Monster Hunter World thread
Which weapon type will you focus on?
Monster Hunter World thread
Which weapon type will you focus on?
You guys don't have a retailer you can just pick the game up at early? I've been able to get the day since Tuesday but I've been a bit swamped, and I'm surprised I haven't seen more people showing screenshots of random shit. Maybe I'm not lurking enough.
7 hours left for me, how are you holding up hunters? and if you are already playing then fuck you
Is insect glaive really a bad idea for a new player? I used it in the beta and put some research into the moveset. Against negrigante I could keep all my buffs up constantly and I mad sure that the areial attacks were mostly to reposition to a good spot and get mounting damage; most of my DPS came from spamming the infinite combo beneath his tail. It seems like a really versatile weapon, good for mounting, tail cutting, and general damage.
I do like the anime moveset as well.
HBG Online just like every other game. Solo it depends on the monster and parts I need.
The worthless fuck manager at my local GameStop got fired apparently. He would always let people show up at close the night before a release since they stopped doing midnight releases. New manager apparently won’t let anyone pick up til 9 am day of release. So I went through Best Buy but they don’t open til 10. Life is agony.
>turn on ps4
>9h 57m
Just kill me
If you understand how to use it and not spam aerial atks its fine, its just that its been nerfed compared to its previous iterations
CB since its baby since 4U
>tfw can't decide between lance, swag axe, hammer and hunting horn
i love them all so much
>Not spam aerial attacks
I've been playing since 3U and I still spammed aerial attacks in beta even though I know it's not efficient.
Can't blame new players for doing so, shit is fun.
Painting my first ever model as a Farsight Tau Riptide.
Feels like something from Evangelion.
Having a good day. Might buy some acid for MHW.
Did sns get to keep any of its shit from X or do we have to wait another 10 years for it to become good again?
How big is the download?
I might buy it in a couple days once I make sure there isn't some catch to this game (you can't trust any publisher anymore.)
No. Wait for Portable 5th/World for oils maybe
14 gigs apparently.
Based japs.
That's honestly not too bad. If I do buy it I'll probably get the disc, but download seems like an option now too.
I'm kind of torn between getting this or getting the new DBZ and getting drunk while playing with some friends.
Get drunk and play MHW with friends
This'll be my first MH, is gunlance good if I plan on going solo for a while?
All weapons are good, just try them all first
I think long-term, MH offers more bang for your buck. Not that DBZ is short or bad, but MH games are typically a long-term commitment. Plus MH end game content more or less requires friends, or at least it did in previous titles I've played.
World doesn't have guild quests everything can be done solo and there are only 31 monsters so it's not even really that long either
Do people on Sup Forums or /vg/ play with eachother?
Most of my friends are absolute casuals or just want to relive the glory days of the PS2 splitscreen.
That's disappointing. My main MH games is MHFU. So I am a bit out of the loop of modern MH features.
I'm sure someone might, but MHW also has matchmaking as well. I think you can use filters to try and find similar skilled/geared players.
It seems MHW is more focused on online co-op than previous titles.
>having friends
lul literally never played any game with someone i know.
Nice existence there buddy