So...if this fails, Bioware is dead right?

So...if this fails, Bioware is dead right?

I can't wait for Bioware to die, desu. it already looks bad.

Dead thread just shows what I already know; Bioware is already gone.

haven't even heard of this game ded company

>generic name
>generic setting
>generic gameplay
>generic characters
>genre is already dead

And delayed until 2019.

bitch you know it's already dead as fuck

I'd buy this game used because Dark Void left me jetpack blueballs and this might finish the job

Okay, so in OP's vid, are we hearing in-game voices, or two voice actors in Discord reading from a script? Either way, it's insanely cringeworthy.

It annoys me that dev studios still haven't figured out, after all this time, that what makes games -- especially MMOs -- interesting is that they have character. In seven minutes of footage we saw some generic-ass people in a generic-ass half-futuristic-half-primitive town go out into a generic-ass jungle-with-futuristic-machine-looking-ruins in their generic-ass exosuits and shoot generic-ass guns at generic-ass machine-monster-things.

It's like if you took Horizon: Zero Dawn and stripped it of all of its character but made it look prettier.

more like REQUIEM

those are what gaming buddies sound like on comms, didn't you know? but yeah, it's the latter. and yeah, it is.
this shit is going to booooomb

Isn't this the game that tracks when you're on your period?

The future suit Iron Man esque angle is really played out right now.

It like disco, the market moved on.

It will sell and it will be good. Can't wait for you people getting BTFU.

I'm getting serious Destiny/Division vibes from this, right down to the "Legendary weapon drops but in real life it will never be that easy" and "group chat sounds like a dry script reading".

It looks pretty and I like the jet pack stuff, but if this is just going to be another loot shooter then count me out. Why did they choose Bioware to get on this anyway? Their strength (this is not the Andromeda studio) is RPGs and choice-based stories. Wrong studio, wrong time, wrong genre and it'll probably be milked dry by lootbox shit.

>Power Armour!
Fuck I'm already kinda excited but as one user said the clear scripting is going to be pretty shite.
Is it gonna try and be Warframe because that's a vibe I'm getting from this.
>Players being this co-ordinated.
>Players not trying to kill the biggest thing in the room.
>Talking like this.
My sides.


If anyone other then Bioware was making this game, and anyone other then EA was publishing it, I would actually be interested.

This is going to be a really bad downgrade I feel.

I too am subscribed to smudboy

With an absolute certainty you know that this game is going to be Warframe without the fun movement options and with a hundred times the amount of fucking grind for materials if you don't want to hand over your money for loot boxes.

You would? It's just Destiny again.

>coming out after Cyberpunk 2077

It's fucking dead on arrival

Anyone with half a brain already knew that was the case after Andromeda.

This is Biowares Dead Space 3. If it's not a break out 5mil units in the first month kind of success they are one step from lights out.

They're still making the new Dragon Age no? I wager the new DA and Anthem will be their last games.

Even Dead Space 3 had a spark of originality left.
Anthem looks to be the most plastic cynical look shit I've ever seen on this scale.

Units sold doesn't matter. All companies need now is to hook the lootbox whales to be successful.

That's what retards said about andromeda.

>retards here thought bioware is actually gonna double down on the project
>truth is the marketing team realized that destiny is doing a shitty job, so they gonna starve the consumers for a year and then release it at a time when there's no other competitors

I have seen like, a hundred games exactly like this

>co-op sci-fi shooter where you can fly or jump high

I would rather inhale fucking farts than play 3 minutes of this trash

How could IRON MAN: The Game fail?

The Soyim will gurgle on it like the next nintendo-flavored dragon dildo.

Looking forward to his game.

Literally no one wanted another Destiny clone. Bioware is fucked because this game is doomed to fail. They already drove away many if their diehard fans with that whole Andromeda fiasco. And they EA kills off Mass Effect only to tell Bioware fans to go buy their brand new sci-fi shooter with loads of microtransactions!
Who the fuck wants this game?
Destiny fans don't.
Bioware fans don't.
So who is the audience here?

It's going to fail and Bioware is already dead.

I would be super happy if bioware dies. Those people they employ here in Edmonton are mostly scum... mostly. Hope they die so Beamdog can pick up the local talent that is only staying of because of the superior wages of an established company.

>heir strength (this is not the Andromeda studio) is RPGs and choice-based stories. Wrong studio, wrong time, wrong genre and it'll probably be milked dry by lootbox shit.

EA doesn't give a single shit about strengths.
They buy a studio because it's popular, then piledrive it into oblivion forcing it to make bland focus tested bullshit until all the original talent quits and the studio name is so tarnished it either shuts down or gets demoted to mobage hell.

>product "destiny" is popular
>copy it
>release your copy of popular product and use marketing to sell it
And that's why people who doesn't play nor like video games shouldn't take the decisions about their "products".