Dragon Quest 11

Reminder that this is the worst entry in the series, with the worst story in the series. Worst possible send-off for Hero. Do not buy this game.

I'm gonna buy it

I would care if DQ was actually good

Dragon Quest IX is the only bad game.

DQ games put me to sleep, the only good thing about them is Toriyama's art

>he can read Japanese and beat the game already
Prove it

Gonna pirate it on 3ds, buy it when it's released on switch. DQ is handheld experience.

すみません ...


I'm listening.

>Do not buy this game.

They're already convinced English audiences hate Dragon Quest s-stop it

Buy this game even if it's dogshit it's the only way

This just makes me more excited because the opposite of what Sup Forums says is always true.

Can someone give me a tier list of all dragonquest games and their platforms?

You're a good person at heart. You deserve nice things and a happy life.

I don't actually think that, I just made a copy of Game is a shitload of fun. I haven't finished it yet, about 50 hours in. If you want proof I can take a pic of two.

It's a shit game, fuck off

>send-off for Hero

The only good games this series has is VIII and XI, so yeah youre wrong

I know. I am pretty incredible if I do say so myself.

>worst entry in the series
That's IX
>with the worst story in the series
Also IX, or something like I that has no story.

fuck you, IX is much better than those nes games

I'm going to pirate it though.

Is it jealously or something, you literally have no ammunition besides sub subliminal messaging. Don't Buy This Cause I Say So!

People like shitting on 9 for deviating on a lot of things but they did combat/gameplay/system right. The job system was the best one we ever had. We just need to have that on a 8 like story/atmosphere

but thats wrong

Fuck you, faggot. I'll spend mommy's money any way I damn well please.

>The job system was the best one we ever had.
The job system sucked because it was designed for the infinite postgame grindanshit only, you didn't even need to reclass in the main story.

Is that the one with that fucking stupid magic train?

>optional post game content is bad

the fuck dude, just dont do it? It is better than what we have on previous titles. They can add some optional dungeon and then some optional post grinding

Good job OP reverse psychology will get people to buy my game, here's your shekels.

Is Veronica the best party member in the series?
How's her party chat?

Yeah. The whole game is built around co-op, and as a result the characters in your party don't matter at all. It doesn't even make sense to have them there story-wise. Combat is fun however and it is a good game to play if you're sick of pokemon on the ds iguess. But it's not a good DQ

Even if it sucks, it introduced a lot of skills, weapons, monsters and a new weapon class to the series, so it has its merits i guess

Its impossible to be worse than 2

She is usually very cocky. I prefer Martina even though I have a thing for lolis. As usual, most of the time they don't even say anything interesting, just a tiny explanation of what you are doing. I guess SE expect people to use the party talk option when they are feeling lost.


Fuck you 9 is the best

>all these people shitting on DQ IX because for being like DQ I-III

>9fag is dumb
Not surprised



Maribel is just a giant slutwhore. Let me guess, you like to be stepped on by other people don't you?

OP, did you really just copy and paste the Yakuza 0 thread? This is sad even for Sup Forums

Those games where largely not linear and required interaction with NPCs and exploration to progress, all things IX fails at.

thanks for making a DQ thread op. I finally beat DQB last night on my vita and it was a fantastic game. I can't wait for the second one.

But the thing about the ending I don't get is that I thought the hero was supposed to die but it shows him rebuilding the kingdom at the end?

worst girl

I see you didn't play her game.

I did.

>her game
VII was shit

When has a DQ game ever been good?

I'm going to buy it but not at release. SE won't get away with cucking the West again.

Yea yakuza 6 as well

>I'm going to give them my money
>but they won't get away with it!

> He likes RPGs with bad story and characters

If you buy a game when it's at the bargain bin at 15$, they basically get nothing.

You clearly didn't as Maribel is somewhat of a prude.
Weird way to spell The best.

Maribel STINKS

Why does the final boss look so stupid?


Shoul i buy XI?

I loved 8, but hated 9 and 3

>waifufag has shit taste
i guess some things never change

That doesn't look so bad. The real crime is this shitty party comp. What the fuck were you thinking?

Who is the hottest DQ girl?

the face isn't perfect enough

Jessica close 2nd


nice looking water



The background in this game always looks beautiful. Pretty much everything that is not human/humanoid looks amazing.

The characters not so much.

> Sylvia
Why does he exist?

No contest.

Awful hair.

>characters not so much
Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

Fuck off faggot.


He is one of the most fun party members though. Not everything needs to be about your sjw shit, he is still fun as a character and the trans shit isn't even pushed in your face all the time.

where are the news? fall ended time ago

This guy

Awful taste.

To bring happiness.

Just look at them standing up. Their legs are too skinny and far too long so they look like shit when standing up like pic related.

>ps4 and 3ds

What the fuck?


3DS version is remade with shitty DS graphics

>beautiful brown sisters
can u fuckin' imagine

He isn't really trans, he's an effeminate male.

Row's the only party member that i don't like, why can't he stay in that dang shaolin temple, fuck off Row

When the fuck are they going to give us an update on the western release.

>Can someone give me a tier list of all dragonquest games and their platforms?

Only games in the series worth playing are 4, 5, 7, 8. 4 & 5 are on DS, 7 & 8 on 3DS.
Haven't played 11 yet so I can't comment on that.

>When the fuck are they going to give us an update on the western release.
Probably E3 and then release it during the autumn/winter months.

play 8 on ps2 imo

2, 6 and 9 are definitely worse than 11. Before somebody breaths down my neck about it I still like 2, 6 and 9.

>built around co-op
The fuck is this idiot talking about? I put like 200 hours into the game and never touched co-op at all.

>play 8 on ps2 imo
I prefer the ps2 version as well, but it's not as easy to play as the 3DS version.

Well I don't know about the right nomenclature but he refers to himself as a woman. Whatever the fuck you people call that these days.

Their legs look fine to me, stumpy.

Mobile version is best for DQ4, since it has party chat.

Alright, shitposter.

>not mentioning 3
god just fucking shut up and sit down

>Not included the highest rated DQ game of all time that figures in top 10 lists of games in Japan every single time one is made

Why people hate Row so much?