ITT: Games you would love a remake / sequel of

ITT: Games you would love a remake / sequel of

Why this game hasn't been released/remade yet is a mystery to me. They put Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio on Xbox Live Arcade back then but not this?!

Also, would love Rule of Rose.

Because Sony is trash, they rely way too much in cinematic games AAA, I miss the middle games

>missed the chance to buy this for $30 in 2006

Truly the bitcoin of videgames

Why are people suddenly talking about RoR the past few days?

Its one of the few games that still feel semi hidden and unknown. Beautiful too.


>tfw you'll never get to take advantage of timid Jennifer



God I hate the japanese "survival horror" genre.

Stella Glow. I'd love to see a sequel but I'd even just like a remake/remaster that sorts out the problems with the original.

Shame it will probably never happen because of imageepoch going down. If Sega and Atlus bought the full rights to the game, it could conceivably happen if they wanted to make a sequel. But I doubt they would

future cop

Xenosaga Trilogy HD Collection


Remake of Sonic 3 & Knuckles in the style of the 3D Sonic games with an actual dramatisation of the storyline

I'd prefer Luminous Arc 1&2 get touch ups. There was a 3 that never got translated

>505 GameStreet

Why to people play these bargain bin games?

What's with the 505 games getting the recognition lately? I have a few too, but what's that about?

That'd be good too. I've never actually played Luminous Arc myself.


Its practically the same thing as Stella Glow, even the plot is almost the same as Luminous Arc 2, down to the 'villain girl is actually trying to save the world'

So I'll be able to afford it when the price plummets next year?

but why? It's a conclusive story, we don't need a sequel to ruin it. I'd lkike a remaster tought.

>le bitcoin meme game

stop exposing a good game to Sup Forumsermin you fucking retard
just because you found out about it here doesn't make you an actual rule of rose player. I bet this nigger can't get past the intro cutscenes without ejaculating and hasn't even entered the mansion.
Off yourself my dude, people like you fucking disgust me.

I second this


I have never played this, should I give it a try?

this would be a legit good walking simulator, the combat is the worst part and in the end didn't really add much, even better, change gameplay from combat to hiding with doggo doing distraction and scaring monsters away.

I didn't. Game is okay, but Haunting Ground does everything better.


No, that's a statement, not implication.

Pic related, I loved this game as a kid, I don't know why Sega never made a sequel. I've never played anything quite like it before or after.

I enjoyed playing this through unlocking it with a secret in pic related.

Phantom Dust. NiGHTS.

I do own and love Haunting Ground but Rule of Rose is a different sort of game in many ways, such as setting.

Resident Evil 2 but only if it is in the same style as the REmake. If it is over the shoulder action down syndrome permanent marker sniffing garbage like 4+ I will probably pirate it and make a video of me "playing" their pirated garbage whole calling them niggers and reeeeeeeeing.