have any games made you feel physically ill?
Have any games made you feel physically ill?
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Street Fighter 4, I got so sick of getting laggy matches I broke a keyboard and made me have a stomach ache because of stress
No More Heroes. Driving around in the city made me nauseous.
Playing 6 hours of Sonic Mania the day it launched gave me motion sickness.
Loved the game, though.
Minecraft in VR, made the mistake of switching to third person.
When I was a teenager I used to play Fifa all day long, if I played it until 10 or 11pm I was guaranteed to wake up that night and have a panic attack. It happened everytime I played Fifa late into the night and stopped when I stopped playing it altogether. I realised the same thing happens now if I play Rocket League after 9pm at night, I can play it all day long but if it goes past 9pm I will have a panic attack that night. I don't understand it, and panic attacks are scary as fuck.
mirror's edge
if I played for more than 30m in a row I felt TERRIBLE
the game of real life
The sailing in Black Flag kinda messed with me at first
I once smoked dude lmao and played hotline miami
the gore made me vomit
never duded again
>Sisters friend comes over to hang out with her
>They are both nerds who like video games
>Tell her friend that she should play dark souls and let them use my ps3 to play
>I go out to see friends and hang out all day
>come back at like 8 pm
>The girl is still playing dark souls
>I make some food and sit next to her
>something smells bad
>smells distinctly like shit
>She says "wow that meat sure does smell bad"
>"yea ha ha"
>I Know it's not my food
>Realize that this girl straight up shit her self while playing dark souls and just fucking wallowed in it on my sisters bed
>Come close to vomiting on the spot
>leave the room without saying another word
One of the most disgusting experiences I had with a girl thing is she was not obviously fat or autistic and looked normal but she probably was wallowing in her own shit for a while.
I was repulsed by Bioshock, what a shitty time
Fallout 4 VR
Handsome Jack city in BO2 sendt me spinning. Never felt so bad in my life. Everything spun for a day or so.
yes playing subnautica stoned
Dead Space on PC. The camera is so weird it made me dizzy.
This fucking game here did, with all the shitty motion blur and horrible controls making me feel nauseated after an hour of gameplay. When my brother came in to say wanna play LOL, I gladly uninstall that Kane n Lynch 2 in a heartbeat and never touch that shit again.
I one time beat all difficulty levels as the dwarf in dragons crown and played to the point where my head hurt. I soon afterward just rushed to get all the art. Now when ever I look at dragons crown I remember that headache and feel sick.
I'm not even photosensitive but SYNDICATE gave me head/eye aches for real. Like how did they even got past play testing
When I encounter the fat body in a video game, the disappointment that follows is so hot and pure that there is, as a matter of self-care, an urgent need to remove myself from the moment and get on a plane.
I refuse to accept that in the world of prestige video games — AAA in industry speak — a body like mine and those of the people I love and admire, can only exist in one of two ways: a cheap laugh or a site of disgust, usually both. After the refusal is a bloom of something hope-adjacent. Perhaps somewhere on Twitter a fan community has rehabilitated this particular depiction into something empathetic and inclusive, or at the very least, cute, as they so often do.
In 2018, the AAA video game remains our most persuasive and powerful cultural product. And yet it almost exclusively depicts the fat body, my body, as a noxious threat, a monstrosity, an object of ridicule, something to be dealt with violently. But why?
Spyro 1 becoming seasick from that fucking game
Playing s.t.a.l.k.e.r with the stupid head bobbing. Some based user told me about this thing and how to diable it.
Scat is not hot user my sister fucking slept on that bed afterwards.
A friend of mine had motion sickness issues when playing Overwatch, and had to take a break every few hours when we played.
MGSV, Overwatch.
Journey gave me a headache with all the bloom and loud music. Amazing game though.
Max Payne 3 hurt to look at with all those post processing effects when Max gets drunk.
my body wasn't made for this shit, I feel sick in five minutes
>futbol causes eurofags to have panic attacks
Checks out.
I experience acid reflex every time I play fallout 3
Ride to Hell: Retribution
>Game runs at 30 fps
>has a shit ton of motion blur
>gave me a migraine within 20 minutes
How do console fags play with this shit? I wasn't even playing, either. I was watching my gf play it.
Any game that's """60 fps"""
I don't get it. It doesn't even look good. It just looks like everything is fast forwarded.
I never had a problem with the original games, but
Spyro : Enter The Dragon gave me horrible motion sickness as a kid. I mean migraines so strong I ended up in bed trying not to vomit.
The camera zooms in whenever you charge IIRC and that did it for me.
Trying Minecraft in VR for the first almost made me fall over. It was so jarring especially because I was standing up and it was my first VR game. It was also pretty shitty anyways
Inb4 muh Minecraft. It was a free demo so I thought I'd try it
t. fucking plebeian
>How do console fags play with this shit?
you get used to it after a while
t. someone who alternates pc consoles every 5 years or so
Kara no Shojo
after a few hours of Killing Floor 2 on lowest graphics, my eyes fehalf melted
I fucking hate its camera.
lol dumbass
My first time playing Amnesia
but maybe I was just sick that day
How old was she?
I get motion sickness with low FOV and high movement. Same thing happens when I'm lost in a video game and don't know where to go. Jedi knight 2 was a nightmare, holy fuck
I remember feeling sick to my stomach the first time I saw Doom on a 486 back in the day. Don't know if it was the gore, or the 3D motion. Maybe a combination of both.
18 years old
I kept playing this pirated version of SS2, I feel it had some HD texture mod and super low FOV, I could not finish the game cause it made me feel like shit
I rented this game as a child, I played for ten minutes before vomiting from motion sickness
Kill yourself
They simply are ok with horrible things.
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened.
There was something really odd about the FoV and movement, I couldn't play it for longer than 10 minutes at a time because it would make me nauseous.
Only game to do that to me besides Borderlands.
What? That's insane. Is she a mongoloid?
witch's house
what the fuck was that ending
she probably sharted before you came in and was mortified the whole time
That's pretty hot.
Stardew Valley's fishing minigame. God only knows why.
Shadow Warrior 2, the camera. Overwatch, bright effects the game. Borderlands 1, 60 fov.
>what the fuck was that ending
"We want to make you feel bad even when you have finished game and nightmare is over" That sort of thing
The fov in Marathon was originally much lower than the source port default
That combined with the awful repeating textures and panoramic mouse look was very difficult to stomach
world of warcraft. it's not nauseating but I have a hard time focusing, the perspective is weird.
Because we're disgusting. I feel alienated by other fat people, fucking sugestivity man.
I've never played it but WoW always looked like Technicolor vomit
Being in an area with a lot of players with various effects and accessories with highly saturated colors just looks obnoxious.
Sonic The Hedgehog ('06)
I think it might be a vsync or refresh rate, or resolution issue. it never happened when I played on older machines but when I got a better pc and good monitors I started noticing it. but every other game is fine.
MGS 5 Ending.
MIrror's Edge almost killed me.
Dat motion sickness, holy shit.
Worth the pain though.
>Try again
>3 minute wait
I'd get nauseous from having to play a game that kept taking me out to wait
Truth real
I can't stand first person games, makes me nauseating.
Weak balance suck.
>really want to beat Duke Nukem 3D
>every time i try to play I get insane headaches
Maybe it's because of the old graphics, but i have no problem playing the old Doom games.
>maybe because of the old graphics
>this older game doesn't give me headaches tho
the metro level in Mirror's Edge, the sense of panic was overwhelming and i couldn't continue to play the game anymore.
>Dark Forces and Rise of the Triad
Something about the lighting, movement and camera made me nauseous to the point of almost vomiting
>Duke Nukem 3D and Abuse
The levels creeped me out in so much that I got bowel movement from playing them.
Again, the whole what's up/what's down in combination with the tight spaces and low resolution made me almost vomit.
I don't recall having trouble with newer games at all.
what version are you playing?
The panoramic sky is usually irksome to newcomers
There should be a mod that turns the Sky into a skybox if you're on Eduke
Duke Nukem 3D
Whenever I try to play it I get severe motion sickness
Which sucks because it's a really fun game
That one game by Brianna Wu.
Every time I see its unnatural alien creatures my stomach clenches.
How does it feel to be 12?
I get nauseous after playing Antichamber for about 30 Minutes.
I wish I was twelve.
Then my body wouldn't ache so much, and I'd have my whole life ahead of me.
Duke Nukem 3D
I'm pretty strong against motion/visual sickness, but I heard HL2 on the Xbox gives most people headaches. Also, bit.trip runner on the wii gave most people I know nausea.
Prisoners of war for the ps2
The megaton edition on steam.
>Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days
>the first goddamn level
>that super unpleasant head-bob and screen distortion
that was so unnecessary. one of the rare times a game gave me motion sickness
fuck you fat fuck
Damn. I'm really sorry to hear that.
Please excuse my immature comment. I hope you have a nice day.
Kill yourself
>Street Fighter IV
>Another shoto flowchart scrub opponent
>close match
>buttons didn't register at the final moments
>they won by luck
>pass the controller to friends and sat in silence trying to figure out what's wrong with my chest
Ever since then I rarely play fighters online.
Nu-DOOM and Nu-Wolf on PC at 144hz gave me motion sickness. Still fucking rad though.
It's because it uses software rendering in a 3d environment. Gotta use eduke32
Raise the FOV dude. Both games have sliders that go beyond 100°
>flowchart scrub
>still lose
you arent as good as you think you are. have you ever thought about that?
Fallout 3 gave me motion sickness until I reduced the FOV
Thanks man, I'll try using that.