Dragon Ball FighterZ Thread

Here we go anons, my DBFz - [un]Official Anime Music Pack is done.

► All the tracks are cut at the beginning and the end for a smooth transition between them.
► They are around the same tonality, otherwise you would have to modify the volume because a song would be louder or quieter than another.
► Most of them are made from flac files but sadly, you can't find everything with this quality like the Dragon Ball GT BGMs for example
► You can make your own playlist with a simple click on the right stick to put all the tracks you love in your favorite list!

This is a personal selection of tracks which I think will fit the game perfectly, not everything is in it, but let me know if I missed your favorite song and I will add it in a second version later.
You can also use this as a base and add everything you want.

The whole thing:
---> All BGMs (BGM from all the series)
---> DB (BGM+OP+ED+Insert)
---> DBZ (BGM+Movies+OP+ED+Insert)
---> DBS (BGM+OP+ED+Insert)
---> Kai (BGM+OP+ED+Insert)
---> GT (BGM+OP+ED)
>「OP,ED,INSERT」(Mostly TV/Movie size)
>「KAGEYAMA」(Tracks from DBZ, movies, games and some albums)
>「CHARACTERS」(Hikari no WillPower, Tokusentai, Wolf Hurricane, Unmei no Hi, Solid State Scouter, F,...)
---> Budokai Series (Some songs from Budokai 1, 2, 3 and Burst Limit)
---> Butoden Series (1, 2, 3, Hyper Dimension and Retsuden + Arranged Tracks for Butoden 1, 2 & 3)
---> Ultimate Battle 22

Also, I didn't have the time to test the tonality of the Budokai playlist before the end of the beta, I will correct it later if needed.

A little example with Guilty Gear Xrd:

>Download link:

Other urls found in this thread:


minus 8 hours


Pick a top tier

Make way for the real OP shit, assholes

if there is any american shit in there, i will find you, and i will suck your dick off


I like it op

>not using vpn

so which release is right, gamesplanet or steam? Im assuming steam

you missunderstand, i mean when is THE FUCKING BASED ANNOUNCER GOING TO BE A CHARACTER

>you can spam the shit out of the force to just zone like a madman
>you can wait on Guldo and use him to combo into body change
>in the corner you can have Recoome just fucking stand there posing in front of the enemy for a good 6 seconds blocking them from getting out or attacking back
Lord Frieza! I will now perform the Ginyu Tokusentai Dance of Joy!~


Add another +20 hours for servers to be fucked and unfucked

Are people going to play ranked or casual? I know no one plays ranked in anime but this might be different. How does Arena work, like cabs in GG/BB?

why couldn't it be released TODAY


>Add another +20 hours for servers to be fucked and unfucked
not happening, pc version is always the best version of arcsys games

same netcode and lobby system

Never forget the best theme.


Someone post all the smugs pls

>tien isn't any go...

you are also earning at least 1 meter here, most likely 2 so you can DHC for free. Once optimal stuff is found he will be very strong

Arcsys games on PC generally have a total of 4k ALL TIME HIGH at release. This game has been in global top 5 sellers for days, it's gonna be massive. They have done literally no testing for servers on PC.

tien will be one of the best anchors in the game
mark my words

Crap, I might actually buy MH World and DBFZ on the same fucking day just because of some pink THOT

This is such retardation
I'm actually embarassed

>Max combo

will it be protected with denuvo?

The Neo beam's subsequent uses take way too much health.

Since Tien doesn't need that much meter since he's naturally a combo monster, he's can work at point.

Losing life will keep him down a bit, but the ability to finish off anyone if you can manage it will be a strong option. It also stops if you don't have a big enough chunk of life to give so no accidentally killing yourself

Just imagine if he did level 3 with sparking. no blue life but the damage would get silly


I won!

Suck my dick! Suck my dick! Yeah!

It seems so

>people keep shitting on my man Nappa saying he is bottom tier

Official TeamSp00ky pro tier list

Perfect tier: Cell
UNGA BUNGA(physical) tier: A. Gohan, Kid Buu, 16, Trunks
UNGA BUNGA(ki) tier: Vegeta, Vegeta SSB, Frieza
Hidden OP tier: Krillin, Yamcha, Ginyu, Majin Buu
Bland tier: Goku, Goku Black, Hit, Teen Gohan
I want to suffer tier: Piccolo, 18, Beerus, Nappa
FAPFAPFAP tier: 21
Why does this exist plz nerf tier: Goku SSB
Y'all niggas is crazy if you think he's good: Tien

Fuck off, Kenny.

>shit damage
>shit moveset
>shit supers
>only exists in the story to get shit on

So we can all agree he was a waste of a character slot right?

>FAPFAPFAP tier: 21
Just you wait until the fanboys send e-mails

Spooky is ass at fighting games.

>the ability to finish off anyone if you can manage it will be a strong option
As a mid, maybe. In fact, that's the only way I see Tien really working in a team setup: you use him to ensure a kill on a problem target by z-changing him in and blowing all your bar/health.

Tien will never ever work as an anchor. Being an anchor is not just about whether you need meter or assists to do good shit, you need someone that can reliably knock out multiple characters without getting too badly hurt.

>literally one Dramatic Finish in the final game that we didn't already see in the trailers

shit pic didn't work

>2 assists for uses his own health to get it to a measly 55%
Max shows off cool stuff, not good stuff.

Thank you user. I am holding out for today but it's a fight not to watch story spoilers.

18 as point, Krillin as mid, 21 as anchor. That's the team right there.

level 1 doesn't take health

Remember when IGN said that "Some matches feel laggy online" in the Dragon Ball FighterZ video review, and then it showed him accepting a 0 bar match?

Why are these game journalists allowed to exist?

I want to live inside of 21 along with all of humanity.

>calling a character shit on day negative one
shit opinion

I wish I was in these threads when her Majinn form was revealed.

18 is bottom tier

actually the first time you use Tribeam it does, it's in Training Mode so it doesn't show.

who cares

tfw you realize IGN was probably playing on wifi as well

Well she'd better be a bottom.

>Tien's level 1 doesn't take health
Yes it absolutely does.


Tien sucks m8

The guy you replied to who said "Pick a top tier"?

it's called kikoho

If I pre-ordered on Amazon and it still hasn't shipped out, should I worry about not getting it on release date?

She's mine

I really want him to be DLC.

Mostly for the interactions. The banter in this game is world class.

>Not wanting gentle femdom

>Cell/Kid Buu/Frieza is actually a super solid team
was it intentional

well as long as you understand each other, does it really matter what they call it?


shut the fuck up weeb

>wanted to do Yamcha/Krillin/Tien

>Yamcha sucks
>Tien sucks
>can't land the stupid bean as Krillin

IGN's been retarded for well over a decade. Go look up their Sonic Unleashed review and you'll hear the most condescending memer jackass shitting all over the game and blaming the game when the video footage being used shows thm just playing like trash.

Actually, I'll just link it:
Don't trust any reviewer to competently review a fighting game.

Frieza is basically like an evil Goku, he can go anywhere on a team and also sorta fits in with any comp.

Kiko fuck yourself

to be honest from what we've seen every character seems viable in a way
so stop being a little bitch and play what you want

>As a mid, maybe
No because then you just lose your mid for their's, that is a bad options. It doesn't matter if his health is low if you just killed their last character. His level 3 does decent damage even without that so he can take out multiple characters, he will also be the best for happy birthdays. He doesn't require assists, he has many options to trick people

>you need someone that can reliably knock out multiple characters without getting too badly hurt.
You do know that Phoenix was an amazing anchor and her whole gimmick was she will die and then have a short time to fuck you up? Anchor doesn't have to be the most reliable character you have who lasts for ages

Sonic games are bad though

>tfw getting dbz on pc and mh on ps4
feels fucking good man

>Game not out yet.
>Already being a tier-whore.

Virtually everyone back then agreed unleashed was ass, nearly 06 tier. I have no idea where this shit came from where it became beloved a decade later

Oh well nigga

>Adult Gohan actually likes the Ginyu Force and praises them on their posing

Can't hide the Great Saiyaman inside forever Gohan

>every character seems viable in a way
yeah no shit it's day -1

if you think viability tiers won't quickly emerge you've never played a fighting game and especially a tag game

>people still pretending positions really mean jack shit in this game
I'm putting the guy with the neatest intro in front.

>Being an anchor is not just about whether you need meter or assists to do good shit, you need someone that can reliably knock out multiple characters without getting too badly hurt.

From what I've seen it sure seems like she'd be topping from the bottom.

The daytime parts made it worth it.

>not playing to win
Enjoy getting blown the fuck out by Black/21/Cell/Kid Buu and any other top tiers because of "muh honor"

it releases in ~2 hours here

It's nothing to do with how good or bad unleashed was.

Look at the fucking gameplay, he walks up to a ledge, jumps over a speed booster and falls down and blames the game.

IGN reviews are all done by DSP at this point.

Are the special editions really worth it?

Yamcha's a monster with his left/right mixups
Tien's a decent mid that can get rid of problem characters
Krillin is stealth OP

Yamcha/Tien/Krillin, in that order, is a solid team.


If I cared about tiers I'd play a non-fanwank game

I don't really like Krillin Anchor, he needs a solid pressure assist to really make his projectile/Shadow Image shenanigans shine

>Implying that will matter 90% of the time.
The vast majority of the game will be auto mashers. I'm going to have fun and you can't stop me.



I just canceled my preorder because they still didn't manage to ship it. I'll just get the digital version.

It's missing a few new ones I've seen

People actually played it again after the meme spouters from 06 quieted down and realized it wasn't that bad. The day stages are the best modern Sonic experience if you play it competently, and at most, night is a mediocre hack and slash, with only retards getting lost and taking ages to beat it.

But ulaimtely the point was this The reviewer was so blatantly bad at the game and was talking out of his ass but the review is still up on their official channel to this day. Reviewers 90% of the time are shit and shouldn't be relied upon for any sway in your opinion..

i don't think that's how time works

>No English Z OST tracks

Sigh. I hate kikuchi's z stuff. Nice collection otherwise, user.

Yeah, probably.

>tfw all of the hyper edgy characters will probably be top tier
>tfw this is true in like 90% of all fighting games

Why is this always the case? Is it to make the 13 year olds that play it happy?

Sonic games are bad

Never preorder from Amazon. Last time I did that they cancelled my order the day of release and then said they were sold out and I had to buy a digital version and got fucked out of preorder dlc
