Sup Forums chooses the location of the next GTA game
I voted 4 Vice City
All of those are shit options, you can only recycle the same kind of locale so many times.
Hong Kong would be great, though I doubt we'll ever see anything too creative or bold from R* again.
no guns and Rockstar is not good writing asian characters
GTA Liverpool.
GTA has been recycling location names literally since the 2D days though.
A modern Las Venturas would be amazing.
GTA New Orleans
>GTA in any place other than America
Where is my Detroit, It would be fun as heck
GTA Ireland.
Protestant vs Catholics now
Edinburgh, simply for the accents
El Paso, Texas. i want a story with lots of drug smuggling.
Anywhere in Texas
a cyberpunk city
GTA: Reykjavík.
>What is GTA: London
>a shitty spin-off game that bears no relevance today, just like GTA: Chinatown
>gets BTFO
>"i-it's shitty tho!"
>mentioning some mediocre spin-off means I'm BTFO
protip: GTA didn't become extremely popular until GTA 3 which was based in New York City, and the series' identity is entirely based on mocking American pop-culture and tropes
maybe play the series before talking about it, anglo retard
he made a better point than you retard
>gets BTFO
>"i-i wasn't!"
Are all Amerimutts this retarded?
>implying I'm american
Are all anglos retarded?
Hong Kong/Macau in early 30s
Isn't Carcer City GTA Chicago?
>las vegas
>not las venturas
>Amerimutt is ashamed of his country
I guess the answer is yes.
Whats really left? all iconic US crime infested cities have been done already. Jew York (twice), LA (twice), Miami.
>t. eurofag
It's like saying "Legend of Zelda takes place in Hyrule too much".
It's part of the games mythos dude.
If it's not in a fictional parody of a violent, crime ridden american city then I'm not gonna play it.
I don't think it's possible for them to do something that isn't America. It's their bread and butter. Also I don't think we're ever getting anything that isn't present day from them.
That being said my vote is Tokyo or somewhere in Asia.
Tokyo would give opportunities for the greater city area as well as the countryside that surrounds it.
ich bin aus Österreich, verzögerte Anglo
>mein gesicht wann anglo in meiner nähe
how the fuck is Australia winning?
none of those are even in the top 10 for crime.
None of those
New Orleans
>french niggers
>swamp rednecks
>Mardi gras
They need to do something new, and I don't mean just a new city. Maybe a different time period? GTA in the 50s? GTA in the future? GTA on a off earth colony?
>That being said my vote is Tokyo or somewhere in Asia.
>Tokyo would give opportunities for the greater city area as well as the countryside that surrounds it.
Jesus, can there be a more generic choice? And I say that as someone who has lived in Tokyo.
do GTA london but you're a muslim immigrant and there's no guns. Eventually you become mayor of london and sell the city out to your homeland.
>GTA Tokyo
Yakuza is a joke these days. Might as well be a real estate agent simulator with the occasional brawls
Okay. Quickly, without listing games that aren't driving games or games that are made in Japan, what game from a western developer has done a really good job of representing Tokyo as a city.
real shit: do we even need another GTA game? we've been basically playing the same concept/gameplay since 2001
Some cozy slavic style suburb surronded by forrests and lot of tunnels
I dunno. Why would Western devs need to do that? And Tokyo is very well represented all over the internet. It's every weeb's wet dream. Everyone and their mother has been there.
Carcer city is Detroit right? I love industrial zones in GTA, the contryside and the harbor zone are the best zones in V, better than the boring city.
>no slav city
shit thread
Don't worry. There will still be plenty of totally original jrpg's for you to play.
dont even play jrpgs faglord
Different people have different perspectives on places around the world, that's obvious. I think it's interesting to see their idea of what a location can be play out in games.
A bunch of Japanese people at Capcom can make a game like Dead Rising and it turns out to be a funny, interesting take on what an American Mall is like. United Front took good care into portraying Hong Kong in Sleeping Dogs and we ended up with a pretty neat version of the city in that game.
I think Rockstar could do something interesting with Tokyo because its like no city they've ever done in a GTA game before. Plus, it has the things that you'd probably want out of the open world.
A) A City
B) Water
C) Forests and Not City outside of Tokyo.
You need a florida place like orlando or Jacksonville
>Implying we will ever get a GTA VI when GTA Online is racking up 380 million + in profit every trimesters
It'd be shit unless it was to scale, in which case it would be way too fucking big. Besides, we already have Mad Max.