Half Life 2 is fucking reddit garbage

This game.... This fucking pile of shit rebbit game. Holy fuck. LITERALLY REBBIT: THE GAME

The gameplay sucks fucking ass. The weapons are not satisfying to shoot. It offers nothing new. It's just walk, shoot, jump. Everything is mediocre at best.The main story is garbage. Gordon Freeman in Half Life 1 is just a regular scientist. Nobody knows who TF Gordon Freeman is. He is just a nobody trying to escape Black Mesa and survive and save his own ass. But in Half-Life 2 for some reason he's some super hero legend leading a whole revolution against aliens.

The physics which reddit praises so much have already been done YEARS before Half-Life 2 came out in many other games.
The all famous Redditholm level is nothing but shitty physics tech demo which is not even impressive.

So why is this game praised so much? Here's why: Because it's filled with reddit tier memes, unfunny gags, cringe inducing references to the first game, reddit writing and reddit dialogues

Half Life 1 was a masterpiece and a great achievement for video games. Half-Life 2 is a meme spouting pile of overrated shit that's praised by redditors and ""journalists"" because DUDE MEMES

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a game of 2004
for that time it was a masterpiece


It had nothing new to offer in 2004
Everything in it was done many years earlier
It didn't invent anything new at all

And the story and gunplay was mediocre.

The reason why it's praised so much is because of fucking nu-male gamers from reddit who have never even played Half-Life 1 but want to fit in. As a matter of fact I doubt they even played Half-Life 2 and just jumped on the bandwagon to fit in

>"I've never played Half-Life 1 or 2 but everyone says how it's the best game ever made."
>"I gotta fit in"
>"Haha yes Half-Life 2 is such a masterpiece dude, best game ever HALF LIFE 3 WHEN GABEN PLS!! haha I am a gamer too look guys"

this game was the pinnacle of scifi aesthetic

>eastern bloc
>alien species bio-modified to be used as hybrid weapon systems

The physics were by far the most advanced in any video game at the time though

>what is Trespasser?

OP is fucking retarded confirmed by NASA scientists

Everything by Valve is either trash or mediocre at best, glad they no longer release real games


is this pasta new

It's time for you fags to kill yourselves. The game has impeccable level, art, and sound design. The weapons ARE good. The puzzles ARE fun. The game completely shifts the gameplay focus fromlevel to level while retaining the same mechanics. There has actually not been any games before HL2 to implement physics in such a natural and interactive way before. It's hardly different from hl1 in terms of pacing, weaponry, and enemy types. It's just simply one of the most well crafted games of all time, along with the first one. You're either underage faggots who believe for some reason that the game has "aged" or you're bitter oldfags mad that the game wasn't underground again

Trespasser had every physics that Half-Life 2 had + much more

>Everything in it was done many years earlier
>It didn't invent anything new at all
what is the point of thinking like this?

Nice pasta

One great moment om HL2 that goes underappreciated is when you first get the Revolver.
If you pay attention, Gordon picks up the revolver as he kicks a table over, giving him cover during a narrow corridor shootout.
It's a little character moment that nobody seems to notice but it's great and makes you feel like a badass.

I can't help but marvel at the fact that people put even the tiniest amount of time and effort into making these pastas.

props to Trespasser for trying to do physics but come on they're pretty fuckin garbage

Lmffaoooooo bro this guy made this whole thread because of Jurassic Park Trespasser

What the fuck is going on today? Lots of thread shitting on Half Life 2 for no reason lmao

You said that 7 times, 9 if you count rebbit. You seem a bit obsessed.

please dont talk shit about half life its been through enough

is he a numale?

The release of Half-Life 2 killed off so many Half-Life mods that were in development. I still hold the grudge to this day.

>bitches about Reddit
>uses Reddit spacing
Really activates my almonds

>played it 14 years late and expects to understand it with no context
Go play every FPS game released between 1998-2004. With a handful of exceptions, they're all imitating HL1, and they're all doing a shit job. HL2 comes along and perfects the formula.

>imitating HL1
I don't remember the shooters from that time as being total shit, so I guess that statement is a lie lmao

It's okay, OP. Gaben hurt me too. He hurt us all.

Did you actually need multiple threads for this is the real question.

This game.... This fucking pile of shit rebbit game. Holy fuck. LITERALLY REBBIT: THE GAME

The gameplay sucks fucking ass. The weapons are not satisfying to shoot. It offers nothing new. It's just walk, shoot, jump. Everything is mediocre at best.The main story is garbage. Gordon Freeman in Half Life 1 is just a regular scientist. Nobody knows who TF Gordon Freeman is. He is just a nobody trying to escape Black Mesa and survive and save his own ass. But in Half-Life 2 for some reason he's some super hero legend leading a whole revolution against aliens.

The physics which reddit praises so much have already been done YEARS before Half-Life 2 came out in many other games.
The all famous Redditholm level is nothing but shitty physics tech demo which is not even impressive.

So why is this game praised so much? Here's why: Because it's filled with reddit tier memes, unfunny gags, cringe inducing references to the first game, reddit writing and reddit dialogues

Half Life 1 was a masterpiece and a great achievement for video games. Half-Life 2 is a meme spouting pile of overrated shit that's praised by redditors and ""journalists"" because DUDE MEMES

So front up faggot, what game do YOU enjoy?

Don't see why you call it "Reddit the game" but it its very mediocre.

>being this baitfag
Invented free object pysiques and object control

>invented free objects
done in 1998
>pysiques and object control
done in 1998

>The physics which reddit praises so much have already been done YEARS before Half-Life 2 came out in many other games.

Care to name a few?

Even Half Life 1 invented jackshit. Goldeneye already had the "cutscenes where you can walk around".

Lol crybaby from the other HL2 thread can't accept that HL2 was influential to the FPS genre and raised the expectations of game design throughout the entire gaming industry. At least you made your own thread to cry in this time.

I know it is hard to understand events that took place before you were born, and all of your tears will never change the positive impact this game has left on gaming in general.



I've actually had a pretty good time with it. I'm sorry you haven't been able to have a satisfying experience user. :(

Almost got me.

Pathetic. Some good franchises, but the worst titles from each. OP confirmed born in the 21st century.



>half life 2 is garbage according to (you)
>gaming hasn't advanced one iota since its release
prove me wrong

Other M and Infinite made it too obvious

Obvious troll thread.


Who are you quoting?

It was always a bit Reddit. Basically Rick & Morty of 2004. Doom 3 was true kino of 2004 and Valvefags hate it.

>Trespasser uses a "Box System" where every object in the game acts as if it is encased in an invisible box. Additionally, Trespasser's physics are based on the Penalty Force Method, in which, when two objects collide – rather than stopping movement, the two objects push away from one another until they are no longer colliding.
wow realistic physics

Not an argument


I love you user.

>level, art, and sound design
Oh my. This one is retarded.

>Rick & Morty of 2004
This guy has it right, Doom 3 is miles better than anything on soy-life 2, and it's not even the best game in its own series

>my le internet adversary
Why the fuck are people so obsessed with reddit?


>lol this game is a reddit game KEK xD anyway look at me xD
This game aged bad, and it wasn't that bad in 2004. It was pretty good, but it's still enjoyable.
Just have fun with some mods like SMOD. Also, what memes and gags you're talking about you fucking retard? Is this le lmao bait xD ?

Reddit-Life 2 fags BTFO

the engine is a fucking masterpiece

Doom 3 was shit after the frist couple of hours, the "horror" was just shitty jumpscares and the action sucked because you didn't see shit. Quake 4 was better, let alone Half-Life 2. Doom 3>Far Cry>Half-Life 2

>Doom 3 was shit after the frist couple of hours
Never claimed it was perfect, still better than the soylent wankfest that is half-life 2
>Doom 3>Far Cry>Half-Life 2
Can agree to that lmao, you do know how > and < work, right?

>This fucking pile of shit rebbit game. Holy fuck. LITERALLY REBBIT: THE GAME
I think you mean pic related. Holy shit.
This is the most Anthony Burch game ever written, and anthony Burch didn't even write it.

Half Life 2 blows. One of the most overrated games in history. It's a glorified CoD on-rails shooter.

I don't remember that happening. Are you sure you weren't playing SMOD?

That picture is rancid bait, but
>Doom 2016
>worst title in the series
Not even close. You ever played some of the countless shitty Doom 1 ports? Or the city levels from Doom 2? Or the 80% (up to Hell) of Doom 3? Doom 2016 is repetitive, sure, but it's still pretty great

Did you play the game user

CoD is better because it's fun here and there and the shooting is not total garbage, unlike soy-life 2

fuck off kid

This is true tho people do that shit all the time

you fucked your link up

Well said.

Where's his Switch?

Sorry, i can't communicate with you: you're too far up your ass.

They've been happening for a few years now. I'm not sure if its just people baiting or if this board is slowly being filled with people who just started to play video games within the last 10 years.

If HL2 was made today:
>"About that beer I owed you"
>Beer added to inventory at the top left
I hate new games

I hate that shit too. Some how I ended up with a copy of Far Cry Primal, so I tried it out. And I kept thinking if there were half as many menus and less UI, the game might actually be fun. Just let me caveman around killing monsters and other cavedudes. But no, shitty forced crafting system, minimap, quests and subquests. They are trying way to fucking hard and it reminds me why I ignore 95% of what is released anymore.

Shooters pre-HL2 were a lot less well-rounded. They might have done something well but overall were nowhere near as complete packages as HL2.

No it wasn't. But it was good for 2004.

You just can walk towards the table as it falls on the side (physics tm) giving you some cover against 2 combines. That's it.

Doom 3 = tight dark corridors and limited monster spawns. Apart from it's roughly equally impressive engine it was a one trick pony compared to HL2.

Far Cry = featured a large map with lots of trees and intelligent enemies. Extremely impressive tech-wise but again a one trick pony and went downhill very quickly.

There are no complete packages before HL2 other than HL1. The only game that competes with HL2 is HL1.

Didn't even hit the bar set by Max Payne 2.

you're wrong

But the characters atleast looked a bit better then painted boxes stacked on top of each other

Neither HL game was that great. Doom, Quake, and GoldenEye all came before 1 and were all much better games.

i agree even the first time i played hl2 years ago i thought it was boring as fuck

>play brother's copy of Far Cry 2 cause I liked the first one
>no superpowers
>just driving around africa
>infinitely respawning checkpoints everywhere

And then I threw a grenade which somehow reversed gravity and everything started falling upwards so I gave up. Fuck that series.

OP is younger than the game lol

What did half life do that previous shooters had not done? Shitty fps platforming? Useless unsatisfiying guns?

>reddit reddit reddit
>Game predates reddit
Kill yourself you stupid fucking faggot

Leave OP alone. He was only a child when this game first came out. In his mind YouTube and Reddit have always been on the Internet.

I love how people say "well you had to play it when it came out to see how good it was". If it was actually a good game, and not just a fad of the month, it should still be fun today.

I bet every game on my steam account that some Pol loving YouTube contrarian made a video about how half life 2 sucks and op can't help but post about it.

The funniest thing about this is the contrarian soyfaggit fooddude thinking he edgy

Kill yourselves

Case in point. You weren't there, therefore you don't understand the impact.

It's not rocket surgery.

Lol you pretend to like doom because of meme, le doom runs o a printer XD so fun so soy, bitch doom 16 is better than everything in the franchise and u can't prove me wrong u gzdoom fooddude cum shitter

>bosses are helicopters
>Combine soldiers can sniping con a regular pistol
>endless driving sections: the driving in half-life 2 is downright awful.
>You never see city 17 except sewers

Can't believe I finished all that crap. Are episode 1 and 2 just as bad?

Yet I played Super Mario 64 and Castlevania SotN nearly a decade after they came out and they're both among my favorite games. Funny isn't it?
