Please tell me.
How does this company have the best ideas, yet the fully fuck up each of their IP?
white genocide, cultural marxism and sjw shit
Lazy copy pasted designs and sticking to old boring formulas
North American SJW'ism and pandering.
Every major NA entertainment company is cancer.
Creative developers, but when it reachs the higher-ups it turns to shit. Like in any big company.
They are French though.
Because ideas are worthless.
It's not US' thing, but west's in general
That one french media conglomerate is still going to buy them this year, Ubisoft is still kill
>Lack of talent to make these ideas flourish.
>Lack of foresight.
>Heavy interference by higher-up and focus tests.
>Investor funded.
>Make a hit, your company funders want it milked, leading to project burn-out.
>Working conditions are kinda iffy.
Look, there are a lot of things that can fuck a company.
It originated and spreads from the US though.
Things like fat-shaming, stronk wymen and multiple genders were never even a thing anywhere outside of NA until some retarded attention whoring spergs baited the shitty media and made them into "issues".
It was a kinda original concept, but Zombies were in at the time, ZombiU is not a bad game but it could have been better.
>different genders and all of that other crap were never a thing
But that's not true, there's many places around the world where trans people are considered a different sex and seen as good luck.
Ubisoft has a shit ton of studios but all of these different studios from different backgrounds, different cultures and different ideas rarely get the chance to develop their own unique IP. Most of the AAA project ideas they do actually come from their headquarters where a bunch of old French dudes look at the most hip thing out there and try to make a game based on that. That's why you get an overabundance of the same old open world trash, because it's basically a hype word nowadays and casual gamers think open world = automatically good.
It's funny really. A lot of people praise or mock Ubisoft for their diversity quota, but the actual people coming up with the concepts and ideas are French people while the other studios are just forced to do the grunt work. The other studios have no leverage compared to the head studio and if you ever want your game concept to be considered you MUST be French and need to have years of experience at the company. It's ridiculous.
Of course, stuff like Child of Light, Valiant Hearts and Mario x Rabbids exists, but they are still an incredibly small part of Ubisoft's game library.
So basically, the reason why every Ubisoft IP is fucked up right now and they all play the same is because they are actually designed by the same people every single time.
I'm not talking about trans people, sure those have always been around and very rare and far between.
I'm talking about this wave "gender-fluid" fags or whatever they claim to identify as who say there's more than 30 different genders and this shit is actually being taught in "gender studies" which is an actual course in the States.
Even fucking Bill Nye betrayed his loyal fanbase and the scientific comunity by claiming there are more than 2 genders beyond XY and YY.
There's an agenda here.
See the thing is that gender reassignment surgery goes like this.
Male to female.
Female to male.
Thus, those that take this surgery are indeed trans, but ultimately still fall into male or female because of the very nature of the surgery.
The trans ultimately comes down to an adjective, a simple description of a male or female.
There are, no matter what you're told, two genders. The trans is simply an extra description of the gender of a person.
It wasn’t a thing big enough to make main headlines almost everyday.
Because their ideas are about setting, themes and story, not gameplay.
design by committee
Not a single person in this thread mentioned rayman origins or legends
Were the games really that bad?
X ray vision, markers on absolutely everything, the same obnoxious hud in every game, horrible perk system
No, they weren't.
It's just that Ubisofts achievements and bigger releases stay in your memory more because that's how your brain works.
They play the same because they are developed by the same: Ubisoft Montréal (Watch Dogs, Far Cry, AC). It is also probably their biggest studio, the most "multicultural" and the most SJW, because well, they are in Canada.
Then you have Montpellier, with Michel Ancel, which does totally different shit (Rayman, Beyond Good&Evil, Valiant Hearts).
They messed up with WiiU owners, they had a demo, many people were excited for Legends, I was buying it on release but then it went multi, the WiiU version was pushed back. It's still a good game but I got it from the bargain bin after years.
Ubisoft baffles me , desu. Their ideas and games they make are genuinely good like the divisions but it turns to crap when we see the whole picture. They always fuck up whatever they make. Watch dogs was an amazing concept with shitty execution.
Nah, those 2 were actually fucking great
The problem is, those are pretty much the only great games they've released in a long time and even that was 5 years ago
When your logo looks like a flushing toilet, it's clear what kind of games you should expect from them.
I found them to be too floaty for my taste but they're alright
>Watch dogs was an amazing concept with shitty execution.
Was it really? Since I first heard of it, Watch Dogs always seemed to me like a concept that sounds cool on paper, but as soon as you start translating it to actual gameplay mechanics it doesn't really work. It's hard to make hacking a core element of an action game gameplay without giving it tonnes of gimmick uses you either get bored of or are pretty much forced use. But then a question arises: is it then really such a good idea for an action game after all?
Ubisoft montreal allows all it's devs to pitch demos (they even give they one paid day off every year to the employees to pull a demo together for pitching if they so which). The best ones are turned into games. This is why they have good ideas.
The execution is crap because Ubisoft.
It's actually really weird. So many of their games come really close to be more serious social satire than any other aaa but then end up being the most corporate retarded garbage possible.
>It originated and spreads from the US though
Post-modernism, cultural Marxism, liberalism, feminist activism all started from france.
Seems like all the bad shit originated from France or Germany.
Seems like not enough effort is put into quality control, animations and lighting.
Yes. Watch Dogs 2 has fun hacking mechanics. Too bad it's an Ubisoft game.
forced to pump out games every year, maybe forced to make ubisoft sandbox shits?
They have really good developers, but unbelievably shitty management. Also terrible writers.
A typical conversation with upper management is likely something like this
>Hey, I've come up with this new IP
>We love it, here's the formula you'll follow to make it
I tend to dislike Ubi and can't even remember the last game I bought from them but credit where credit is due, I love their approach to indie-like titles where they just allow the devs to go wild and experiment.
I don't think hacking is that difficult a thing to add to an action game, it's not like the hacking has to be realistic or anything. For a while Watch_Dogs was going the right direction but then Ubisoft looked in the mirror and realized they needed to fuck whatever good the IP had.
Plus I hate their constant attempts of making everything they make "iconic".
>The game isn't even out yet but let's market this MC as the next iconic character in gaming, despite knowing he's the blandest character possible
Their number one rule is to never take risks.
Because the majority of average gamers are spoiled little shits.