First time I've been excited for a Far Cry game, but my god those graphics, that setting, the lore, the open world, fucking flying with a plane, everything I can ask for.

Who here /hype/?

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what's blatantly obvious and rhymes with hill?

you mean what rhymes with "lawful plate"

This will be goty, already preordered the digital deluxe ed on my play station pro. Will buy all the future dlcs as well.


I'm hyped to see the possible downgrades, slowdowns and bugs.

Nobody cares shill

Is that the bad guy in the middle? Are they still trying to recapture the gold they struck in 3?

Fart Cry gets boring real quick

>go activate a radio tower so you can get more side quests unlocked on your map
>go find a recipe so you can make an ammo belt out of a goat's anus

This looks more and more fun everytime I see pics, I cant fucking wait!
3 was such a fun game, the MC sucked ass but everything, the decent into maddness, drug fueled visions, the villian that you could actually understand and relate to. It was so good it hurt.

Fuck Donald Trump and fuck white people this game we gonna hunt some neanderthals

Yeah man i'm totally hyped for FarCry 5™

It just looks so amazing and much fun. Amazing graphics, gameplay, animals, weapons, just explore everything.

Can't wait to play it! Haha share if you also can't wait for this game!


Fuck off to /pol you buthurt faggot, all you retards to is throw your shit into every conversation that doesnt include you, this is a GAME, not POLITICS.
Anyone here try Primal? How was it

I'm actually hyped and I want to see the new nut job.

dollar dollar bill

basically a full game of that dream sequence in 4.

good podcast game

That for mom is so fat she cant get her fill?
Their villians are always cool as shit.

I see what you did there!

Go shill this on

Triggered? You can always go back to your safespace Sup Forums if others opinions hurt you that much. I'm sure they'll comfort you. Nice usage of buzzwords btw, upvoted.

>stop talking about politics in a game that is blatantly designed to cash in on current US politics!

try again, this time in comprehensible english.

It’s literally American politics you reddit, limp-wristed cuckold.

check my 2

Then if it is about politics, go to /pol to talk about it. I am interested in the characters, gameplay, and setting. Go to /pol to talk about politics for it is only thrust on everything because of your fucking tunnel vision. Stop getting mad that no one likes what you like, retards.

This thread will turn into US politics as usual.

goat anus are pretty strong

I just hope the gunplay isn't terrible this time around and actually playable on M+KB.

Not if we ignore them and tell em to fuck off.
I hope we get more crafting options and ways to play the game. Like tanking through but being able to level sneak or something to hit and run good enough

No, I’m not going anywhere.

Then talk about the game instead. What guns you interested to see? I think there are going to be a fucking crazy mix cause MURICA.

The trick is to eschew all long guns and knife your way through every enemy camp without getting spotted, shit's tense enough to get kind of fun

Unironically can't wait to shoot some white supremacists. Looks to be best Far Cry game to date for sure.

I look forward to the dog fights. Don't know much atm but I'll watch the dev livestream on 27.

So the niggas with Joseph just have internalized racism or something?

Holy shit, dog fights? Like we are talking planes right? Motherfucker that sounds fun!

From what I saw, you have an ally who loans you planes and the cult sometimes patrols the skies too.

I want to play as these guys- is that an option? How will the dogfights be- what aircraft will be featured? Jets or oldtimey biplanes?

U mean my 5.

Check my 9

Kickass, reminds me of GTA
Im kinda hoping there is more than just two factions to join

if 5 then the game will be great and Sup Forums will get BTFO to hell (as always)

My 6 does the trick!

fuck off hustler

Someone sounds butthurt, lmao

>the lore

Looks like trash. Honestly I was interested because of the setting but after seeing some gameplay it's just another open world vaguely militaristic ubisoft game.

Far Cry 1 and Crysis 1 where the only good Cry games.

I just wanna shoot cultists, please and thank you.
So, anybody want to guess what the drug trip is going to be in this game? All games have had them so far, so they better have a fun one.

Video games often tackle real life issues, like war or politics. Take a chill pill

>Far Cry was supposed to be a stealth game
I remember when my dad helped me build my first PC, Far Cry was the first game he got for me. Such good memories man.

Maybe it will be a hippie commune type deal, might go the boting Native American route...
Sorry, but /pol shitting up threads with buzzwords fucking gets on my nerves. I aint hating on the ideas in the game, Im just tired of /polfags wanting to fight about it.

> Hyped for a AAA game
> Being this new
> mfw

Hippie commune sounds pretty fun I suppose.

Yeah, hype is one thing, but I aint buying it day one or anything. Release will show the truth, if its shit, I might try when its in the $10 bin.

So? That's why you wait for reviews and check let's plays.

Might even just not include it and try something differant. But roving hippies sounds cool as shit.

Or just pirate it. Free game and Ubisoft doesn't get any money. Everyone wins!


I wouldn't be able to play it because I'm too poor to get a proper computer and don't know shit about upgrading it with parts as opposed to just buying a new rig.

im gonna pirate it and then play it for like an hour
nice shilling, dipshit

Rofl, never change pirate fag. But if they shit out a good game, then I say let em have my money. Im just hoping we get a pump shotgun in the game so I can larp a property patroling hick.


My 5 says op should never post again

if its a good game then ubi earned the money

pirate first then buy

Now that I have a good computer I have been playing 4 and its much better with a good computer

the cutscenes don't make me feel ill from low framerate anymore


When does 4 really start getting fun? I been wanting to try it again, just couldnt get past the first few missions and the guns seemed a tad off.

it gets fun after the first act
that or once you can buy the wingsuit from the store which is after the first arena mission

Yes fellow user, I too am looking forward to purchasing this Ubisoft game.

Why wouldn't it? It is obvious this is being shilled by libcucks, commies, and self hating Whites.

If this game was about killing niggers, spics, sandniggers, yelllow niggers, red niggers, and kikes you people would be chimping about how racist the game is. But since it is about killing whitey and Christianity in Far Cry 5 it is A OK.

Nice! Which version did you preorder?

>The average American
>game is filled with crazy rednecks and fanatics
Fuck off commie

Are you guy's going to buy Boomer's Game?

You can already do all of that in the first 4 FC games

Copy Paste of farcry 4. Except this time you kill white christians. If you're American and buy this you are either a nigger or a faggot.

This thread has been pruned or deleted.

>its a cross of scientology
fuck off Sup Forums

This kills the /v.

me too, i just try not to think about it.

so why are they in a church singing christian songs faggot?

Ubishit has literally been doing that for years and only Bolivia moaned about it. The cult isn't even about politics but some nut job thinking its the end of the world.

they are using christianity to bait people into the cult.

christianity isnt the villan
the villan is using christianity as a tool

so you have to kill christians

ubishit threads deserve to be derailed into pointless political shitflinging

But they also made their own for the game though.


Just a quick reminder: whenever you see someone using the word "hype" in the OP 99% of the times you are dealing with a marketer, even and especially if they seems to appear ironic or confrontational in their writing.

im hype for the bootyblasting and assmad faggots whom will eventually just be like


ignore ubisoft shills

nobody on Sup Forums gives a shit about far cry, we never have

Why does /pol go to talk about politics on /v, video game board?
Mods, please, put this thread to sleep...

>white guy killing white guys
>people call it racist
am I getting ruffled?

you save the christians who are being baited and abused by the cult

I love when white bois get triggered when someone says they don't like them.

Ok even if you're against Sup Forums you have to at least admit that using Christianity as the bad guys is the laziness way for story telling.

you realize you're shilling for free now? Even if it is ironic and not subtle at all

>tfw what i said is already coming true
who /Prophetic/ here?

It's a game about killing White people and anti White religion.

christians are not the bad guys

is there even any proof that they're christians though or this game is about christianity?
actually don't answer that, because i don't really care and won't be playing another radio tower climbing simulator unless it's cracked on day one

>will run like crap on my medium spec pc because it's ubisoft
>30fps and sticks for shooters is a no go
>also co op focus
But Ubisoft has been on a roll lately so I'm sure it will be surprisingly alright. But not for me.


by killing them

Sending them to heaven early is the greatest favor one can provide to christian.