphically in both handheld and console mode but are not actually that resource intensive. That and with the Vita essentially dead in the West and the Switch taking it's market in Japan on top of being a Nintendo handheld...we're going to get all the games that previously went to Sony exclusively.
Higher than most of it's detractors would like to admit. Personally, I believe it could reach DS levels by mid-2019.
As long as its a remake and not just the HD port that PS3 got. if they remade it I would hope they would keep the same gameplay and overworld but just use Berseria-level assets
>dude, the pre-rendered trailer has shit graphics, I won't play this game ever
My brother is like this, about everything. If it has less than amazing visuals he won't even consider it, unless it's something he liked as a kid.
And majority of them are old ass ports, clown.
Imagine being this much of a victim.
people who do this are the same kind of people who stop playing games because they question the logic of fictitious worlds. like when my friend stopped playing odyssey because it was "too unrealistic"
>same gameplay and overworld but just use Berseria-level assets
the only older port is TWEWY. Disgaea 5 and YS VIII are both relatively recent PS4 games, and we got the better version of Disgaea
>like when my friend stopped playing odyssey because it was "too unrealistic"
Sounds like he grew up, good for him.
The games would need to be tailored for short bursts of play instead of long sessions. Which means save-anywhere, a lot more short-term goals, etc. Since Switch is 1/2 mobile and all.
We are getting the better version of Ys Viii too. The original PS4 localization was trash. Thanks for the beta testing Soyponies.
>I wouldn't complain about the less stellar visuals.
>pay AAA prices for indie visuals
>studios save millions on dev costs
>don't pass on savings to the consumer
>gamers are okay with this
>the modern state of gaming
Wake up.
I forgot I Am Setsuna & Lost Sphear in this list too
>relatively recent
Yeah, relatively. Hell, some tendies were fine with waiting almost a decade to play inferior port of Dark Souls.
Come on, theres nothing on the switch atm that isn't on others. Shit is dusting up until octopath
>pay AAA prices for indie visuals
>he still pays full price for games on release day
>not waiting a year or two later to get the game for $20
your spending habits are your own fault user
The worst thing about IAS is how fucking blatant the story is basically Final Fantasy X with a bit of Radiant Historia on top. Even the main character, Setsuna, is a carbon copy of Yuna, down to her very backstory.
Yeah, two more ports.
Are you stupid? The ps4 gets the patch next week.
Extremely likely, Switch is selling so well it's constantly sold out in Japan, and even software is sold out. (!) It'll be the new DS in Japan.
Also forgot Nights of Azure 2
Lost Sphear isnt a port, it released on the switch the same day as other consoles. its moreso just a Multiplat
Lost Sphear is a multiplat.
I would like a few minor changes though
>proper 3D running
>Rework Colletes Basic combo chains to something similar to Maliks from Graces
>All PS2 content
>Berseria style skits , fully voiced
And we get the correct localization at launch.
>Wii is selling great, we're gonna get dat third party this time!
never heard of this game before, had to look it up just now. looks a bit like a musou to me, is it any good?
It did though
They just weren't good games
Switch won't get any JRPGs until it gets a real Senran game that's not hidden behind menus.
>rework collete's basic combo chain
I would hope they dont rework anyones combo chains, collete's was the easiest to shield cancel imo. although i know they pretty much patched out shield cancelling in the newer releases so that would likely not even be a thing anymore
It's a bit musou with less enemies meets jiggle physics meets anime story. It's a fun romp with some lewd which gets overshadowed by better games.
The Vita is the king of JRPGs because games like SK are allowed to exist on the system without meddling, so those JRPGs are not afraid to devlop for vita.
Once a true SK game releases on Switch with no censorship or hiding of any kind, then other JRPG devs will know that the switch is a reliable platform to make games for.
while we're here, is this game worth playing at all? Is it more interesting than I Am Setsuna? The Chrono Trigger influence appeals to my tastes but I dont want to play it and it end up being a waste of time
The reason this console is successful is because it isn't pandering to the pathetic poor weeb audience.
Wii has nothing in common with Switch
Why combo when you can
>vita is the king of jrpgs
>when the 3DS has DQ7/8, both Bravely games, both SMT IV games, the best Fire Emblem game released to date, Tales of Abyss port
the vita does have ports of Persona 4, Disgaea 3&4, and Tales of Hearts R so i'll give it that. the ps1 backwards compatibility helps it too but who still pays for roms in current year?
Besides being another Nintendo consoles that sold well but has failed to attain relevant third party?
collete is one of those characters who I thought would be completely useless, and ended up becoming the strongest character by the end of the game
Except the Switch is getting all the relevant 3rd party.
I'm playing it. I actually really like it so far but I also enjoyed Setsuna which really puts me in the minority.
The story has more going on, the combat/spritnite system has been smoothed out considerably, and there's a lot more variation in environments than in Setsuna. That said if you didn't like Setsuna on a core level I don't think this is going to win you over.
If you're not sure wait for a price drop. (Or pirate it on PC whenever it's cracked I guess.)