Monster Hunter World 90+ on MC

What went right bros?

A native resolution above 240p

What's the point of giving a fuck about those scores?

Also, if even I wait for PC if odds I buy it on ps4 (not pro). Best of 3, this is the last one, tied so far.

Not on 3DS. It's the only reason I'm getting it, even though it looks even easier than MHP3.

No longer attached to Nintendo tbqh

>a whole new future of MH not tied to trash Nintendo hardware
Very good

Finna based

Nice, the series deserves it. It's not on PC yet though, and I don't like Capcom backstabbing Nintendo after they funded most of the publishing duties, the translations and the marketing of the series in the West for almost a decade, so I'll wait.

If those scores were poor you can bet your ass the front page of Sup Forums would've been spammed with it.

Dude Capcom already backstabbed Playstation. A bit too late to play the moralizing card on MH if you supported their 3DS games.

And my reaction would be the same just as it has always been: What's the point of giving a fuck about those scores?

Also, rip PC. I hope the fps is not so bad on the classic ps4.


I don't care what company it's under, I just hate the 3DS. Enjoy your niggerspeak.

This. Just keep it away from 3DS or handhelds in general, thanks.

>I just hate X console because console wars!
These last 3 posts are a perfect example of the shithole Sup Forums is.


the check passed.

>Finna based
ur not even using it right shithead

Dude, I agreed with you. I said you're based. Calm your nipples.

Not him but 3DS is trash. Fucking hell that was a rough period for games.

sonygroid still assblasted i see.

Is it because the ps4 still ahsn,t passed the 3ds?

You also grouped me with people that had no relation to my reason.

how many gigs is it, considering preload/buy

>ps4 still ahsn,t
Learn to spell before posting on Sup Forums.

Not being held back by a handheld

Not really comparable. Sony completely ignored Monster Hunter, founded clones at the first opportunity, and the Vita flopped really hard.
I'm not asking for Monster Hunter to be Nintendo exclusive, the more people can play it the better, but not localizing XX and not putting World on handheld when the entire success of the franchise is based on the fact that it's a handheld franchise is really weird. Honestly, I expect the game to do about the same numbers than previous mainline entries (less in Japan, more in the West) at a hundred times the development and marketing cost, so we'll see.

>3DS is trash
I'm sure it is, console warrior. I'm sure it is.

90% of the 3DS games wouldn't even exist otherwise because they wouldn't be viable if they costed more to develop.

You are getting horses mixed up with the carts. Sony founded clones and had Vita fail precisely because it fucked Vita over. Why do you think MHW is on every platform EXCEPT Nintendo? This is Sony taking sweet vengeance on Nintendo. And since they're rolling in money and have the largest install base this gen they know they can get away with that.

*Precisely because no MH fucked Vita over

Nintensoys were excluded.

Turns out when you drop the dead weight, the bloat, the shitty hardware, and the worst fanbase in all of gaming, and go back to basics while improving everything that made the series good and adding a new twist to it all, you end up making a good game. Who knew?

Nintendo was holding MH back, and this game proves it. Hopefully Capcom continues this path, and realizes that the future of Monster Hunter does not involve a certain manchild toy tablet with gimmick controllers

>worst fanbase in all of gaming
As an idort, I unironically can't think of a worse fanbase in recent years than Playstation fanboys.

>before appealing to western
>"hurr, it's too hard, it's too grindy, why can't i lock into things, 7/10"
>after appealing to western
>"a masterpiece!"


It's not called Monster Hunter 5 for a reason.

>Is it because the ps4 still ahsn,t passed the 3ds?
But it did buddy, maybe you should stop living in the past

Literally because a 5 in the title would scare newcomers away.

Barioth armor doesn't get enough art.

Bravely 3rd with non-chibi models.
Get ready

stinky hunter pusy!

>check reviews
>"Monster Hunter World is the game that finally got me into the series"
>"After years of trying, this is the one"

whoa..... so this... is the power...... of western appeal........

Sure it would.
Whatever lets you not have buyers remorses user.

guess they finally decided to make MonHun into a good game.

The only reason it's not called MH5 is because they felt World fit what they were doing far better. It IS MH5 and the first 5th gen game in all but name.

Sorry, you are not getting the 'real' MH game, and you definitely arent getting World. Too bad, so sad!

Would this game be a good start to get into Monster Hunter with? I've tried playing 4, but didn't really get too far with it.

Is her hair her panties?

>Not having Biology
Come to think of it, are armour skills still in World?

Street Fighter 5 isn't called Street Fighter World. Numbered entries are VERY important in Japan. If it flops there will be a Monster Hunter 5. Calling it Monster Hunter World allows them to have their cake and eat it too: market it as a mainline entry and pretend it was a spin-off if it underperform.

Monster fur.

yes cavegirls had hairy pussies and asses



>What went right bros?
Sony going into overdrive, shoring up the marketing expenses completely and properly supporting the game to make good with the fuckup they did with the way MHP3RD was handled which led to MH being moved to Nintendo systems in the first place.

Boi that's even better

Definitely not the music. It's terrible

I hate the 3ds because it fucks the controls for a 3d action game up the ass and has a tiny pixelated screen that probably COULD have been higher quality if it wasn't for the totally necessary obligatory nintendo gimmick.

>Capcom having console loyalty
People should have noticed this shit when they took Megaman X to the Playstation decades ago, how is anyone still surprised at this point?
Yes, I know the majority is shitposting, but some idiots probably really think it.

>trying to take the thicc chibis away

Get bent

Cavepeople were pretty based

my fetish

I hate the sound design in general. I get that they're doing some 'readability' shit where every sound is really distinct but it just sounds obnoxious. It was fine the way it was before.

enjoy your beta test so(n)y boys
I'll play the definitive version of this game on my pc in a few months

Is it better to get Monhun world now or later when all the drops and percentages are discovered and documented on some wiki?


Pray that the game is moddable enough on PC so there's a chance sound replacement mods might happen

The game has an in game encyclopedia that you can fill out through gameplay. It should be more than sufficient and less annoying than relying on this game's version of kiranico not being shit.

is it viable to play this on mouse and keyboard

Everything. From the game itself to the Nintendo fanboys tears.

I mean, you're going to be grinding that one fucking monster for parts regardless, plus World has the decency to show some parts of the future upgrade tree paths in-game. Not much point in waiting.

If they follow the Monster hunter online keybinds, sure.

Difference being that SF4 was actually big in the west too. With MHW they're expecting westerners who've never played MH before to play it aswell. A 5 would be too daunting.


I really think the biggest reason it isn't on Nintendo is because it can't run on a Nintendo platform without it being seriously reworked. And Capcom isn't SE, they aren't gonna waste resourse making a parallel version like SE did with DQ

screencap this

mh world will have terrible worldwide sales numbers on ps4

だめだめよ ちょっと待って下さい

When is the pc release?

Oh that's cool, might get it then

Only played monhun 3 Ultimate myself, and the grinding it that put me off monhun games for a while. Might be time to get back into them

Nobody cares about you enough to screencap your shitty post.

That's probably a good reason and a good reason to why Switch will be going through this gen missing most of the AA-AAA multiplats PS4-Xbone-PC get to share.


Fucking casual. Leave this board and don't talk to or my Meowby Dick ever again

This is the will of Kazuo Hirai taking manifest. Never doubt the power of 2 meter tall Playstation guy

Sure thing pal :^)

am i doing it rite? :^)



>BOTW and Mario get 97
>i-it doesn't count!!!
>MHW gets 91 (likely going down to 80)
>s-see the game is great!!

what do cavegirl farts smell like?

In Japan non-numbered game = spin-off. So we'll see if the extra sales in the West make up for the lost sales in their home market. If not I expect to see MH5 as I said. Nevertheless, Monster Hunter needed a check-up and it's always good to keep platform holders, Nintendo in this case, on their toes; I'm simply really doubtful about the commercial viability of this move.

Serious talk. Will he be in and how much will they have changed?

It's gonna be the Wii all over again. Some last gen ports will make everyone believe it'll get real 3rd party support. Then companies will release a and exclusive or two, then claim they didn't sell and abandon ship.

Not that's it's entirely bad. The Switch is an accessory console, which should be bought to play Nintendo exclusives alongside either a current gen console, or a PC.


fuck that faggot I hope he dies in real life


Yeah that's rather unfortunate to be honest, especially given how the switch has the 8 local multiplayer going on. That'd be a blast with friends.

Maybe I can hope for one a couple of years after.

There is a difference though: there is a reason to play multiplatform games on Switch, even worse versions of multiplatform games, and that never was the case with Nintendo previous consoles. I get that a fair share of people couldn't care less, but portability is truly a big deal for some.

To difficult for the casuals.

Never played a MH game before. What makes this one more "western" than the older games?
Also can I start with any game or is each game a direct sequel to the last one?

If they had to remake the assets from the ground up they probably had to make new animations and hitboxes that takes less piss. That alone would make him a lot easier.

none of the games has really had a proper story (until this one, I guess) so you can just get World

>Only console/handheld I own is the 3DS
>Can't voice my opinion on how shit it is because that means I'm a console warrior that owns a PS4 even though I've never even seen a PS4

>Never played a MH game before. What makes this one more "western" than the older games?
People call it western because of the out-of-place stealth mechanic of hiding in bushes and the like and the Witcher-style trail following over the old paintball system. It really isn't that big a deal though and I doubt any old players would even use the stealth mechanic, it looks unnecessary.

And yes, you can start with any, there isn't much of an ongoing story.

The women are uglier