Who else is glad this stupid faggot is gone?

Who else is glad this stupid faggot is gone?

Other urls found in this thread:


the one that is reading this?


How can a fictional character be gone?


I'd rather have that than the fucking awful wojack edits.


rage guy is better than wojak retard




Back when Sup Forums, and by extension this site. Wasn't creatively bankrupt

I miss Sup Forums-tan.

Way better than racist frogs and making fun of my soy based diet


There are bursts of creativity here and there, hard to find with all the trash though.





I miss him, the age of good OC is gone, now all that's left is the same recycled wojak edits where people don't even make an attempt to draw something that isn't complete cancer to look at.
3-angled-blue's drawings were nothing more than black and white scribbles aswell sure but they had style and everything looked so animated and alive.
Wojak shit has no soul, just the same two expressions, angry cry and big grin, so tiring.


Hey come on, you're forgetting soy mouthbreathing and smug expressions. Dont sell wojak short.

I miss our old mascot



When he got replaced by countless wojacks.


The fuck is this cancer king? I get the furries and sonichu and the assorted Sup Forums memes but what the fuck makes this guy cancer king?

Who? 3-Angled-Blue? What happened to him anyway?

the living embodiment of cancerposting

>what the fuck makes this guy cancer king?

He's wearing a crown

This thread is Sup Forums culture.
Not e-celebs, not "muh SJW" threads, not all the other off topic crap disguised as videogames.

Rumor had it he died in an accident.

>The hate is gone thats good HAHA
>Lets post another wojak and pepe maymay

I hate neo/v/


>but what the fuck makes this guy cancer king?
He's Sup Forums


Is the artist for these still drawing somewhere?

somebody post the I want to fuck that unicorn one

H-he's fast!


It's been years since anyone has heard from him.

Nothing has topped this ever since.


Wojak and this are the same shit you blind nostalgiafaggots.

Artfag here. Any time someone tries doing some kind of project or something fun around here people just scream autism or something similar in an attempt to drag it down. That or said OC just gets reposted on Reddit and you'll see it in your Twitter feed about 9 hours later. This website is a horrible environment for content creators who just want to make something nice for other anons because there are so many jaded depressed fucks angry that there are some people here who aren't quite as jaded or depressed.

alternate happy(false) ending starting from here


Bingo. Everyone wonders where the funny people on Sup Forums went. They went to reddit and twitter where they're appreciated.

what happened to 3 angled blue?

inb4 >he's in jail that wasn't him


have you tried driving a van or a truck? What's is hinting is at is whatever with art you got with be brought forward with it and what ever with it was created or creation of your own art man


Board and console tans are cringe incarnate.


RIP Rob threads.
I think, at least Pacha and Toddposting seem to have escaped that fate.
Even Pacha, which became used by normies, is still used here without problems as reaction images.
But yeah, seeing Sup Forums musical threads becoming each new year more and more filled with no fun allowed shitposters is terribly sad.

didn't the guy behing these comics go to jail because he raped his little sister?

Don't tell me what to do nigger.

After making a comic about him molesting her little sister when they were children and then playing the victim because he was sent to a juvy people started to talk shit about him so he just fucked off.
Thank fucking God he did. That shitty comic about Sup Forums beating up other boards was pure cringe.



The soy meme has given him new expressions.



He just quit. Stopped using the name and disappeared.


>Thank fucking God he did. That shitty comic about Sup Forums beating up other boards was pure cringe.
for insecure faggots like you, it sure is

>Game's false ending is triple the length of the true ending.

Oh shit I vaguely remember the comic, I saw it years back, I didn't that and this were done by the same guy. Does anyone have it?

and unfinished

old as shit secret board

reminder the guy who did the Sup Forums rage flash a decade did a fucking remake a few months ago


>Pure cringe
>That filename number

Like expected people who are new dont like old stuff because they dont get the point


Thanks user

wojack edits are funny

>wojack edits are funny

Legitimately more action, better art and more tension than DB super has ever had

Years ago back when it was most commonly used with
>tfw no gf
Now it's boring shit on the same level as rage faces damn near a decade ago.

I posted it before nigger

How is this cutie any worse than the stupid littlegirlshit that you posted?

Stop making these threads. you assholes go all nostalgic and it makes me sad as fuck , let the past be past

You're right, let's talk about future memes instead
>mfw qrr gone

>there exist people on Sup Forums who call Sup Forums-tan cringey but have hundreds of pepes and wojaks saved to use on a daily basis
If you had told me a decade ago it was going to get worse than it already was, I wouldn't have believed you. I want those days back.

>moot casually on his ds



Wojak edits are only funny when they get weird.

Or the Peepee poopoo shit. I don't know why, but that stuff was always funny. But now it's all soyjaks and whirrr posting.

>filename number
>trump memes
checks out

I cannot see how anyone in their right mind would put any picture trying to express a feeling/reaction on the same step as those low effort wojack pics, which are soley created to shitpost and make people butthurt.

I never liked any mspaint comic or mspaint-drawn characters from this site, never have never will. This includes, but is not limited to, Sup Forums-tan (and other board tans), pepe, wojacks, rage comics, etc.
I can't help but wonder why someone would waste time making them. At least in the past, though, there was some originality to them.

whirr is better than any peepee poopoo edit ever was


>people seriously think shitty wojack/pepe edits are better than good OC like Sup Forums-tan

Jesus christ is right. There's too many retarded subhumans that think this.

For future reference if you EVER see this shitty nujak try to be shilled you should know It's from a desperate drawfaggot from /biz/ desperate for attention because he somehow lost money in a crypto bull-run so he just spams his garbage all over Sup Forums and hopes to god it becomes the le epic new meme in the same way Sup Forums does. He already tries to push this by spamming Nintendo wojaks hoping they'd be used as console war shitposting fuel

I stopped drawing for this board after people started making fun of OC and flooding boards with cookie cutter OP templates and wojak/pepe threads. Also with /quest/, I couldn't do anymore drawquest threads here and any images I've drawn are being edited for Sup Forums nonsense not even related to video games. Drawthreads are full of waiting pandering and cheap asses asking for free commissions to post on their tumblrs or something; and any new stuff I try and make gets called autistic for the amount of detail in it just because I animate and draw daily.

The new kids using this site fucking SUCK.

>anyone who post mem is samefag

It is /biz/shit. At least the edits /r9k/ makes are crude and emotional. These ones look like soulless tumblr creations made for attention lmao

>people seriously think this is funny

see the post I quoted above? This is why it is worse. He just posted it to get (you) and maybe one or two angry posts. No quality, no effort. Just a shitpost that contributes nothing.
Even in a offtopic thread

As a matter of fact I haven't been able to find your image on either Sup Forums or Sup Forums by image hash. I can only assume you're the original shitposting artfag from /biz/ trying to push his garbage content on another board. Just die already


As cringeworthy as they were, Sup Forums's rules of the internet really helped with OC and newfags
There are a few steps like enabling visible sage, setting up wordfilters etc that would help the board with self-moderating and make it good again but there is no incentive, financially, for hiroshimoot to drive newfags away