New kirb footage

new kirb footage


It's pretty hard not to smile right now. I love Kirby.

seems sword has a tipper mechanic this time around

>there are people over the age of 16 that will play this crap

>Waddle Doo uses a wand instead of his eye




Stay salty over whatever shitty series you think you like.

>loads of movesets that encourage experimentation
>challenging boss rushes that test your knowledge of them
>loads of collectables locked behind puzzles
who wouldn't play it?

Would this mean it does more damage with the tip? Hopefully is that because Sword it's shit in the Arena

Think of all the possible combinations, holy fuck.
>Dat electric sword combo

Fuck off Nintenbrostain scum.
You can hide all you like but you'll never have Monsterhunter

Good thing I have a PC, retard

Have fun waiting a year Port Cuck.

Have fun beta testing, scum

haha i love that fucking tree man

whats interesting is that each combo seems be slightly tailored to the weapon, and not just with the same effects
take a look at gazer spiral: reaching the top with a fire imbuement rains down meteors
and "walking the dog" with yoyo's throw seems to have repeated lightning strikes, doing damage in a column

doesn't bother me, monhun is overrated

Yup, Boss Rush mode in this game is going to be really interesting with all that options.

Whispy is a fucking prick.

mildly upset they only show the elemental combinations of weapons. I wanna see some weird combos like bomb+suplex or yoyo+parasol

I just want to see more suplex.


looks like copy essences got an upgrade
however how imbuements are gonna end up working with em is still up in the air, it seems

This looks like the very definition of a B-Tier game for kids. If you're above the age of 10 and excited for this, Jordan Peterson might have some harsh words for you...

Based on how they presented, I'm assuming that elemental combinations are the only combinations. Rather than be something similar to Kirby 64, it's just an upgraded version of the elemental swords/tornados/bombs from Kirby Squeak Squad. All of the elements react in a very predictable way, like Ice producing those stalagmites or icy crystals along the ground.

How can people hate Kirby?

by being over the age of 12

How can people like Kirby?
No seriously what's the appeal in a pink puffball that saves people from bad feefees?

You guys are soooooo cooooooooooooooooooooooool.

oh god I hope you're wrong and an idiot

Well you see, I'm not a 10 year old who feels the need to prove how cool and mature they are all the time

I hope the difficulty will be fair, at 4 players it should be excellent.

You're right, you're a 20+ manchild who can't break away from his childhood

It's the same fuckigng game as always. I like Kirby but I wish they'd try something new. We're due for a 3D kirby game by now.

Well, there's also the big heart parasol, so there's still other stuff the powers can do.

Also Beam gives a green electric element that looks like Spark for some reason.

This. I can't believe how similar all these games are, as a fan of Kirby in Smash, I always se trailers only to be disappointed again and again. It's like they take the New Super Mario Bros concept of rehashing old stuff and crank it to 11.

>Aren't you excited you get to see the tree that drops many fruits on your head yet again!? Aren't you happy to see he same enemies do the same stuff again?

As much as I love the copy abilities, I wish the games would give insensitive to play without them occasionally. Maybe if Nintendo ever got around to achievements we could at least have that for beating arena as vanilla kirby

They really don't need to do anything new and that's fine.
Also Kirby was debatablely "due" for a 3d game durring the N64, and that ship sailed.

Dear god i hope its not just elemental fusions, i wanted 64 tier abilities again for years

It's just "muh matur gamez" fags and sony ponies. Don't give them any attention.


Will you ACTUALLY be able to play solo and not be Kirby? Or is this just to show off the characters? I GOTTA KNOW IF I CAN BE BUGZZY THE WHOLE GAME

>They really don't need to do anything new and that's fine.
I disagree. Everything since the Wii game has just been the same thing over and over again, it's just boring at this point no matter how much gimmicky shit they slap on to hide it which immediately gets dropped in the next. I'm not saying they have to reinvent the wheel but they need to switch it up somehow because I'm not seeing any reason to buy this when I've already played the others.

Does Kirby digest his food? If so how does he take a shit?

I think the reason most people dislike Kirby is because they have different tastes and standards on what makes a great game, which isn't inherently bad. They just miss the point that Kirby isn't meant to be a complex game with a deep narrative with innovative ideas and controls.

It's just a simple platformer where you can beat the shit outta blobs as a blob that can do practically anything.

The main game always stars Kirby as player 1, but there have been extra modes where you play as other characters for a while now. Maybe we'll see a new Helper to Hero version of it where you play as a Helper through a shortened version of the main game with DX bosses.

>b-b-beta testing
Have fun with your old emulated games betaorbit

I've never had a problem with it, in fact Robobot is the best game in the series IMO. I think there's enough differences to these games to warrant buying them, new abilities, new world design, new bosses, modes, etc.
I don't think it's fair to compare this series to NSMB. It's much more along the lines of Mega Man or Pokémon.

I also do think there's anything major you can do with the formula at this point WITHOUT reinventing the wheel. Again, like Mega Man or Pokémon.

I also don't think*

What does Kirby have to gain from being 3D?

The real question is what does Kirby lose?

Simplicity for one.

>mfw I've never enjoyed a kirby game

>all these borbs in the thread.

Mario Odyssey was for kids and yet got love from older audiences as well. If you always choose to live by the words of someone else and not enjoy the little things in life, then sucks for you.

I'm worried since I enjoyed Robobot that I won't enjoy Star Allies as much because of my raised expectations.
I'm sure that it'll be fine and I'll enjoy it, but surpassing Robobot is kind of a tall order.

They tried it during the Gamecube era and it was so bad HAL cancelled it
Cutter and fire wouldnt work in 3D

You really appreciate the NES one after playing average NES games

The same engine, but they at least have something different to show in each game. RtDL was the return of Super Star abilities and console co-op, Triple Deluxe had more background/foreground interaction with its enemies and environment, Planet Robobot had the mech section which has its own unique moveset, and this game has ability combination plus the return of helpers which can be played individually as well.


>footage of helpers without Kirby

Helper to Hero is returning?

Kirby's adventure is like the complete opposite of most nes games, yet it is one of the best even if it did come late in the life.

>easy (especially compared to games on the nes)
>plenty of variety
>unique stages

A new change in direction and the ability to freely roam in Kirby's world.

Helpers are a big deal and the abilty mixing will tickle Kirby 64 fan's fancy.

That beach level at 0:54 looks so GORGEOUS
Feels so good to finally see Kirby in HD

The sheer quality is astounding for me, the sprites, animation, controls and everything is so tight and solid it seems more like a big budget SNES title


Really disappointed with this trailer. I was under the impression that we would get actual power combinations a la crystal shards, but it seems that we are only getting elemental infusions like in squeak squad.

Still trying to decide if it's gonna be $48 good. I've honestly not played a Kirby since Superstar and the only other one I played was the original Dream Land. Maybe it's time.

dude have you even played any games on an emulator

His platformers are pretty stagnant. It’s not NSMB-tier, but it’s close.

So if Star Allies ends up having DLC like other popular Nintendo games on the Switch, would you buy it?

does this game have online coop? otherwise I don't see myself playing it for long

they really pushed the nes to it's limits with that game like holy hell was that ambitious but god damn did it work out so well.

20 ability's with sprite limitations and that's not even factoring in the other stuff.

Yeah, but Kirby has never stood out to me beyond Superstar. I know I'm probably wrong, but there has never been one that kicked me in the cock and made me want to buy it. What do you suggest I play?


Have fun playing old ass games while we move on to playing newer and better games you fucking faggot

wouldn't expect it seeing HAL's attitude towards it so far but helpers are controlled via cpu and they're probably smarter than ever

nightmare in dreamland, then amazing mirror
get super star ultra if you can, its a huge improvement

>There are people

If you have a 3DS I recommend Planet Robobot, but Return to Dreamland for the Wii is similar and emulate-able.

>I've honestly not played a Kirby since Superstar and the only other one I played was the original Dream Land.
In that case, you might wanna catch up. Extra modes have started making callbacks to earlier games, and most Kirby titles are easy to emulate. If you like the Super Star style gameplay, I'd recommend getting Desmume for Super Star Ultra and Dolphin for Return to Dreamland. If your computer can run Citra, then also go for Triple Deluxe and Robobot, the latter of which is a big contender for best in the series alongside Super Star Ultra.

That is sadly the case, but I still like this since Squeak Squad didn't fully realize its potential for power fusion and this one is.

depends what exactly your looking for, example if you like great cave then you'd like Kirby amazing mirror.

I've actually replayed Super Star a lot for the past 20 years, is Ultra different enough? Thinking about doing Amazing Mirror.

>saves people from bad feefees
You mean like every other Nintendo game, or games in general, in existence?

>that beach level
Kirby needed this jump to HD

it has new content such as helper to hero, revenge of the king, meta knightmare ultra and easily the best: the TRUE arena

There's also some new touch mini games that are kinda fun.

It's a shame that after a while, some series just start to look aesthetically... well, re-used. Recycled, for the same of delivering the exact same experience with just a new gimmick thrown in. New Super Mario Bros DS was new at the time, but then they started to re-use the same assets over and over and New Super Mario Bros just didn't seem all that new any longer to those who played the original one.

That's sort of the main gripe I had with the whole yarn premise thing as well, it was new, but then they started to re-use it and it just got worn out.

Mario & Luigi's starting to feel like this to me as well as of lately, as well as the Pokemon titles in the 3DS (not so much the overworld where you can tell XY and USUM apart for instance, but the battles).

Literally who? What is this kiddy shit? Are you 8? Get off my Sup Forums this instance.

>yfw Helper to Hero revamped mode comes back

too many question marks, too commanding
6/10 bait

I don't think it's even most people that dislike people, just the few that hasn't gotten use to its gameplay.

>those insane powers
>against all those slow, bumbling enemies
Kirby is a horrible bully

Oh look another game for braindead drooling retards

I really hope so it's gonna be rad.

Platformers in general are inferior. You run from left to right, occasionally, from right to left and that's it. I used to dig that stuff when I was 6 or 7 and just discovered video games. Some of them evolved into Metroidvania-style games and that's a good thing, you get a sense of accomplishment by playing those. I just can't bring myself to playing regular platformers, I'm not having fun. What's the point? Getting score? That doesn't do anything for my character, I don't get any loot, no new abilities, no experience points.

Didn't you use the same bait as last time?

Same, this looks like such a fun time. This power combination thing is triggering my Kirby 64 nostalgia.

just ignore him and he'll move on.

You fags are the reason why video games are so piss easy nowadays

You don't like them and that's okay, you don't need to try to justify it with us. Look forward to the next non-linear platformer and give Kirby a pass :)