Yume Nikki Dream Diary

2018 game of the year inbound

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> Not pixel graphics

Not sure about that bro.

duhh muh pixelshit

While I do like that it's a 3D remake with Kikiyama's involvement, those graphics and price leave a bit to be desired. However, this is certainly one of the best outcomes to that countdown, so I can't say I'm excited.

>Looks like stock 3d assets placed straight into a demo copy of maya
Not even gonna reply to your sorry ass.

>3d graphics
oh god here we go...
the original was fucking perfect, why do they have to ruin it now..

why us of all people

dumb wojak posters

so they're taking elements from undertale...?

This looks absolutely fucking abysmal. I really hope the screens released so far aren't representative of the game as a whole. How can you soil something this badly?

Yeah it being a game is for sure the b3st outcome but do far it looks like it will leave room for improvement

>recent indie juggernauts

Kodokawa, but Sup Forums would eat anything up including shit

>asset store quality 3D

but at least it's not a lazy pixelshit cashgrab sequel. and 3D has the potential to be more scary/moody
but the quality of that 3D leaves me cautious
I feel like they could have gone with meme low-poly (to fit with the meme pixel trash of the first game) or at least a more stylized look like Inside


Sup Forums doesn't know about their issues and those that do are excited about the game. Don't try to convince them to stray away, it's useless

Which one, Sup Forums?

eyes on left look cringe so the left one is worse

both are garbage

The 3D Model makes her look like melting papier-mâché.
And yet the 2D art is super neat looking and striking.

This is going to be weird, isn't it?

they should have just used this model


So this will be contained on PC, right? I want this to remain a PC exclusive.

Apart from her model I actually kinda like the shitty budget PS2 game vibe. If it's done right it could lead to some real uncanny valley shit.

>uncanny valley
You have no idea what this phrase means.


No one cares about your cringey little furshit "anime".

>uncanny valley shit.
Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.


honestly I would have preferred a port of the original with quality of life changes

> faster movement speed / easier to use bike effect
> not grid-based movement
> some kind of map?

these may be bad examples but my point is the look of the original game was never an issue to me, it's just aged poorly in other areas. making it polygonal is the wrong direction IMO if they aren't going to make it stylized. it looks like a generic budget unity game with bad lighting.

$20 fan game

And here we go with the contrarians being retarded.

those qol changes sound gay as fuck

that kills the purpose of the game

not everything needs to be anime weebcuck faggot

It's not like generic unity 3d look is better though.

It looks alright. I always thought Yume Nikki was a cute character.

>getting this mad because someone has a different onion than you

>unironically naming it dream diary dream diary
Truly, we have become yume nikki.

It's much better than what you posted for sure. The more you people bitch the more it looks like you have much worse ideas than what we are getting.

Can anybody give me this picture from the website without all the text and shit in front of it? I would fucking love this for a wallpaper.

>a literal walking simulator

Neck you'reselfs

I'm really fucking excited but I'm a little wary of the 3D art so far, especially madotsuki's model. I really hope that she isn't super ugly looking like she kind of seems to be.

I wasn't agreeing with that guy though, it's bad even for a 3d "anime" style.
I just think the style here look cheap and a bit unstylized, not everyone who disagree is the same person or group.
Personally I think that both are roughly equally kind of bad for different reasons.

Yeah I can't believe they deleted the original, it's disgusting they're forcing us play a remake in 3d

are you fucking retarded? the whole point of Yume Nikki is getting lost deeper and deeper in dreams, you people that play for completion and try to find every little thing ruin the point of the game.

There is nothing inherently wrong with walking simulators besides most of them being boring as fuck, just like VNs.
I would be happy to post on Sup Forums or /jp/ if that was authorized but Sup Forums are the places where we are the most tolerated.

>game has shitty design

Just cause I'm feeling nice
Learn to right click to page's information and then go to media

thanks a million user, I tried that but for some reason I could only find this cropped version that I guess would be a good mobile wallpaper


why do you even reply to obvious bait? dude's not even trying anymore

>In its original form, RPG Maker darling YUME NIKKI was a divisively controversial work among fans. By contrast, YUMENIKKI -DREAM DIARY- is a collaborative show of the utmost respect for auteur Kikiyama's seminal release.


I don't have anything against walking simulators if they're done right, Japanese or not. I think games like LSD or YN are examples of good walking simulators.

What are they even trying to say?

Well it is pretty divided when fags argue about which of their headcanons is right concerning what the characters truly represent and what the ending really means.

Is there something wrong with that?

>eeeew those graphics are shit, they look like stock models!
Good to see even in 3D, Yume Nikki is still inaccessible to plebs with shit taste.

I don't get yume nikki
i played through it, took me for fucking ever
there is no story
there is no gameplay
it's a convoluted mess

While I get that the convoluted nature of the game is a positive for may people, I don't get it
It's an entertaining game, sure, but it's nowhere good enough for all the insane praise you're giving it

People mostly just like it because Yume is cute. The game itself is bland.

>collaborative show of the utmost respect for auteur Kikiyama's seminal release

It's shit

the pixel gave it charm and made it terrifying

3D horror is just shit, unless it's pixelated


I dunno why ppl like Yume Nikki either.

There's something to it.
For me at least, it's depressing AF. I play it and I feel sad AF. The repetitive music and the looping almost empty worlds only makes it stronger and the toriningen party it's.. it just hurts ... like real pain.

So yeah... there is "something" to Yume Nikki and either you get it or you don't.
There's no in between,

the atmosphere. the game is just fun to chill out and explore in and it's full of tons of memorable stuff that resonates with people.
>I played through it, took me for fucking ever
I think that part of your problem is probably trying really hard to complete it, that's not the right mindset.

I never really saw anyone praise this game more than something like
"the atmosphere is good" or "it's a fun exploration game"
And i bet most people here think the same, it was never something revolutionary

>3D horror is just shit
Nothing pixellated can be genuinely scary. The only great horror games ever made were 3D. I hope they don't go full-on horror here though.

Dumb pleb.

Not gonna lie.
I actually got kinda sad when I saw that.
The idea of a 3D yume nikki it's good. (it's not the fist time it has been done)
If you add some spice from other GOOD rpgmaker games that got influenced by Yume Nikki.
It's a good idea.
But... Kadoawa...
I bet it will be a crappy jumpscare festival with some bullshit story forced into it.
but you know what?

It was bound to happen. I mean since like forever Yume Nikki has been a floating IP and then "Yume Nikki Project" appeared and was like "Yeah, kikiyama gave us the rights, for realsies."
It was just a matter of time for a big corporation like Kadokawa to get their hands into it.
There's no way kikiyama is involved. And I'm baffled to see that ppl actually believe he's involved.
There's not too much info about that person. He/she probably died or totally gave up on the proyect.

GG Yume Nikki. GG.

Same reason I like looking at salvadore dali paintings.

Holy fuck they actually released a game? I was convinced it was going to be some shitty anime or something.

It even looks good. Jesus fuck I'm hype.

how to improve yume nikki

>it was never something revolutionary
it objectively was though, it inspired a shitzillion indie games for years to come and was really the first of it's kind.

they say that Kikiyama has been giving full supervision, they'd have to have some real balls to just steal the IP and then claim he is working on it. If he saw that, and wasn't actually working on it, I'm sure he could easily sue.

> recent indie juggernauts
> game ends up having crafting, building, and survival mechanics
> main character is now a transvestite who is only a hikikimori because he's shunned from society
> battle royale multiplayer mode

But what WE can do about it?
We are Sup Forums,
We can't do anything ammirite?
We are just a bunch of losers who will let them get away with it.

So, what are the nips saying about this? Looks completely charmless to me tbhonest.

> faster movement speed / easier to use bike effect
Making each like 40% faster and being able to bind an effect to a hotkey would be neat.
>not grid-based movement
Only if it's eight directions, analog movement would feel weird.
>some kind of map?
Would clash with the looping areas and ruin the exploration, any YN fan worth their salt already knows how to effectively explore the empty worlds anyways.

>There's not too much info about that person. He/she probably died or totally gave up on the proyect
Why do people want him dead so much

Maybe they've already confirmed that he's actually dead.

I think the appeal of the original came from people stumbling on it when the Internet was a relatively new thing for them. It was creepy shit that actively made fans interact to figure out what the fuck it was about. There's something nostalgic about that.

Yume nikki is perfectly designed to keep normalfags like you out. It's working as intended.

I dunno,
Thet's the feeling the whole situation gives.

I mean the site stopped getting updated.
Basically anybody was able to say they know kikiyama and the actual kikiyama never appeared.
Also... the ending...

It's a good walking simulator that happens to be Japanese.

Will it be called Yume Nikki -Yume Nikki- in Japan?

I am dropping this immediately if they try to give it a story. Part of what made the original so good was how vague and mysterious everything was.

>walking around in mspaint backgrounds collecting two dozen items of which the majority do fucking nothing is better if you keep a dream journal and have a tulpa
fuck off.

This. For a lot of people it was just a combination of discovering it at the right age, at a certain moment in time where things like this were not common and still surrounded by an aura of "mystery".
Remember that, at the time, even liking anime let alone anything weeby was considered pretty weird.

Doesn't mean you could just steal an IP off a dead man and lie abotu collaborating with them, even if dead Kikiyama must still have relatives that could start a lawsuit unless now the story is Kikiyama drove a bus full of his relatives and friends off a cliff in a suicide pact.

>3D horror is just shit, unless it's pixelated
LSD is pretty spooky, it depends on how well the game makes everything feel wrong
>Nothing pixellated can be genuinely scary
I don't know man, there are a lot of spooky RPG maker games out there.

Yummy Kikes fans on suicide watch, now the undertale crowd will ruin your so special walking simulator.

>From the team that brought you the critically acclaimed Alice: Madness Returns

I bet people who go to art museums bewilder you too.
>Why would they waste their time looking at pictures on a wall!?

The Japanese are pretty sensitive about shit like death
And stealing a dead man or maybe even a suicide victim's IP is pretty fucked up
I doubt that's something they'll do to make a game that probably won't be very popular

I would fucking love an Alice Madness styled YN game

yume 2kki > yume nikki
prove me wrong

Wheter Kikiyama is dead or alive;
Kadokawa already got the copyrights so... there's no way back. Ask the ppl who created KND and The PPG. They can't do Shit about it since CN ows the IP. Just to give an example.

They already got away with it.

What does art museums have to do with a video game? Or are you one of those pretentious little shits who pretends like this has a deep and interesting story?