It's over. Monster Hunter World is a huge success and there's nothing you can do about it

It's over. Monster Hunter World is a huge success and there's nothing you can do about it.

But I want monsta hunta to be successful and can't wait to play it in 9ish hours

good. that just means you're just a normal ordinary well-adjusted individual. See you on the hunt fellow hunter.

That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, see you online user


PS4 will outsell the PS2 by 2021

First PUBG, then zelda now this

Does Sup Forums ever stop being wrong?

It must be suffer being a pc gamer in 2018

honestly game has been shilled to death and there are no good games coming out this month so its not very hard. Game will be forgotten later this year though because Dark Souls Remaster will pretty much steal the spot light of every game.

pretty sure the most played console games are pubg, terrible rip of pubg and also on pc

normals just have shit taste

>Game will be forgotten later this year
More like next week. Games like MH don't survive on consoles very long.

You have my axe.


Gonna wait for the PC version, is it true that it's really short? How many large monsters?

What's the difference between the first and the third editions?

I'm glad it's a success and wasn't casualized as much as we thought but I'm still concerned what MHW's success means in the long run. I'd also like to point out that just because it has good reviews, doesn't mean it'll sell well. Though I'm sure it will

around 30 I think

>will be too busy playing it to see Sup Forums meltdown when the media create of next week comes out
oh well

Better than tri at least, hopefully they release a bunch of dlc monsters

As much as I want a smooth monhun experience, unlike Gen/X, I refuse to pay to be able to use my own internet to play multiplayer games. I guess I wont see you fags until August


So we transition from the the E3 trailer is shit phase into the E3 floor showcase is shit phase into the beta is shit phase and now begins the review shitstorm phase and soon we'll start the sales shit phase.
Can we have good threads after that?

How long until we get reports about how MonHun World is doing in Japan? I believe it's already friday in there, isn't it?

So what is the deal with monster hunter? It's not really story based but doing bigger and better hunts? If so I feel it more like a PC title (for me).

I don't think so, I think they need to sell 5+ million which is unlikely to happen. This is an expensive game to make and Capcom always have unrealistic expectations for sales.

>tfw get to play MHW in 30 minutes because the japanese version unlocks early


>he doesn't know

Used to play it on PS2, PSP, and 3ds. I don't have a Xbone or PS4 so I'm mad we have to wait for the PC version but I'm going to play the shit out of it once it hits.



can't wait to see the media create sales next week

>We'll never be able to discuss this game without Sonyroaches and Nintendies autistically screeching at eachother

What’s the version of MHW at #3? Some collectors edition?

>have to work nightshift tonight
>get home and immediately go to sleep
>only to get up at 1pm to work 2-10pm
God fucking damn it, should I just get into my stash of coke and stay up to play?


called the cops, drugs are illegal!

there's always gamefaqs user.

Nice. I'll be playing it once I get back home, good luck fellow hunters.

As an xbot I'm just happy to experiment with it

It pretty much depends on how you prefer to play your games, and also on which platform more friends would play it on.

Also for me, I wanted this to be a relatively chill experience that I could play relaxing on my couch, so I’m doing PS4

>Have Switch since June, bought MHXX in Jap
>Oh boy can't wait for the new MH in my Switch
>No plans on porting it
>No plans on bringing MHXX to the west
>Well fuck
>Buy PS4
>Buy MH World
>Already installed, waiting for about 12 hours to be able to play

Wasn't that hard, also bought Horizon, Uncharted 4, Persona 5 and Crash, any other reccomendations? Already had a PS3 and played it to heck so no "remasters"

>any other reccomendations?
Yakuza games and Gravity Rush



Enjoy beta testing for me, console fags.

>tfw people literally pay to use their own internet on a sub par gaming device

Literally flash in the pan. Even the Nintendo Labo will sell at least twice as much.

No one even plays PS4, the Switch won, just admit it and go cry somewhere else.

Gravity Rush Remastered
Gravity Rush 2
Near A Tomato
Witcher 3

Bloodborne obviously unless you don't like souls games, but even then maybe you should still try it out. Depends.
there's a couple supergiant games on sale last I checked, if you haven't played Bastion or Transistor then those are definitely worth.

wow, monster hunter is selling in japan!?
what a massive surprise

>"Try monster Hunter bro if you like action games and JRPGs you can't go wrong check out how cool it looks!"
>Get it on psp, it's boring as shit and I don't play it more than twice
>"You gotta try to NEW monster Hunter man it's much better than the old ones, plus now that its on Wii U it's better than ever on the big screen in the next generation
>Buy the Wii u one and really force myself to give it a much bigger chance this time and force myself through the first four hours, it's still terrible. Boring, slow, and everyone who said it is anything like Souls games is just lying
>"Buy monster Hunter WORLD bro this time it's on a REAL console look at how much bigger and better it is plus this is the most ambitious entry in the series yet!"
>actually considering trying worlds

Why do such shitty games LOOK so fun?

>Enjoy having fun while i sit on a corner waiting
cool thanks bro

>pc gamer makes joke about beta testing

is there a more ironic thing?

Oh fuck yeah i got Bloodborne too, in fact i bought Bloodborne even before getting a PS4, also Destiny 2 because it costed me like 15$ but it's kinda shit.
Already got Nier and Witcher on PC, will try to get the Gravity Rush 2 before the online dies.

same sad excuse used for GTA V

can we have just one comfy mh thread without retards spamming the same 5 wojak pictures

I'm sure user meant coca-cola :^)

>no comeback about how these fags literally play Sony and Microsoft to use their own internet

Quit kiddin yourself, you ain't fooling anybody here sony soyboy.
You aren't worth spitting at.

Yakuza 0 is essential

New pony here. Convince me that Yakuza is actually good and not a meme. It looks dumb as heck.

Less than 10 millions is a failure

I dont care as long as the game im playing is fun, you do know what fun is right?

things that only the mentally insane would entertain; the post

>1 year wait

It's Streets of Rage+River City Ransom+a bit of Shenume+japanese crime drama+minigames

>isn't worth spitting at
>apparently still worth typing out a childish comment at
seems somewhat contradictory but hey, who am I to say

you shouldnt spit at anything but the ground user

>I don't care if you fuck me in the ass, as long as I'm happily distracted.

um mhw needs to make $14trillion to break even. try again sweetie

The side stuff is incredibly goofy but the main story is mostly serious and well done, probably one of the better story modes I've played in a while. The OST is also pretty godlike

The last boss fight intro sequence is my favourite in video games

So which entry should I look out for in a sale? The newest one?

Deny it all you want. Were living in the sony wins timeline.

Less than 15 millions is a failure

0 or Kiwami(1st game remake) are both good entry points

Honestly I don't even mind, I get good service and free games and discounts because of it. Plus a majority of my friends are casuals since we grew up and they don't have the interest to invest in a gaymin pc.

Good now give me PC version

>watching like a cuck in the corner while Sony chads play the game

brainlet detected, dont play it its clearly too good for you

Zero is pretty much the best entry point, but unfortunately it's pretty much the best Yakuza game till now

So he should spit on the Soynyboys?

As someone who owns a Switch, PS4, and a PC, I just want MonHun games to all-around be successful. Also, despite what people say about how "casual" it is, I havent been this pumped for a MonHun game since Tri.

But is it like fun to play or do you like it for cutscenes and memes?

You and the other 100 potential buyers will have to wait sweetie.

>le soy meme
Ironic how this place used to hate forced memes from other places yet now is the one producing them

Despite the memes PS4 has tons of games.

Depends on what you like, I'll just mention what I have:
InFAMOUS Sec9nd Son ( the originals were better but this one is ok too. Get it only on a sale theres one right now I think).
Ratchet & Clank.
Bloodborne obviously.
Nier Automata (on PC too).
Nioh (on PC too).
Yakuza games ( 0 and Kiwami are great starting points into the series especially if you have a PS3 to play 3 4 and 5).
Gravity Rush 1& 2. Buy Kat's game pls.
I bought Killzone on a sale but I did t play it. Looks pretty generic but KZ2 was good.
The Last Guardian but I didnt play it dunno if its any good. Definately get SoTC remake if you didnt play SOTC before.

There's probably more but thats off the top of my head, it should be more than enough combined with DBZF/MHWorld. Oh and Yakuza 6 coming in March.

My top 3 exclusives would be Yakuza, Bloodborne and Gravity Rush

All memes are forced, newfriend. Forced until they give up or you learn to like it.

It's mostly a brawler with the simple premise of beating the shit out of anyone stupid enough to stand in your way. Sidequests are usually the comedic parts of the game while the main story is surprisingly very serious and a punch in the gut. There's also shitloads of minigames which might strike you fancy

stop false flag shitposting user its too close to launch for this

As someone who owns them too, I hate MonHun games all-around. I don't care if it's "casual" or "hardcore", I have hated this series since I tried Tri once.

Does not seem like a huge success though, it's too early to say.

It's pretty much a 3D brawler so I'd have to say yes to that

Less than 20 millions is a failure

>has to pad out ps4 online with japs

>Japanese Amazon


Wait a fucking minute.

Are you telling me that the single biggest game in Japan every time it comes out... is the single biggest game in Japan at release? Holy fucking shit, how could this have happened?

I'm so fucking tired of memes. Even before they had a fucking name they were annoying. Just repetitive fucking jokes, it's like that one friend you've known for a while and they was funny at first but then you realized they have a very limited book of jokes.

Good on you! See you in the new world. And if you see a heavy gunner helping every nub he can? Yo.

>months ago
>now it tops amazon sales
>o-of course it selling well its MH

PS4 is currently outselling the PS2 (at its 4 year mark).
I hope you already knew that, otherwise your tiny brain might've exploded by now.

Monhun is one of those games that you can't really tell if you like from one try. The core gameplay doesn't get presented right at the beginning. I tried Monhun tri, Monhun3U, Monhun 4U and decided I just didn't like the series. Then the beta for world rolls around and I was like "OH this is what the game is supposed to be" and went back and played the hell out of 4U


>Soynybois literally don't know the words they're using
No wonder you're eating shit with this game.