Explain what makes Dark Souls a masterpiece.
Explain what makes Dark Souls a masterpiece
bad thread.
it's way too flawed to be a masterpiece but the combat is fun and the weapon and armor design is enjoyable.
Because darksouls is the darksouls of cuphead
It's not. Kinoborne is.
I hit things, numbers go up and I can never really die.
Because it's original.
Because normies thought it was hard for some reason.
>Steal Monster Hunter's gameplay but make it a million times easier.
well, i don't have to think of a reason to play it. i know i'd have fun if i did.
Whoa Monster Hunter had invasions?!
its like a combat focused zelda with one of the greatest interconnected maps of all time
It was a different time
It was challenging (a rarity in gaming now),
and it had a cool lore that could only be discovered by actually playing and experiencing the game.
the first half.
compared to everything that came out in 2011 this was a breath of fresh air
There are thousands of youtube videos on the subject
Stop making shitty threads
You probably never even played MH or DaS, you fucking retard.
I just love how depressing and gloomy the areas get the further you go down.
It's not. I would just say that it's a good game.
Why do people here always need to be contrarian about fucking EVERYTHING? Why, just why... This is an anonymous forum, nobody cares, for fucks sake. Fuck this place
I think it did interconnected world design the best out of any game. The best part about playing a souls game for the first time is exploring the world as it comes to you and dark souls had the best.
that map is a kind of retarded
It's not a masterpiece, but it nails a lot of things most games don't like difficulty, lore, and atmosphere. It shows other developers how to use video games as a storytelling medium without being movies. They could learn even more from studying Nier: Automata. Unfortunately, game devs seem to be following the Uncharted , The Last of Us, and Until Dawn method of telling a story. Those are okay games, but they don't play to the strengths of the interactive medium as well as they could.
>one of the greatest interconnected maps of all time
I remember when those were standard in action adventure games. Dark Souls' isn't even very good. It's too fucking tiny to be impressive.
It promoted exploration in a time where every other fucking rpg did not.
That made it special to me.
Literally nothing, it's an ovverated piece of shit.
It is. New Londo is not the lowest point
You know, OP, for like a year I've been meaning to make a video to post here explaining how I think it's great, since I've almost never seen my position exposited. Kept putting it off. But now I'm going to. Thanks for being the final straw (in a good way).