What's the difference between "use" and "+use"?

what's the difference between "use" and "+use"?

half button press


One has a plus in it.

I usually drink black tea.


For what game

un-ironically this
+use is the use button being held down
-use is letting go of the use button
use is both together

use is a single event
+use is a continuous action

use presses it
+use holds it
-use releases it

+use is the one you want if you're binding it to a single key, activates on keypress and stops on letting go, same as +forward or +turnleft or anything else
this is old quake shit

What language is this written in and what API is it using? I feel like a retard for even asking.


cfg is a common extension for configuration files in windows software. It's just text, and the contents vary from game to game or engine to engine.


Yeah, I gathered it was a config file, I just didn't know what it was specifically using. I've only started programming so I don't know what was going on here other than it reminded me of some basic stuff in the Unity API (GetKeyDown, etc.).

Which class do you main, user?

It's just a plain text file that the game parses on launch and sets some flags.

I think in case of Source engine, it's the same API as console commands. So the game will read it and dump whatever's in there into the console.

the dentist

Think of it as plaintext human-editable save file.

Cute. You got a boyfriend?

a use is a use, you cant say its only a half

Fair enough. I've not touched Source so I wouldn't know where to being on that one, thanks for clarifying.

A button press is a button press. You can't say it's only half a one.

Found the faggot who has never played Metal Gear Solid.



It's stands for "use your plus time to play a game better than TF2"