You've gained the power to travel to other universes with an infinite number of variations, but only for the purpose of playing video games. Which theoretical video game would you play first?
You've gained the power to travel to other universes with an infinite number of variations...
A good Starbound
Does a Holodeck count as vidya?
The first thing I want to play is an idealized World of Warcraft where their quality didn't sharply decline after Wrath, and they didn't develop the attitude of half-assing things or outright dropping them mid-expansion like lazy bastards.
full body simulated reality futa cocks in and around my mouth
a survival crafting open world game
but actually good
Ace Attorney but you play as Gumshoe and you can look down at Pearl feet
A good video game.
man, i just really want a fighting game kinda like gamebeasts in that it's a 3d, casual, couch game but has a lot of gore and violent shit going on
dark souls but finished or world of warcraft but not casualized and soulless.
Ill go to a universe where Sony and Nintendo actually made a console together, and are but one company making games
Nintystation 5 is pretty fantastic
>Which theoretical video game would you play first?
One where op is not a tremendous fucking faggot poofter queer
Not videogames 6
A perfect Destiny
you mean Diablo III.5: The Good Edition
Silent Hills
One where Sega makes yearly sonic games but they're all GOTY quality. Also they releasw games from all their other IPs too.
>Kid Chameleon 2 never
A universe where Danganronpa is a genuine masterpiece
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
>not playing as trucy and engaging in consensual lesbian activities with legal pearl
Elder Scrolls V from a wolrd where Todd Howard never was in Bethesda.
vampire bloodlines
The universe where Ape Escape has upwards of a dozen installments all of which improve upon one another.
First, the greatest RPG in the whole multiverse
Second, the best VR porn game ever, where everything looks exactly like real life, allowing for any sort of sex scene ad scenario, that uses a specially constructed suit to recreate smell, touch, warmth etc.
Jet Set Radio Future sequel.