What are some blatant cases of videogame press corruption...

What are some blatant cases of videogame press corruption? I've got 2 friends who are LITERALLY defending the vidya media industry saying that they are pure not corrupted.
Does anyone have the name of the guy who revealed a major case of shitty practices? Or some pics? Any help appreciated.

Other urls found in this thread:


So you're friends with mentally handicapped people? That's nice I guess

I sometimes wonder why myself.


Maybe they're thinking of something and you're thinking about dumb shit like polygon

There are none. Your friends are right. You can't even defend your our point of view on your own.

The conversation started when I told them "MH can have any rating they want, you know you like it so you shouldn't listen to them eitherway".
Everything went haywire from there. Apperently, 10/10 COD games deserve that.

please share honey select card

Just look for the original article on Pope Dorito.

The Driv3r scandal.

I am, but I need more. I only have the TotalBiscuit stuff, the Kane&Lynch stuff, the femal journalist who gave a great score to Tomb Raider and happened to be a friend of one of the developers and the femal journalist who went on a nice trip to a nice spa to give a good review to a CoD game
Please explain

There's been several kickstarter scams but i can't remember any names

>the femal journalist who went on a nice trip to a nice spa to give a good review to a CoD game
Review camps aren't exactly isolated cases and have been a persistent industry staple to "pay" for reviews.

/r/kotakuinaction is that way

tl;dw a pretty blatant case where two magazines got early review copies of Driv3r in exchange for positive reviews. Hilarity ensued.

When I hear the term "review camp" I always imagine a team of devs standing around a jouno and coaching him so his retarded ass doesn't get stuck or lost

That's exactly what happens.

Will check both, thanks

I mean it wouldn't surprise me, I was just kinda looking for confirmation


Go wild:

This ones are great. Thanks a lot, Anons.

Kane & Lynch and the guy who got fired over his honest review.

literally the whole #Gamergate


Just made a lengthy discord post of all your articles and links.
No one answered for a while, so I just told them "Not even an OK? Is that how you respond to founded criticism? Ignoring it?" at which they acted all offended and shocked.

Fuck me. Why do I even try? Sup Forums is literally the only sane place, even if surrounded by shills, redditors and normies. Thanks for your help again, sorry I made you waste time.

>doa has canon time stop and VR functionality
>not allowed to lewd the thots.
Is there a way to live out my fetish in Honey Select VR?

all videogame outlets releasing articles that goe something like this "gamers are worthless waste of dna and should just die" on the same goddamn day... after getting called out for their shifty connections with each others and certain indy darlings... yeah again released it all on the same day they are really this stupid.

that comic pisses me off, just because a girl is a murderer doesn't mean you can just rape them

Outright verifiable corruption? There's really not much. Most of it is just obvious and clear bias to protect their bottom line.

I would say that it's an incredibly incestuous and cronyistic industry, but corrupt might be the wrong word.

That being said, I'm 99% poisitive that Bethesda assassinated the metacritic score of New Vegas to withhold the bonus promised to Obsidian.

It kinda does.

Well he couldn't just rape then, that's what the time stop is for.

You're a pussy, the entire comic has a jokey tone and should be received as such; you just have a stick up your ass because of peer pressure.

There's tons of loops that encourage positive bias towards big developers and big games but actual explicit corruption scandals aren't particularly more or less common than in other media coverage.
Quality of writing and such is a bigger issue in my opinion.

Honey studio, you can, but you can't touch or move them or anything.

Instead, might I suggest Virt-A-Mate. youtube.com/watch?v=bBrmfycppsM&t=3s

Just look up anything gamergate related. The press completely lost the plot a few years ago and haven't given a shit about looking professional or unbiased since

this is a really fun, hot doujin. I think i laughed more than I came.

Kill yourself


>Is that how you respond to founded criticism? Ignoring it?" at which they acted all offended and shocked.

These friends of yours don't bring up social justice and drumpf in their conversations, do they?

>Friend absolutely sucks Tim Schafer's cock
>Like all the way down to the fucking balls
>Faggot you understand that there are MULTIPLE instances of him constantly lying and ripping people off right

Stop eating so much soy

A gift for you

Didn't know Molyneux was this savage

Oldfags will still remember Driv3r reviews holy shit hahaha
